

                               2023-2024 Regular Sessions

                    IN SENATE

                                    January 12, 2023

        Introduced  by  Sen. HOYLMAN-SIGAL -- (at request of the Office of Court
          Administration) -- read twice and ordered printed, and when printed to
          be committed to the Committee on Judiciary

        AN ACT in relation to terms and  conditions  of  employment  of  certain
          nonjudicial  officers  and  employees  of the unified court system; to
          amend chapter 400 of the laws of 2014 relating to terms and conditions
          of employment of certain nonjudicial officers  and  employees  of  the
          unified  court  system,  in  relation to annual longevity payments for
          certain employees; and to repeal certain provisions  of  such  chapter
          relating thereto

          The  People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:

     1    Section 1. Legislative findings. The legislature finds that collective
     2  bargaining agreements have been negotiated by the unified  court  system
     3  with   employee  organizations  representing  nonjudicial  officers  and
     4  employees in the following collective negotiating  units:  (i)  citywide
     5  law  assistants; (ii) Nassau county; (iii) New York city administrative,
     6  librarian, clerical, and support;  (iv)  New  York  city  administrative
     7  services; (v) New York city court clerks; (vi) New York city court offi-
     8  cers;  (vii)  New York city court reporters; (viii) New York city senior
     9  court attorneys; (ix) New York city senior  court  officers;  (x)  ninth
    10  judicial  district;  (xi) state judiciary; and (xii) Suffolk county. The
    11  purpose of this act is to implement  these  agreements  and  to  provide
    12  increases  in compensation for nonjudicial officers and employees of the
    13  unified court system not in collective negotiating units. References  in
    14  this  act  to  the unified court system's classification structure shall
    15  mean the classification structure established by the chief administrator
    16  of the courts on May 28, 1979, as amended since that date. Reference  to
    17  the  April,  2020 salary schedule shall mean the salary schedule promul-
    18  gated by the chief administrator pursuant to subdivision (b) of  section
    19  2 of chapter 71 of the laws of 2018. References to the April, 2021 sala-

         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        S. 1521                             2

     1  ry  schedule,  the  April,  2022 salary schedule, the April, 2023 salary
     2  schedule, the April, 2024 salary schedule, and the  April,  2025  salary
     3  schedule shall mean the salary schedules promulgated by the chief admin-
     4  istrator pursuant to subdivisions (a), (b), (c), (d), and (e) of section
     5  two of this act, respectively.
     6    §  2.  Salary  schedules.  The chief administrator of the courts shall
     7  promulgate salary schedules as follows:
     8    (a) Effective April 1, 2021, each of the rates of pay  established  by
     9  the April, 2020 salary schedule shall be increased as follows:
    10    (1)  the  maximum  rate for each grade shall be increased by an amount
    11  equal to 2 percent thereof (and then rounded up to the nearest dollar);
    12    (2) the amount of the increment for each grade shall equal one-seventh
    13  of the difference (rounded up to the nearest dollar) between the maximum
    14  rate for such grade, as increased by paragraph 1  of  this  subdivision,
    15  and  102  percent  of  the hiring rate for such grade on the April, 2020
    16  salary schedule (rounded up to the nearest dollar);
    17    (3) the hiring, first, second, third, fourth, fifth,  and  sixth  year
    18  rates  of  compensation  for each grade shall equal the maximum rate for
    19  such grade, as increased by paragraph 1 of this subdivision, minus 7, 6,
    20  5, 4, 3, 2, and 1 times the amount of the increment for such  grade,  as
    21  prescribed by paragraph 2 of this subdivision, respectively;
    22    (4) the longevity rate for each grade shall equal the maximum rate for
    23  such  grade,  as  increased by paragraph 1 of this subdivision, plus the
    24  amount of the increment for such grade, as prescribed by paragraph 2  of
    25  this subdivision; and
    26    (5)  the extra-longevity rate for each grade shall equal the longevity
    27  rate for such grade, as increased by paragraph 4  of  this  subdivision,
    28  plus  the amount of the increment for such grade, as prescribed by para-
    29  graph 2 of this subdivision.
    30    (b) Effective April 1, 2022, each of the rates of pay  established  by
    31  the April, 2021 salary schedule shall be increased as follows:
    32    (1)  the  maximum  rate for each grade shall be increased by an amount
    33  equal to 2 percent thereof (and then rounded up to the nearest dollar);
    34    (2) the amount of the increment for each grade shall equal one-seventh
    35  of the difference (rounded up to the nearest dollar) between the maximum
    36  rate for such grade, as increased by paragraph 1  of  this  subdivision,
    37  and  102  percent  of  the hiring rate for such grade on the April, 2021
    38  salary schedule (rounded up to the nearest dollar);
    39    (3) the hiring, first, second, third, fourth, fifth,  and  sixth  year
    40  rates  of  compensation  for each grade shall equal the maximum rate for
    41  such grade, as increased by paragraph 1 of this subdivision, minus 7, 6,
    42  5, 4, 3, 2, and 1 times the amount of the increment for such  grade,  as
    43  prescribed by paragraph 2 of this subdivision, respectively;
    44    (4) the longevity rate for each grade shall equal the maximum rate for
    45  such  grade,  as  increased by paragraph 1 of this subdivision, plus the
    46  amount of the increment for such grade, as prescribed by paragraph 2  of
    47  this subdivision; and
    48    (5)  the extra-longevity rate for each grade shall equal the longevity
    49  rate for such grade, as increased by paragraph 4  of  this  subdivision,
    50  plus  the amount of the increment for such grade, as prescribed by para-
    51  graph 2 of this subdivision.
    52    (c) Effective April 1, 2023, each of the rates of pay  established  by
    53  the April, 2022 salary schedule shall be increased as follows:
    54    (1)  the  maximum  rate for each grade shall be increased by an amount
    55  equal to 3 percent thereof (and then rounded up to the nearest dollar);

