

                               2021-2022 Regular Sessions

                    IN SENATE

                                    January 20, 2021

        Introduced  by  Sens. GALLIVAN, AKSHAR, COMRIE -- read twice and ordered
          printed, and when printed to be committed to the Committee  on  Trans-

        AN  ACT  to amend the vehicle and traffic law, in relation to the opera-
          tion of vehicles  when  approaching  a  parked,  stopped  or  standing
          authorized emergency vehicle or hazard vehicle or vehicle displaying a
          blue or green light

          The  People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:

     1    Section 1. Section 1144-a of the vehicle and traffic law,  as  amended
     2  by  chapter  458 of the laws of 2011, the section heading as amended and
     3  subdivision (c) as added by chapter 97 of the laws of 2016,  subdivision
     4  (a)  as  amended by chapter 248 of the laws of 2013, and subdivision (b)
     5  as amended by section 3 of part C of chapter 58 of the laws of 2020,  is
     6  amended to read as follows:
     7    §  1144-a. Operation of vehicles when approaching a parked, stopped or
     8  standing authorized emergency  vehicle  or  hazard  vehicle  or  vehicle
     9  displaying a blue or green light. (a) 1. Every operator of a motor vehi-
    10  cle  shall exercise due care to avoid colliding with an authorized emer-
    11  gency vehicle which is parked, stopped or standing on  the  shoulder  or
    12  any  portion  of  such  highway and such authorized emergency vehicle is
    13  displaying one or more red or combination red and white lights  pursuant
    14  to  the  provisions of paragraph two of subdivision forty-one of section
    15  three hundred seventy-five of this chapter or is displaying one or  more
    16  blue, combination blue and red or combination blue, red and white lights
    17  pursuant to the provisions of subparagraph b of paragraph four of subdi-
    18  vision  forty-one of section three hundred seventy-five of this chapter.
    19  For operators of motor vehicles on parkways or controlled  access  high-
    20  ways,  such due care shall include, but not be limited to, moving from a
    21  lane which contains or is immediately adjacent  to  the  shoulder  where
    22  such  authorized  emergency  vehicle displaying one or more red, blue or

         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        S. 2270                             2

     1  white or any combination of red and white lights or blue or  combination
     2  blue  and  red or combination blue, red and white lights pursuant to the
     3  provisions of paragraph two or subparagraph  b  of  paragraph  four,  as
     4  applicable  of  subdivision  forty-one of section three hundred seventy-
     5  five of this chapter is parked, stopped or  standing  to  another  lane,
     6  provided  that such movement otherwise complies with the requirements of
     7  this chapter including, but not limited to, the provisions  of  sections
     8  eleven  hundred  ten  [of this title] and eleven hundred twenty-eight of
     9  this title.
    10    [(b)] 2. Every operator of a motor vehicle shall exercise due care  to
    11  avoid colliding with a hazard vehicle which is parked, stopped or stand-
    12  ing  on  the  shoulder or on any portion of such highway and such hazard
    13  vehicle  is  displaying  one  or  more  amber  lights  pursuant  to  the
    14  provisions  of paragraph three of subdivision forty-one of section three
    15  hundred seventy-five of this chapter  or,  if  such  hazard  vehicle  is
    16  designed  for  the  towing  or  pushing of disabled vehicles such hazard
    17  vehicle is displaying one or more amber lights or one or  more  blue  or
    18  combination  blue  and  amber lights pursuant to the provisions of para-
    19  graph three or subparagraph b-1 of paragraph  four,  as  applicable,  of
    20  subdivision  forty-one  of  section  three  hundred seventy-five of this
    21  chapter. For operators of  motor  vehicles  on  parkways  or  controlled
    22  access  highways,  such  due  care shall include, but not be limited to,
    23  moving from a lane which contains or  is  immediately  adjacent  to  the
    24  shoulder  where  (i)  such  hazard  vehicle displaying one or more amber
    25  lights pursuant to the provisions  of  paragraph  three  of  subdivision
    26  forty-one  of section three hundred seventy-five of this chapter or (ii)
    27  such hazard vehicle designed for the towing or pushing of disabled vehi-
    28  cles displaying one or more amber lights or one or more blue or combina-
    29  tion blue and amber lights pursuant to the provisions of paragraph three
    30  or subparagraph b-1 of paragraph four,  as  applicable,  of  subdivision
    31  forty-one  of  section  three  hundred  seventy-five of this chapter, is
    32  parked, stopped or standing to another lane, provided that such movement
    33  otherwise complies with the requirements of this chapter including,  but
    34  not limited to, the provisions of sections eleven hundred ten and eleven
    35  hundred twenty-eight of this title.
    36    [(c)]  3. Every operator of a motor vehicle shall exercise due care to
    37  avoid colliding with a vehicle displaying a blue light pursuant  to  the
    38  provisions of paragraph four or a green light pursuant to the provisions
    39  of  paragraph  five  of  subdivision  forty-one of section three hundred
    40  seventy-five of this chapter which is parked, stopped or standing on the
    41  shoulder or any portion of such highway. For operators of motor vehicles
    42  on parkways or controlled access highways, such due care shall  include,
    43  but  not  be  limited  to, moving from a lane which contains or is imme-
    44  diately adjacent to the shoulder where such vehicle  displaying  a  blue
    45  light  pursuant  to  the  provisions  of paragraph four or a green light
    46  pursuant to the provisions of paragraph five of subdivision forty-one of
    47  section three hundred seventy-five of this chapter is parked, stopped or
    48  standing to another lane, provided that such movement otherwise complies
    49  with the requirements of this chapter including, but not limited to, the
    50  provisions of sections eleven hundred ten  and  eleven  hundred  twenty-
    51  eight of this title.
    52    (b)  1.   An operator of a motor vehicle who causes physical injury as
    53  defined under article ten of the penal law as  a  result  of  recklessly
    54  failing  to  exercise  due  care in violation of subdivision (a) of this
    55  section shall be guilty of a class A misdemeanor punishable by a fine of
    56  not less than two hundred fifty  dollars  nor  more  than  five  hundred

