                               2017-2018 Regular Sessions
                    IN SENATE
                                    January 12, 2017
        Introduced  by  Sen.  PARKER -- read twice and ordered printed, and when
          printed to be committed to the Committee on Finance
        AN ACT to amend the education law, in relation to opportunity for gradu-
          ate education, and making an appropriation therefor
          The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and  Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:
     1    Section  1.  The education law is amended by adding a new section 6457
     2  to read as follows:
     3    § 6457. Opportunity for graduate education. 1. To advance the cause of
     4  educational opportunity in  graduate  education,  the  commissioner  may
     5  contract  with three public or independent institutions of higher educa-
     6  tion for the support of special summer programs established to  increase
     7  the number of economically and educationally disadvantaged undergraduate
     8  students  who  are prepared for admission to educational programs beyond
     9  the baccalaureate degree. In order to be eligible to  attend  a  special
    10  summer  program,  a  student  shall  have completed the first year of an
    11  undergraduate educational  program  as  a  participant  in  one  of  the
    12  programs  for  educationally  and  economically  disadvantaged  students
    13  established pursuant to section sixty-four hundred fifty-one  or  sixty-
    14  four hundred fifty-two of this article. A student who attended a special
    15  summer  program  upon  completion  of the first year of an undergraduate
    16  educational program shall also be eligible to attend such  program  upon
    17  completion of the second year of an undergraduate educational program. A
    18  student  who  has completed the third or fourth year of an undergraduate
    19  educational program  shall  be  eligible  to  attend  a  special  summer
    20  program.    Eligible  students  shall  be selected in equal numbers from
    21  students participating in the opportunity programs of independent insti-
    22  tutions of higher education, the state university of New  York  and  the
    23  city  university  of New York, respectively. Enrollment in such programs
    24  shall not  exceed  levels  determined  by  the  commissioner,  with  the
    25  approval of the director of the budget.
         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        S. 2228                             2
     1    2. To qualify for state assistance pursuant to this section, an insti-
     2  tution  of higher education must be a college or university incorporated
     3  by the regents or by the legislature  and  must  maintain  one  or  more
     4  earned degree programs culminating in a baccalaureate degree.
     5    3.  Moneys  made  available to institutions through contracts shall be
     6  spent only for the following purposes:
     7    a. Personal and career counseling for enrolled students;
     8    b. Diagnostic and prescriptive testing for such students;
     9    c. Instruction in subject matter and laboratory work;
    10    d. Tutoring of enrolled students;
    11    e. Financial assistance for enrolled students in  such  amount  as  is
    12  determined by the commissioner;
    13    f.  Administration  of the program, including planning and evaluation,
    14  within the limitations established by the commissioner.
    15    4. Each program shall be operated for a period of eight weeks, between
    16  the first day of July and the first day of September of  each  year.  An
    17  institution  of higher education selected by the commissioner to provide
    18  a special summer program shall offer a program in health and  biological
    19  sciences;  law  and  business; or social sciences and the humanities, as
    20  determined by the commissioner.
    21    5. Institutions applying for contracts pursuant to this section  shall
    22  submit to the commissioner such reports or other information as he shall
    23  require.   The commissioner shall consider such information in determin-
    24  ing whether to enter into a contract with any institution.  The  commis-
    25  sioner  may  promulgate  regulations necessary for the implementation of
    26  these programs.
    27    6. Contracts made pursuant to this section shall  be  subject  to  the
    28  approval of the director of the budget.
    29    7.  The  commissioner shall prepare an annual report of the activities
    30  of institutions which received state funds pursuant to this  section  in
    31  the  fiscal  year,  concerning, but not limited to, the effectiveness of
    32  the programs contracted for, the number of students served, the costs of
    33  the programs, and future plans therefor, and shall transmit such  report
    34  to  the  governor  and  the legislature on or before November first next
    35  following the completion of such year's summer programs.
    36    § 2. The sum of seven hundred  eleven  thousand  two  hundred  dollars
    37  ($711,200),  or so much thereof as may be necessary, is hereby appropri-
    38  ated to the department of education out of any moneys in the state trea-
    39  sury in the general fund to the credit of the  state  purposes  account,
    40  not   otherwise  appropriated,  for  its  expenses,  including  personal
    41  service, maintenance and operation, in carrying out  the  provisions  of
    42  this  act.  Such moneys shall be payable on the audit and warrant of the
    43  comptroller on vouchers certified  or  approved  by  the  department  of
    44  education in the manner prescribed by law.
    45    §  3. This act shall take effect on the first of April next succeeding
    46  the date on which it shall have become a law.