        S. 1521                             3

     1    (2) the amount of the increment for each grade shall equal one-seventh
     2  of the difference (rounded up to the nearest dollar) between the maximum
     3  rate for such grade, as increased by paragraph 1  of  this  subdivision,
     4  and  103  percent  of  the hiring rate for such grade on the April, 2022
     5  salary schedule (rounded up to the nearest dollar);
     6    (3)  the  hiring,  first, second, third, fourth, fifth, and sixth year
     7  rates of compensation for each grade shall equal the  maximum  rate  for
     8  such grade, as increased by paragraph 1 of this subdivision, minus 7, 6,
     9  5,  4,  3, 2, and 1 times the amount of the increment for such grade, as
    10  prescribed by paragraph 2 of this subdivision, respectively;
    11    (4) the longevity rate for each grade shall equal the maximum rate for
    12  such grade, as increased by paragraph 1 of this  subdivision,  plus  the
    13  amount  of the increment for such grade, as prescribed by paragraph 2 of
    14  this subdivision; and
    15    (5) the extra-longevity rate for each grade shall equal the  longevity
    16  rate  for  such  grade, as increased by paragraph 4 of this subdivision,
    17  plus the amount of the increment for such grade, as prescribed by  para-
    18  graph 2 of this subdivision.
    19    (d)  Effective  April 1, 2024, each of the rates of pay established by
    20  the April, 2023 salary schedule shall be increased as follows:
    21    (1) the maximum rate for each grade shall be increased  by  an  amount
    22  equal to 3 percent thereof (and then rounded up to the nearest dollar);
    23    (2) the amount of the increment for each grade shall equal one-seventh
    24  of the difference (rounded up to the nearest dollar) between the maximum
    25  rate  for  such  grade, as increased by paragraph 1 of this subdivision,
    26  and 103 percent of the hiring rate for such grade  on  the  April,  2023
    27  salary schedule (rounded up to the nearest dollar);
    28    (3)  the  hiring,  first, second, third, fourth, fifth, and sixth year
    29  rates of compensation for each grade shall equal the  maximum  rate  for
    30  such grade, as increased by paragraph 1 of this subdivision, minus 7, 6,
    31  5,  4,  3, 2, and 1 times the amount of the increment for such grade, as
    32  prescribed by paragraph 2 of this subdivision, respectively;
    33    (4) the longevity rate for each grade shall equal the maximum rate for
    34  such grade, as increased by paragraph 1 of this  subdivision,  plus  the
    35  amount  of the increment for such grade, as prescribed by paragraph 2 of
    36  this subdivision; and
    37    (5) the extra-longevity rate for each grade shall equal the  longevity
    38  rate  for  such  grade, as increased by paragraph 4 of this subdivision,
    39  plus the amount of the increment for such grade, as prescribed by  para-
    40  graph 2 of this subdivision.
    41    (e)  Effective  April 1, 2025, each of the rates of pay established by
    42  the April, 2024 salary schedule shall be increased as follows:
    43    (1) the maximum rate for each grade shall be increased  by  an  amount
    44  equal to 3 percent thereof (and then rounded up to the nearest dollar);
    45    (2) the amount of the increment for each grade shall equal one-seventh
    46  of the difference (rounded up to the nearest dollar) between the maximum
    47  rate  for  such  grade, as increased by paragraph 1 of this subdivision,
    48  and 103 percent of the hiring rate for such grade  on  the  April,  2024
    49  salary schedule (rounded up to the nearest dollar);
    50    (3)  the  hiring,  first, second, third, fourth, fifth, and sixth year
    51  rates of compensation for each grade shall equal the  maximum  rate  for
    52  such grade, as increased by paragraph 1 of this subdivision, minus 7, 6,
    53  5,  4,  3, 2, and 1 times the amount of the increment for such grade, as
    54  prescribed by paragraph 2 of this subdivision, respectively;
    55    (4) the longevity rate for each grade shall equal the maximum rate for
    56  such grade, as increased by paragraph 1 of this  subdivision,  plus  the

        S. 1521                             4

     1  amount  of the increment for such grade, as prescribed by paragraph 2 of
     2  this subdivision; and
     3    (5)  the extra-longevity rate for each grade shall equal the longevity
     4  rate for such grade, as increased by paragraph 4  of  this  subdivision,
     5  plus  the amount of the increment for such grade, as prescribed by para-
     6  graph 2 of this subdivision.
     7    § 3. Increases in compensation for  persons  in  allocated  positions.
     8  (a) Each nonjudicial officer and employee of the unified court system in
     9  a  position  allocated  to  a salary grade in the unified court system's
    10  classification structure shall receive increased compensation in accord-
    11  ance with this section if he or she (i) is not in any collective negoti-
    12  ating unit established pursuant to article 14 of the civil service  law,
    13  or  (ii) is in a collective negotiating unit of nonjudicial officers and
    14  employees of the unified court system specified in section one  of  this
    15  act.  Increases  to  basic  annual  salary, as provided in this section,
    16  shall be prorated for any nonjudicial officer or employee whose position
    17  is part-time, or who otherwise works part-time,  and  who  is  eligible,
    18  under  the rules of the chief judge of the state or an agreement between
    19  the state and an employee organization pursuant  to  the  provisions  of
    20  article  14  of  the  civil service law, to accrue annual and sick leave
    21  credits. For purposes of this section:
    22    (1) no nonjudicial officer or employee shall receive a full or partial
    23  increment hereunder unless he or she shall have received other  than  an
    24  unsatisfactory  performance  rating  for  his or her services during the
    25  year immediately preceding pursuant to a performance  evaluation  system
    26  set  forth  by  the  chief administrator or in an agreement specified in
    27  section one of this act, nor shall any nonjudicial officer  or  employee
    28  receive a bonus provided in this section where he or she, as of the date
    29  on  which this act becomes a law, already has received that bonus pursu-
    30  ant to law other than a provision of this act;
    31    (2) any full or partial increment received by a nonjudicial officer or
    32  employee effective April 1, 2021 or April 1, 2022, pursuant to law other
    33  than a provision of this act, shall not be considered when  determining:
    34  (i)  a nonjudicial officer or employee's basic annual salary on a speci-
    35  fied date; and (ii) whether a nonjudicial officer or employee is  eligi-
    36  ble  to  receive  a full or partial increment of the grade of his or her
    37  position on any of such dates pursuant to a provision of this act; and
    38    (3) service in the employ of  the  unified  court  system  shall  mean
    39  service in one or more courts or agencies thereof, whether as a judge or
    40  a nonjudicial officer or employee. In order for a nonjudicial officer or
    41  employee's years of service in the employ of the unified court system to
    42  be  "continuous," he or she must have served the equivalent of 120 week-
    43  days in each of those years; and the number of years required to qualify
    44  for a bonus hereunder must be served consecutively except that they  may
    45  be  interrupted  by  one  or more breaks of not more than one year each,
    46  attributable to a period of time between any separation from his or  her
    47  position  in  the  employ  of the unified court system and resumption of
    48  service in such employ.
    49    (b) Effective April 1, 2021:
    50    (1) Each such nonjudicial officer and  employee  who  is  eligible  to
    51  receive  a full or partial increment of the grade of his or her position
    52  in accordance with provisions of the judiciary law  shall  receive  such
    53  full  or  partial  increment,  to  be  determined in accordance with the
    54  April, 2020 salary schedule; provided, however, this paragraph shall not
    55  apply to any nonjudicial officer or employee at  or  above  the  maximum
    56  rate  of compensation of the grade of his or her position on such salary