        S. 2270                             3

     1  dollars in addition to any other penalties provided by law. A conviction
     2  for  a  second  or any subsequent violation, any of which were committed
     3  within a period of eighteen months, shall constitute a class  E  felony,
     4  punishable  by  a  fine  of not less than one thousand nor more than two
     5  thousand five  hundred  dollars  in  addition  to  any  other  penalties
     6  provided by law.
     7    2.  An  operator  of  a  motor vehicle (i) who causes serious physical
     8  injury as defined under article ten of the penal  law  as  a  result  of
     9  recklessly  failing to exercise due care in violation of subdivision (a)
    10  of this section shall be guilty of a class D felony punishable by a fine
    11  of not less than one  thousand  dollars  nor  more  than  five  thousand
    12  dollars  in  addition  to any other penalty provided by law, or (ii) who
    13  causes death as a result of recklessly failing to exercise due  care  in
    14  violation  of subdivision (a) of this section shall be guilty of a class
    15  C felony punishable by a fine of not less than  two  thousand  nor  more
    16  than  five  thousand dollars in addition to any other penalties provided
    17  by law, and by suspension of  a  license  or  registration  pursuant  to
    18  subparagraph  (xviii)  of paragraph b of subdivision two of section five
    19  hundred ten of this chapter.
    20    (c) For the purposes of this section, the term "recklessly" shall have
    21  the same meaning as defined in section 15.05 of the penal law.
    22    § 2. Paragraph b of subdivision 2 of section 510 of  the  vehicle  and
    23  traffic  law  is amended by adding a new subparagraph (xviii) to read as
    24  follows:
    25    (xviii) for a period of six months where the holder is convicted of  a
    26  violation  of paragraph two of subdivision (b) of section eleven hundred
    27  forty-four-a of this chapter and the commission of such violation caused
    28  serious physical injury to or death of another person.
    29    § 3. The division of  criminal  justice  services  shall  establish  a
    30  public  information  campaign  to  instruct  the public that operating a
    31  motor vehicle when approaching a parked, stopped or standing  authorized
    32  emergency  vehicle  or  hazard  vehicle  or vehicle displaying a blue or
    33  green light that results in physical injury, serious physical injury  or
    34  death  as  a  result  of the operator recklessly failing to exercise due
    35  care to avoid a collision can result in serious criminal penalties.
    36    § 4. This act shall take effect immediately.