

                               2023-2024 Regular Sessions

                    IN SENATE

                                    January 12, 2023

        Introduced  by Sens. HOYLMAN-SIGAL, ASHBY, BROUK, CHU, MAY -- read twice
          and ordered printed, and when printed to be committed to the Committee
          on Procurement and Contracts -- reported favorably from said committee
          and committed to the Committee on Finance -- reported  favorably  from
          said  committee  and  committed  to the Committee on Rules -- reported
          favorably from said committee, ordered to a third reading,  passed  by
          Senate  and  delivered  to  the Assembly, recalled, vote reconsidered,
          restored to third reading, amended and  ordered  reprinted,  retaining
          its  place in the order of third reading -- recommitted to the Commit-
          tee on Procurement and Contracts in accordance  with  Senate  Rule  6,
          sec.  8 -- reported favorably from said committee and committed to the
          Committee on Finance -- committee discharged,  bill  amended,  ordered
          reprinted as amended and recommitted to said committee

        AN  ACT  to  amend  the  executive law, in relation to requiring certain
          state owned and operated parking facilities to  install  and  maintain
          charging stations for plug-in electric vehicles

          The  People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:

     1    Section 1. The executive law is amended by adding a new section  201-b
     2  to read as follows:
     3    §  201-b.  Electric  vehicle charging stations. 1. For the purposes of
     4  this section, the term "parking facility" shall mean a  parking  garage,
     5  parking      structure, or open parking lot that is paved and striped to
     6  designate   individual parking spaces for vehicles and which  has  fifty
     7  parking spaces or more.
     8    2.  Any  parking facility owned and operated by the state of New York,
     9  that offers between  fifty  and  two  hundred  parking  spaces  for  the
    10  purposes  of public use, state employee use and pay-per-usage, is hereby
    11  required to install electric charging stations in at least  ten  percent
    12  of the total number of parking spaces offered by such facility.

         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        S. 1535--B                          2

     1    3.  Any  parking facility owned and operated by the state of New York,
     2  that offers more than two hundred parking spaces  for  the  purposes  of
     3  public  use, state employee use and pay-per-usage, is hereby required to
     4  install electric charging stations in at least  twenty  percent  of  the
     5  total number of parking spaces offered by such facility.
     6    4.  Each  electric  vehicle charging station required pursuant to this
     7  section shall support electric vehicle charging with a minimum of  forty
     8  amperes  and  two hundred eight volts of electrical capacity. Such elec-
     9  tric vehicle charging stations and all other components and work  appur-
    10  tenant thereto shall be in accordance with all applicable state, county,
    11  city, town, or village electrical codes.
    12    5. The office of general services shall be responsible for the instal-
    13  lation  of  any electric vehicle supply equipment and charging stations.
    14  If such installation shall require the state to  make  upgrades  to  any
    15  electrical supply equipment to safely and sufficiently power and operate
    16  such  charging  stations,  the office of general services shall increase
    17  the electrical capacity of the existing system by installing new  compo-
    18  nents  as necessary. If the office of general services is unable to make
    19  such technical upgrades to a facility, the office may  contract  with  a
    20  licensed  electrician  or  similar service provider to upgrade the elec-
    21  trical capacity of said facility. Such contracted work shall comply with
    22  the provisions of article eight of the labor law, including the  payment
    23  of  a  wage  of  not less than the prevailing wage in the locality where
    24  such parking facility is located.
    25    6. The office of general services shall be responsible for the mainte-
    26  nance, general upkeep and repair of any electric vehicle  supply  equip-
    27  ment  and charging stations. If the office of general services is unable
    28  to complete such maintenance or repairs, the office may contract with  a
    29  licensed electrician or similar repair service to complete the necessary
    30  work on said equipment.
    31    §  2. This act shall take effect on the first of April next succeeding
    32  the date upon which it shall have become a law.