        S. 1521                             5

     1  schedule who is (i) not in any collective negotiating  unit  established
     2  pursuant  to article 14 of the civil service law, or (ii) in the collec-
     3  tive negotiating unit specified in clause (x) of  section  one  of  this
     4  act.
     5    (2)  Each such nonjudicial officer and employee shall be placed in his
     6  or her grade on the April, 2021 salary schedule in the  manner  provided
     7  as follows:
     8    (A)  If  his  or  her basic annual salary under the April, 2020 salary
     9  schedule, including any increase pursuant to paragraph 1 of this  subdi-
    10  vision,  is  identical  with  the hiring, first year, second year, third
    11  year, fourth year,  fifth  year,  sixth  year,  maximum,  longevity,  or
    12  extra-longevity  rate  of  compensation of the grade of his or her posi-
    13  tion, that basic annual salary shall be increased to  the  corresponding
    14  rate  of  compensation  in  such grade as established by the April, 2021
    15  salary schedule; or
    16    (B) If his or her basic annual salary under  the  April,  2020  salary
    17  schedule,  including any increase pursuant to paragraph 1 of this subdi-
    18  vision, is not identical with the hiring, first year, second year, third
    19  year, fourth year,  fifth  year,  sixth  year,  maximum,  longevity,  or
    20  extra-longevity  rate  of  compensation of the grade of his or her posi-
    21  tion, that basic annual salary shall be increased by an amount  equaling
    22  2 percent thereof (and then rounded up to the nearest dollar).
    23    Notwithstanding  the  foregoing,  where operation of the provisions of
    24  this paragraph would result in a nonjudicial officer or employee receiv-
    25  ing an increase in basic annual salary of less than 1,000 dollars,  such
    26  nonjudicial  officer  or employee shall be placed in his or her grade on
    27  the April, 2021 salary schedule at  his  or  her  basic  annual  salary,
    28  including any increase pursuant to paragraph 1 of this subdivision, plus
    29  1,000 dollars.
    30    (3)  Each  such  nonjudicial officer and employee in the employ of the
    31  unified court system having at least 20 years of continuous  service  in
    32  the  employ  of  the  unified  court system as of the preceding March 31
    33  shall receive a bonus equaling:  (i) 2,100 dollars, if  he  or  she  has
    34  less  than  25  years  of  such  service  as of such date; or (ii) 2,200
    35  dollars, if he or she has at least 25 years but less than  30  years  of
    36  such  service  as of such date; or (iii) 2,300 dollars, if he or she has
    37  at least 30 years of such service as of such  date.  Provided,  however,
    38  this  paragraph  shall  not apply to any nonjudicial officer or employee
    39  who is entitled to receive an annual longevity payment on April 1,  2021
    40  pursuant to subdivision (g) of this section.
    41    (c) Effective April 1, 2022:
    42    (1)  Each  such  nonjudicial  officer  and employee who is eligible to
    43  receive a full or partial increment of the grade of his or her  position
    44  in  accordance  with  provisions of the judiciary law shall receive such
    45  full or partial increment, to  be  determined  in  accordance  with  the
    46  April, 2021 salary schedule; provided, however, this paragraph shall not
    47  apply  to  any  nonjudicial  officer or employee at or above the maximum
    48  rate of compensation of the grade of his or her position on such  salary
    49  schedule  who  is (i) not in any collective negotiating unit established
    50  pursuant to article 14 of the civil service law, or (ii) in the  collec-
    51  tive  negotiating  unit  specified  in clause (x) of section one of this
    52  act.
    53    (2) Each such nonjudicial officer and employee shall be placed in  his
    54  or  her  grade on the April, 2022 salary schedule in the manner provided
    55  as follows:

        S. 1521                             6

     1    (i) If his or her basic annual salary under  the  April,  2021  salary
     2  schedule,  including any increase pursuant to paragraph 1 of this subdi-
     3  vision, is identical with the hiring, first  year,  second  year,  third
     4  year,  fourth  year,  fifth  year,  sixth  year,  maximum, longevity, or
     5  extra-longevity  rate  of  compensation of the grade of his or her posi-
     6  tion, that basic annual salary shall be increased to  the  corresponding
     7  rate  of  compensation  in  such grade as established by the April, 2022
     8  salary schedule; or
     9    (ii) If his or her basic annual salary under the  April,  2021  salary
    10  schedule,  including any increase pursuant to paragraph 1 of this subdi-
    11  vision, is not identical with the hiring, first year, second year, third
    12  year, fourth year,  fifth  year,  sixth  year,  maximum,  longevity,  or
    13  extra-longevity  rate  of  compensation of the grade of his or her posi-
    14  tion, that basic annual salary shall be increased by an amount  equaling
    15  2 percent thereof (and then rounded up to the nearest dollar).
    16    Notwithstanding  the  foregoing,  where operation of the provisions of
    17  this paragraph would result in a nonjudicial officer or employee receiv-
    18  ing an increase in basic annual salary of less than 1,000 dollars,  such
    19  nonjudicial  officer  or employee shall be placed in his or her grade on
    20  the April, 2022 salary schedule at  his  or  her  basic  annual  salary,
    21  including any increase pursuant to paragraph 1 of this subdivision, plus
    22  1,000 dollars.
    23    (3)  Each  such  nonjudicial officer and employee in the employ of the
    24  unified court system having at least 20 years of continuous  service  in
    25  the  employ  of  the  unified  court system as of the preceding March 31
    26  shall receive a bonus equaling:  (i) 2,200 dollars, if  he  or  she  has
    27  less  than  25  years  of  such  service  as of such date; or (ii) 2,300
    28  dollars, if he or she has at least 25 years but less than  30  years  of
    29  such  service  as of such date; or (iii) 2,400 dollars, if he or she has
    30  at least 30 years of such service as of such  date.  Provided,  however,
    31  this  paragraph  shall  not apply to any nonjudicial officer or employee
    32  who is entitled to receive an annual longevity payment on April 1,  2022
    33  pursuant to subdivision (g) of this section.
    34    (d) Effective April 1, 2023:
    35    (1)  Each  such  nonjudicial  officer  and employee who is eligible to
    36  receive a full or partial increment of the grade of his or her  position
    37  in  accordance  with  provisions of the judiciary law shall receive such
    38  full or partial increment, to  be  determined  in  accordance  with  the
    39  April, 2022 salary schedule.
    40    (2)  Except  as otherwise provided in paragraph 3 of this subdivision,
    41  each such nonjudicial officer and employee shall be placed in his or her
    42  grade on the April, 2023 salary  schedule  in  the  manner  provided  as
    43  follows:
    44    (i)  If  his  or  her basic annual salary under the April, 2022 salary
    45  schedule, including any increase pursuant to paragraph 1 of this  subdi-
    46  vision,  is  identical  with  the hiring, first year, second year, third
    47  year, fourth year,  fifth  year,  sixth  year,  maximum,  longevity,  or
    48  extra-longevity  rate  of  compensation of the grade of his or her posi-
    49  tion, that basic annual salary shall be increased to  the  corresponding
    50  rate  of  compensation  in  such grade as established by the April, 2023
    51  salary schedule; or
    52    (ii) If his or her basic annual salary under the  April,  2022  salary
    53  schedule,  including any increase pursuant to paragraph 1 of this subdi-
    54  vision, is not identical with the hiring, first year, second year, third
    55  year, fourth year,  fifth  year,  sixth  year,  maximum,  longevity,  or
    56  extra-longevity  rate  of  compensation of the grade of his or her posi-

