

                               2023-2024 Regular Sessions

                    IN SENATE

                                    January 13, 2023

        Introduced  by  Sen. ADDABBO -- read twice and ordered printed, and when
          printed to be committed to the Committee on Racing, Gaming and  Wager-
          ing  --  committee  discharged,  bill  amended,  ordered  reprinted as
          amended and recommitted to said committee

        AN ACT to amend the racing, pari-mutuel wagering and  breeding  law,  in
          relation  to  horsemen's  health,  welfare, pension and administrative
          benefits for harness racing licensees in the  absence  of  contractual

          The  People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:

     1    Section 1. Subparagraph (ii)  of  paragraph  a  of  subdivision  1  of
     2  section  318  of  the  racing, pari-mutuel wagering and breeding law, as
     3  amended by chapter 243 of the laws  of  2020,  is  amended  to  read  as
     4  follows:
     5    (ii) except as otherwise provided in this paragraph an amount equal to
     6  six  and  eight-tenths percent of the total pool resulting from on-track
     7  regular bets, an amount equal to seven and  ninety-five  one  hundredths
     8  percent  of  the  total  pool  resulting from on-track multiple bets, an
     9  amount equal to ten and one-half percent of  the  total  pool  resulting
    10  from  on-track  exotic  bets,  an  amount  equal to fifteen and one-half
    11  percent of the total daily pool resulting  from  on-track  super  exotic
    12  bets  shall  be  used  exclusively for purses, of which an amount of not
    13  less than ninety percent shall be used exclusively for purses for  over-
    14  night  races  conducted by such association or corporation. Such amounts
    15  may be reduced upon an application approved by  the  commission  and  an
    16  agreement between the licensed harness racing corporation or association
    17  and  the representative horsemen's organization as a condition to reduce
    18  the amounts of retained percentages as provided  for  in  this  section.
    19  However,  of  the total amount available for purses, an amount as deter-
    20  mined by contractual obligations between an organization representing at
    21  least fifty-one percent of the owners and trainers using the  facilities

         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        S. 1611--A                          2

     1  of  such  association  or  corporation  for racing, training or stabling
     2  purposes and the association or corporation, or  in  the  absence  of  a
     3  contract  between the licensed harness racing corporation or association
     4  and the representative horsemen's organization, the state gaming commis-
     5  sion  shall  as  a  condition of racing require an association or corpo-
     6  ration to withhold and pay eight percent  of  all  unpaid  and  existing
     7  monies  and  to  pay  such  sum to the horsemen's organization quarterly
     8  which shall be used for the administrative purposes of said organization
     9  and for such welfare and medical  plans  for  regularly  employed  back-
    10  stretch  employees principally employed at the facilities of such corpo-
    11  ration or association as provided by said organization, provided, howev-
    12  er, that eligibility for benefits in such plans shall not be conditioned
    13  upon membership in such organization by any employee or employer  there-
    14  of, and any denial of eligibility for benefits in such plans which, upon
    15  investigation  and  review  by  the  commission,  is  determined to have
    16  resulted from a person, firm, association, corporation  or  organization
    17  knowingly  aiding in or permitting eligibility for benefits being condi-
    18  tioned upon membership in such organization shall subject such organiza-
    19  tion to the penalties imposed under sections three hundred ten and three
    20  hundred twenty-one of this article but the  ratio  between  the  amounts
    21  actually  expended for such welfare and medical plans and the cost actu-
    22  ally incurred in administering such welfare and medical plans for fiscal
    23  years of such corporation or  association,  on  or  after  July  twenty-
    24  fourth,  nineteen  hundred  eighty-one, shall not be less than the ratio
    25  between such amounts actually expended and such costs actually  incurred
    26  for  the  fiscal  year immediately prior to such date. Such organization
    27  shall annually on or before July first certify to the commission that it
    28  represents at least fifty-one percent of such owners  and  trainers  and
    29  provide copies of such certification to such association or corporation.
    30  Any  other organization claiming to represent at least fifty-one percent
    31  of such owners and trainers may file a  challenge  with  the  commission
    32  within fifteen days of such original certification. The commission shall
    33  examine  such  claim  and  may undertake studies and conduct hearings to
    34  determine the validity of such claim.   Within sixty days  of  receiving
    35  such challenge and based upon the findings of such studies and hearings,
    36  the commission shall render a decision on the validity of such claim and
    37  advise such organizations and association or corporation of its determi-
    38  nation.  Upon  receipt  of such original certification by such organiza-
    39  tion, the association or corporation shall make such  payments  to  said
    40  organization  and,  in  the  event  of  a challenge brought to any other
    41  organization, such payments shall continue to be made until such time as
    42  the commission renders its decision on such challenge; and
    43    § 2. This act shall take effect immediately.