        S. 1521                             7

     1  tion, that basic annual salary shall be increased by an amount  equaling
     2  3 percent thereof (and then rounded up to the nearest dollar).
     3    (3)  Each  such  nonjudicial officer and employee who is either not in
     4  any collective negotiating unit established pursuant to  article  14  of
     5  the civil service law or is in the collective negotiating unit specified
     6  in clause (x) of section one of this act whose basic annual salary under
     7  the  April,  2022  salary  schedule  is  at or above the maximum rate of
     8  compensation of the grade of his or her position on such salary schedule
     9  shall be placed in such grade on the April, 2023 salary schedule at:
    10    (i) the longevity rate of compensation of such grade  on  such  salary
    11  schedule,  provided  he or she has at least 4, but less than 8, years of
    12  continuous service at a basic annual salary equal to or greater than the
    13  maximum rate of compensation of the grade of his or her position on  the
    14  salary  schedule  on  which  he  or she was placed during those years of
    15  service;
    16    (ii) the extra-longevity rate of compensation of such  grade  on  such
    17  salary  schedule  provided  he or she has at least 8 years of continuous
    18  service at a basic annual salary equal to or greater  than  the  maximum
    19  rate  of  compensation of the grade of his or her position on the salary
    20  schedule on which he or she is placed during those years of service.
    21    (4) Each such nonjudicial officer and employee in the  employ  of  the
    22  unified  court  system having at least 20 years of continuous service in
    23  the employ of the unified court system as  of  the  preceding  March  31
    24  shall  receive  a  bonus equaling:   (i) 2,270 dollars, if he or she has
    25  less than 25 years of such service  as  of  such  date;  or  (ii)  2,370
    26  dollars,  if  he  or she has at least 25 years but less than 30 years of
    27  such service as of such date; or (iii) 2,475 dollars, if he or  she  has
    28  at  least  30  years of such service as of such date. Provided, however,
    29  this paragraph shall not apply to any nonjudicial  officer  or  employee
    30  who  is entitled to receive an annual longevity payment on April 1, 2023
    31  pursuant to subdivision (g) of this section.
    32    (e) Effective April 1, 2024:
    33    (1) Each such nonjudicial officer and  employee  who  is  eligible  to
    34  receive  a full or partial increment of the grade of his or her position
    35  in accordance with provisions of the judiciary law  shall  receive  such
    36  full  or  partial  increment,  to  be  determined in accordance with the
    37  April, 2023 salary schedule; provided, however, this paragraph shall not
    38  apply to nonjudicial officers and employees who are eligible to  receive
    39  an  annual longevity payment pursuant to subdivision (g) of this section
    40  on April 1, 2024.
    41    (2) Each such nonjudicial officer and employee shall be placed in  his
    42  or  her  grade on the April, 2024 salary schedule in the manner provided
    43  as follows:
    44    (i) If his or her basic annual salary under  the  April,  2023  salary
    45  schedule,  including any increase pursuant to paragraph 1 of this subdi-
    46  vision, is identical with the hiring, first  year,  second  year,  third
    47  year,  fourth  year,  fifth  year,  sixth  year,  maximum, longevity, or
    48  extra-longevity rate of compensation of the grade of his  or  her  posi-
    49  tion,  that  basic annual salary shall be increased to the corresponding
    50  rate of compensation in such grade as established  by  the  April,  2024
    51  salary schedule; or
    52    (ii)  If  his  or her basic annual salary under the April, 2023 salary
    53  schedule, including any increase pursuant to paragraph 1 of this  subdi-
    54  vision, is not identical with the hiring, first year, second year, third
    55  year,  fourth  year,  fifth  year,  sixth  year,  maximum, longevity, or
    56  extra-longevity rate of compensation of the grade of his  or  her  posi-

        S. 1521                             8

     1  tion,  that basic annual salary shall be increased by an amount equaling
     2  3 percent thereof (and then rounded up to the nearest dollar).
     3    (3)  Each  such  nonjudicial officer and employee who is either not in
     4  any collective negotiating unit established pursuant to  article  14  of
     5  the civil service law or is in the collective negotiating unit specified
     6  in clause (x) of section one of this act whose basic annual salary under
     7  the  April,  2023  salary  schedule  is  at or above the maximum rate of
     8  compensation of the grade of his or her position on such salary schedule
     9  shall be placed in such grade on the April, 2024 salary schedule at:
    10    (i) the longevity rate of compensation of such grade  on  such  salary
    11  schedule,  provided  he or she has at least 4, but less than 8, years of
    12  continuous service at a basic annual salary equal to or greater than the
    13  maximum rate of compensation of the grade of his or her position on  the
    14  salary  schedule  on  which  he  or she was placed during those years of
    15  service;
    16    (ii) the extra-longevity rate of compensation of such  grade  on  such
    17  salary  schedule  provided  he or she has at least 8 years of continuous
    18  service at a basic annual salary equal to or greater  than  the  maximum
    19  rate  of  compensation of the grade of his or her position on the salary
    20  schedule on which he or she is placed during those years of service.
    21    (4) Each such nonjudicial officer and employee in the  employ  of  the
    22  unified  court  system having at least 20 years of continuous service in
    23  the employ of the unified court system as  of  the  preceding  March  31
    24  shall  receive  a  bonus equaling:   (i) 2,340 dollars, if he or she has
    25  less than 25 years of such service  as  of  such  date;  or  (ii)  2,440
    26  dollars,  if  he  or she has at least 25 years but less than 30 years of
    27  such service as of such date; or (iii) 2,550 dollars, if he or  she  has
    28  at  least  30  years of such service as of such date. Provided, however,
    29  this paragraph shall not apply to any nonjudicial  officer  or  employee
    30  who  is entitled to receive an annual longevity payment on April 1, 2024
    31  pursuant to subdivision (g) of this section.
    32    (f) Effective April 1, 2025:
    33    (1) Each such nonjudicial officer and  employee  who  is  eligible  to
    34  receive  a full or partial increment of the grade of his or her position
    35  in accordance with provisions of the judiciary law  shall  receive  such
    36  full  or  partial  increment,  to  be  determined in accordance with the
    37  April, 2024 salary schedule  who  are  eligible  to  receive  an  annual
    38  longevity  payment  pursuant to subdivision (g) of this section on April
    39  1, 2025.
    40    (2) Each such nonjudicial officer and employee shall be placed in  his
    41  or  her  grade on the April, 2025 salary schedule in the manner provided
    42  as follows:
    43    (i) If his or her basic annual salary under  the  April,  2024  salary
    44  schedule,  including any increase pursuant to paragraph 1 of this subdi-
    45  vision, is identical with the hiring, first  year,  second  year,  third
    46  year,  fourth  year,  fifth  year,  sixth  year,  maximum, longevity, or
    47  extra-longevity rate of compensation of the grade of his  or  her  posi-
    48  tion,  that  basic annual salary shall be increased to the corresponding
    49  rate of compensation in such grade as established  by  the  April,  2025
    50  salary schedule; or
    51    (ii)  If  his  or her basic annual salary under the April, 2024 salary
    52  schedule, including any increase pursuant to paragraph 1 of this  subdi-
    53  vision, is not identical with the hiring, first year, second year, third
    54  year,  fourth  year,  fifth  year,  sixth  year,  maximum, longevity, or
    55  extra-longevity rate of compensation of the grade of his  or  her  posi-

        S. 1521                             9

     1  tion,  that basic annual salary shall be increased by an amount equaling
     2  3 percent thereof (and then rounded up to the nearest dollar).
     3    (3)  Each  such  nonjudicial officer and employee in the employ of the
     4  unified court system having at least 20 years of continuous  service  in
     5  the  employ  of  the  unified  court system as of the preceding March 31
     6  shall receive a bonus equaling:  (i) 2,410 dollars, if  he  or  she  has
     7  less  than  25  years  of  such  service  as of such date; or (ii) 2,515
     8  dollars, if he or she has at least 25 years but less than  30  years  of
     9  such  service  as of such date; or (iii) 2,630 dollars, if he or she has
    10  at least 30 years of such service as of such  date.  Provided,  however,
    11  this  paragraph  shall  not apply to any nonjudicial officer or employee
    12  who is entitled to receive an annual longevity payment on April 1,  2025
    13  pursuant to subdivision (g) of this section.
    14    (g)  Annual longevity payments continued.  (1) As authorized by subdi-
    15  vision (i) of section 3 of chapter 400 of the laws of 2014, as  amended,
    16  eligible nonjudicial officers and employees shall receive annual longev-
    17  ity  payments  effective  April  1,  2021, April 1, 2022, April 1, 2023,
    18  April 1, 2024, and April 1, 2025.
    19    (2) As provided in subdivision (a) of section 3 of chapter 400 of  the
    20  laws  of  2014,  annual  longevity  payments shall be in addition to and
    21  shall not be a part of an  employee's  basic  annual  salary;  provided,
    22  however, they shall be included as compensation for retirement purposes.
    23    §  4.  Increases in compensation for persons in unallocated positions.
    24  (a) Each nonjudicial officer or employee of the unified court system  to
    25  whom the provisions of section three of this act would apply but for the
    26  fact  that  he or she holds a position that is not allocated to a salary
    27  grade in the  unified  court  system's  classification  structure  shall
    28  receive increased compensation in accordance with this section.  Bonuses
    29  and  increases  to basic annual salary as provided in this section shall
    30  be prorated for any nonjudicial officer or employee  whose  position  is
    31  part-time,  or who otherwise works part-time, and who is eligible, under
    32  rules of the chief judge of the state or an agreement between the  state
    33  and an employee organization pursuant to the provisions of article 14 of
    34  the  civil  service law to accrue annual and sick leave credits. Bonuses
    35  as provided in this section shall be in addition to and shall not  be  a
    36  part  of  an  employee's  basic  annual salary, but shall be included as
    37  compensation for retirement purposes.  For purposes of this section:
    38    (1) no nonjudicial officer or employee shall receive a bonus hereunder
    39  unless he or she  shall  have  received  other  than  an  unsatisfactory
    40  performance  rating  for his or her services during the year immediately
    41  preceding pursuant to a performance evaluation system set forth  by  the
    42  chief  administrator  of  the  courts  or  in  an agreement specified in
    43  section one of this act, nor shall any nonjudicial officer  or  employee
    44  receive a bonus provided in this section where he or she, as of the date
    45  on  which this act becomes a law, already has received that bonus pursu-
    46  ant to law other than a provision of this act; and
    47    (2) service in the employ of  the  unified  court  system  shall  mean
    48  service  as  a  nonjudicial officer or employee in one or more courts or
    49  agencies of the unified court system. In order for a nonjudicial officer
    50  or employee's years of service in the employ of the unified court system
    51  to be "continuous," he or she must have served  the  equivalent  of  120
    52  workdays  in  each  of  those years; and the number of years required to
    53  qualify for a bonus hereunder must be served consecutively  except  that
    54  they  may  be  interrupted by one or more breaks of not more than 1 year
    55  each, attributable to a period of time between any separation  from  his

        S. 1521                            10

     1  or her position in the employ of the unified court system and resumption
     2  of service in such employ.
     3    (b) Effective April 1, 2021:
     4    (1)  the  basic  annual  salary  of  each such nonjudicial officer and
     5  employee shall be increased by an amount equal to 2 percent thereof (and
     6  then rounded up to the nearest dollar); and
     7    (2) each such nonjudicial officer and employee in the  employ  of  the
     8  unified  court  system having at least 20 years of continuous service in
     9  the employ of the unified court system as  of  the  preceding  March  31
    10  shall receive a bonus equaling: (i) 2,200 dollars, if he or she has less
    11  than 25 years of such service as of such date; or (ii) 2,300 dollars, if
    12  he  or  she has at least 25 but less than 30 years of such service as of
    13  such date; or (iii) 2,400 dollars, if he or she has at least 30 years of
    14  such service as of such date.
    15    (c) Effective April 1, 2022:
    16    (1) the basic annual salary  of  each  such  nonjudicial  officer  and
    17  employee shall be increased by an amount equal to 2 percent thereof (and
    18  then rounded up to the nearest dollar); and
    19    (2)  each  such  nonjudicial officer and employee in the employ of the
    20  unified court system having at least 20 years of continuous  service  in
    21  the  employ  of  the  unified  court system as of the preceding March 31
    22  shall receive a bonus equaling: (i) 2,200 dollars, if he or she has less
    23  than 25 years of such service as of such date; or (ii) 2,300 dollars, if
    24  he or she has at least 25 but less than 30 years of such service  as  of
    25  such date; or (iii) 2,400 dollars, if he or she has at least 30 years of
    26  such service as of such date.
    27    (d) Effective April 1, 2023:
    28    (1)  the  basic  annual  salary  of  each such nonjudicial officer and
    29  employee shall be increased by an amount equal to 3 percent thereof (and
    30  then rounded up to the nearest dollar); and
    31    (2) each such nonjudicial officer and employee in the  employ  of  the
    32  unified  court  system having at least 20 years of continuous service in
    33  the employ of the unified court system as  of  the  preceding  March  31
    34  shall receive a bonus equaling: (i) 2,270 dollars, if he or she has less
    35  than 25 years of such service as of such date; or (ii) 2,370 dollars, if
    36  he  or  she has at least 25 but less than 30 years of such service as of
    37  such date; or (iii) 2,475 dollars, if he or she has at least 30 years of
    38  such service as of such date.
    39    (e) Effective April 1, 2024:
    40    (1) the basic annual salary  of  each  such  nonjudicial  officer  and
    41  employee shall be increased by an amount equal to 3 percent thereof (and
    42  then rounded up to the nearest dollar); and
    43    (2)  each  such  nonjudicial officer and employee in the employ of the
    44  unified court system having at least 20 years of continuous  service  in
    45  the  employ  of  the  unified  court system as of the preceding March 31
    46  shall receive a bonus equaling: (i) 2,340 dollars, if he or she has less
    47  than 25 years of such service as of such date; or (ii) 2,440 dollars, if
    48  he or she has at least 25 but less than 30 years of such service  as  of
    49  such date; or (iii) 2,550 dollars, if he or she has at least 30 years of
    50  such service as of such date.
    51    (f) Effective April 1, 2025:
    52    (1)  the  basic  annual  salary  of  each such nonjudicial officer and
    53  employee shall be increased by an amount equal to 3 percent thereof (and
    54  then rounded up to the nearest dollar); and
    55    (2) each such nonjudicial officer and employee in the  employ  of  the
    56  unified  court  system having at least 20 years of continuous service in

        S. 1521                            11

     1  the employ of the unified court system as  of  the  preceding  March  31
     2  shall receive a bonus equaling: (i) 2,410 dollars, if he or she has less
     3  than 25 years of such service as of such date; or (ii) 2,515 dollars, if
     4  he  or  she has at least 25 but less than 30 years of such service as of
     5  such date; or (iii) 2,630 dollars, if he or she has at least 30 years of
     6  such service as of such date.
     7    § 5. Additional payment. Each nonjudicial officer and employee to whom
     8  the provisions of section three or four of this act apply shall be enti-
     9  tled to a one-time lump sum payment of 3,000 dollars provided he or  she
    10  is in the employ of the unified court system:  (i) on the effective date
    11  of this act, if he or she is not in a collective negotiating unit estab-
    12  lished  pursuant  to article 14 of the civil service law, or (ii) on the
    13  date the members of such a collective negotiating unit ratify a  collec-
    14  tive  bargaining  agreement  providing for such payment for officers and
    15  employees in positions in such unit, if he or she is in such  a  collec-
    16  tive negotiating unit.
    17    §  6.  Location pay.   (a) Notwithstanding any other provision of law:
    18  (1) Effective during the fiscal years commencing on the dates  specified
    19  in  this  paragraph,  each  nonjudicial officer and employee to whom the
    20  provisions of section three or four of this act apply and whose  princi-
    21  pal  place  of employment is in the city of New York or Nassau, Suffolk,
    22  Rockland, or Westchester  county  shall  receive  location  pay  at  the
    23  following rates:
    24    (i) 4,300 dollars annually, during the fiscal year commencing April 1,
    25  2021;
    26    (ii)  4,500  dollars annually, during the fiscal year commencing April
    27  1, 2022;
    28    (iii) 4,635 dollars annually, during the fiscal year commencing  April
    29  1, 2023;
    30    (iv)  4,775  dollars annually, during the fiscal year commencing April
    31  1, 2024;
    32    (v) 4,920 dollars annually, during the fiscal year commencing April 1,
    33  2025 and during each fiscal year commencing each April 1 thereafter.
    34    (2) Effective during the fiscal years commencing on the  dates  speci-
    35  fied  in  this  paragraph, each nonjudicial officer and employee to whom
    36  the provisions of section three or four of  this  act  apply  and  whose
    37  principal  place  of employment is in Dutchess, Putnam, or Orange county
    38  shall receive location pay at the following rates:
    39    (i) 2,150 dollars annually, during the fiscal year commencing April 1,
    40  2021;
    41    (ii) 2,250 dollars annually, during the fiscal year  commencing  April
    42  1, 2022;
    43    (iii)  2,318 dollars annually, during the fiscal year commencing April
    44  1, 2023;
    45    (iv) 2,388 dollars annually, during the fiscal year  commencing  April
    46  1, 2024;
    47    (v) 2,460 dollars annually, during the fiscal year commencing April 1,
    48  2025 and during each fiscal year commencing each April 1 thereafter.
    49    (3)  Effective  during  the  fiscal  year commencing April 1, 2021 and
    50  during each fiscal year commencing each April 1 thereafter, each  nonju-
    51  dicial  officer  and employee to whom the provisions of section three or
    52  four of this act apply and whose principal place  of  employment  is  in
    53  Monroe county and who was entitled to receive annual location pay pursu-
    54  ant to paragraph 3 of subdivision (a) of section 5 of chapter 400 of the
    55  laws  of  2014 shall continue to receive such location pay in the amount
    56  specified in such paragraph.

        S. 1521                            12

     1    (b) The location pay provided in this section shall be in lieu of  any
     2  other  location  pay  provided  by law; except that, where a nonjudicial
     3  officer or employee eligible to receive location  pay  pursuant  to  the
     4  provisions  of  this  section  has received location pay during a fiscal
     5  year  commencing on or after April 1, 2021, pursuant to law other than a
     6  provision of this act, the amount of location  pay  authorized  by  this
     7  section  shall  be  reduced  by  the amount of the location pay that was
     8  received.
     9    (c) Except as provided in subdivision (a) of this section, no nonjudi-
    10  cial officer and employee to whom the provisions  of  section  three  or
    11  four  of  this  act  apply  shall receive location pay. Any location pay
    12  authorized hereunder shall be in addition to and shall not be a part  of
    13  an  employee's  basic annual salary and shall not impair rights or bene-
    14  fits to which an employee may be entitled  by  law;  provided,  however,
    15  that  location  pay  shall  be  included as compensation for purposes of
    16  computation of overtime pay and for retirement purposes.  Location  pay,
    17  as provided in this section, shall be prorated for any nonjudicial offi-
    18  cer and employee to whom the provisions of section three or four of this
    19  act  apply and whose position is part-time, but not compensated on a per
    20  diem or hourly basis.
    21    § 7. Payment to certain nonjudicial officers  and  employees  who  are
    22  authorized  to  carry a firearm while on duty.  (a) (1) Except as other-
    23  wise provided in subdivision (b) of  this  section,  an  annual  payment
    24  shall  be made on April first of each fiscal year specified hereunder to
    25  each nonjudicial officer and employee to whom the provisions of  section
    26  three  of  this act apply who is in a title on such date in the security
    27  series under the unified court system's classification structure and who
    28  has:  (i) served the equivalent of 120 workdays in a title in such secu-
    29  rity series during the preceding state fiscal year;  and  (ii)  received
    30  other  than an unsatisfactory performance rating for his or her services
    31  during the year immediately preceding pursuant to a  performance  evalu-
    32  ation  system set forth in an agreement specified in section one of this
    33  act. The amount of such annual payment shall equal:
    34    (A) 750 dollars, on April 1, 2021;
    35    (B) 800 dollars, on April 1, 2022;
    36    (C) 825 dollars, on April 1, 2023;
    37    (D) 850 dollars, on April 1, 2024; and
    38    (E) 875 dollars, on April 1, 2025 and on each April 1 thereafter.
    39    (2) Such payment shall not be a part of  an  employee's  basic  annual
    40  salary  but  shall  be included as compensation for retirement purposes.
    41  Such payment shall also be prorated for any such nonjudicial officer  or
    42  employee otherwise entitled thereto whose position is part-time, but not
    43  compensated on a per diem or hourly basis.
    44    (b)  (1)  Effective  April  1, 2023 and each April first thereafter, a
    45  nonjudicial officer or employee otherwise entitled to an annual  payment
    46  pursuant  to  subdivision  (a) of this section who is in the court offi-
    47  cer-trainee title shall not receive such payment where it would  be  the
    48  first  such  payment  he  or  she  receives pursuant to such subdivision
    49  unless he or she had served the equivalent of 120 workdays in such title
    50  during the twelve-month period ending as of the preceding October first.
    51    (2) Notwithstanding any other provision of this section,  no  nonjudi-
    52  cial  officer or employee shall receive the payment prescribed herein on
    53  April 1, 2021 or April 1, 2022 if, prior to the effective date  of  this
    54  section,  he  or she already received such payment pursuant to law other
    55  than a provision of this act.

        S. 1521                            13

     1    § 8. Vacation credit exchange.  (a) This section shall apply to nonju-
     2  dicial officers and employees specified in section three or four of this
     3  act.
     4    (b)  Notwithstanding any other provision of law, each such nonjudicial
     5  officer or employee who is entitled  to  earn  and  accumulate  vacation
     6  and/or  overtime credits may elect to receive a cash payment in exchange
     7  for such credits as follows:
     8    (1) effective in the month of January  in  2023  (or  within  30  days
     9  following  the  date  on which this act becomes a law where such date is
    10  later than January 1, 2023), such nonjudicial officer  or  employee  may
    11  exchange  no  less  than 2 days nor more than 10 days of such earned and
    12  accumulated vacation and/or overtime credits standing to the  employee's
    13  credit at the time of election;
    14    (2)  effective  in  the  month of August in each of the calendar years
    15  2023, 2024, and 2025, such nonjudicial officer or employee may  exchange
    16  no  less than 2 days nor more than 5 days of such earned and accumulated
    17  vacation and/or overtime credits standing to the  employee's  credit  at
    18  the time of the election.
    19    Notwithstanding  the  foregoing,  no exchange pursuant to this section
    20  may leave an officer or employee with less than 10 days of  such  earned
    21  and accumulated credits standing to the employee's credit.
    22    Each cash payment authorized by this subdivision shall be effective on
    23  the  date  the affected nonjudicial officer or employee exchanges his or
    24  her vacation and/or overtime credits therefor in accordance with  subdi-
    25  vision (c) of this section.
    26    (c)  Cash  payments in accordance with this section shall be at a rate
    27  established by the chief administrator of the  courts,  subject  to  the
    28  terms  of  any  agreement  negotiated  between the state and an employee
    29  organization pursuant to article 14  of  the  civil  service  law.  Such
    30  payments  shall  be  paid  in  addition to and shall not be a part of an
    31  employee's basic annual salary, nor shall they be  included  as  compen-
    32  sation  for  retirement purposes. Such payments shall not be regarded as
    33  compensation for purposes of computation  of  overtime  pay.  The  chief
    34  administrator  may  adopt  such  regulations the chief administrator may
    35  deem necessary to carry out the provisions of this act, subject  to  the
    36  terms  of  any  agreement  negotiated  between the state and an employee
    37  organization pursuant to article 14 of the civil service law.
    38    § 8-a. Uniform allowance.  Where a nonjudicial officer or employee, to
    39  whom the provisions of section three or four of this act apply, is enti-
    40  tled to receive a uniform allowance pursuant to a collective  bargaining
    41  agreement specified in section one of this act, such allowance shall not
    42  be  a  part of such employee's basic annual salary but shall be included
    43  as compensation for retirement purposes.
    44    § 9. Collective  bargaining  agreement  required.  The  provisions  of
    45  sections  three through eight-a of this act shall not be implemented for
    46  nonjudicial officers and employees  in  a  collective  negotiating  unit
    47  established  pursuant  to  article 14 of the civil service law until the
    48  chief administrator of the courts shall deliver  to  the  comptroller  a
    49  certificate  that  there  is  in effect with respect to such negotiating
    50  unit a written collective bargaining agreement with the  state  pursuant
    51  to  article 14 of the civil service law which provides therefor; and any
    52  increase in compensation, including increases in  basic  annual  salary,
    53  increments  or  partial  increments,  bonuses,  or payments, provided by
    54  sections three through eight-a of this act or  otherwise  authorized  by
    55  law:

        S. 1521                            14

     1    (a)  may  be withheld in whole or in part from any nonjudicial officer
     2  and employee not in a collective negotiating unit  established  pursuant
     3  to  article 14 of the civil service law when in the opinion of the chief
     4  administrator, such increase is not warranted or is not appropriate; and
     5    (b)  shall not preclude any other increases in compensation for such a
     6  nonjudicial officer or employee as may be authorized by law.
     7    § 10. Date of entitlement  to  salary  increase.  Notwithstanding  the
     8  provisions  of  this  act  or  any other law, each increase in salary or
     9  compensation for nonjudicial officers or employees provided by this  act
    10  shall be added to the salary or compensation of such officer or employee
    11  at the beginning of the payroll period the first day of which is nearest
    12  to  the  effective  date  of  such  increase  as  provided  in this act;
    13  provided, however, for the purposes of determining the  salary  of  such
    14  officer  or  employee  upon reclassification, reallocation, appointment,
    15  promotion, transfer, demotion, reinstatement or other change of  status,
    16  such salary increase shall be deemed to be effective on the date thereof
    17  as  prescribed  in  this  act,  and the payment thereof pursuant to this
    18  section on the date prior thereto instead of  on  such  effective  date,
    19  shall  not operate to confer any additional salary rights or benefits on
    20  such officer or employee.
    21    §  11.  Deferred  payment  of  salary  increase.  Notwithstanding  the
    22  provisions  of  this act or any other law, commencing April 1, 2021, and
    23  pending payment pursuant to this act of the  basic  annual  salaries  of
    24  incumbents  of  positions  subject to this act commencing April 1, 2021,
    25  such incumbents shall receive,  as  partial  compensation  for  services
    26  rendered, the rate of compensation otherwise payable in their respective
    27  positions  pursuant  to law then in effect. An incumbent holding a posi-
    28  tion subject to this act at any time during the  period  from  April  1,
    29  2021  until  the time when basic annual salaries are first paid pursuant
    30  to this act for such service in  excess  of  the  compensation  actually
    31  received  therefor  shall  be  entitled  to  a  lump sum payment for the
    32  difference between the salary to which such incumbent  is  entitled  for
    33  such  service and the compensation actually received therefor. Such lump
    34  sum payment shall be made as soon as practicable.
    35    § 12. Subdivision (i) of section 3 of chapter 400 of the laws of 2014,
    36  relating to terms and conditions of employment  of  certain  nonjudicial
    37  officers  and  employees  of the unified court system, is REPEALED and a
    38  new subdivision (i) is added to read as follows:
    39    (i) (A) This section shall apply  only  to  nonjudicial  officers  and
    40  employees  who are in positions that are not in a collective negotiating
    41  unit established pursuant to article 14 of the civil service law or that
    42  are in the state judiciary collective negotiating unit.
    43    (B) Effective April 1, 2021, each such nonjudicial officer or employee
    44  who has completed at least four years of continuous service at  a  basic
    45  annual  salary  rate  equal  to  or  higher than the maximum rate of the
    46  employee's salary grade as of the preceding March 31  shall  receive  an
    47  annual  longevity  payment  equaling (1) 2,300 dollars, if he or she has
    48  completed less than 8 years of such service as of such date,  (2)  4,700
    49  dollars, if he or she has completed at least 8 but less than 13 years of
    50  such  service  as  of  such date, or (3) 6,900 dollars, if he or she has
    51  completed at least 13 years of such service as of such date.
    52    (C) Effective April 1, 2022, each such nonjudicial officer or employee
    53  who has completed at least 4 years of  continuous  service  at  a  basic
    54  annual  salary  rate  equal  to  or  higher than the maximum rate of the
    55  employee's salary grade as of the preceding March 31  shall  receive  an
    56  annual  longevity  payment  equaling (1) 2,400 dollars, if he or she has

        S. 1521                            15

     1  completed less than 8 years of such service as of such date,  (2)  4,900
     2  dollars, if he or she has completed at least 8 but less than 13 years of
     3  such  service  as  of  such date, or (3) 6,900 dollars, if he or she has
     4  completed at least 13 years of such service as of such date.
     5    (D)  Effective  April  1, 2023, April 1, 2024, and April 1, 2025, each
     6  such nonjudicial officer or employee who has completed at least 8  years
     7  of  continuous  service at a basic annual salary rate equal to or higher
     8  than the maximum rate of the employee's salary grade as of the preceding
     9  March 31 shall receive an annual longevity payment  equaling  (1)  5,050
    10  dollars  (5,200 dollars effective April 1, 2024, or 5,355 dollars effec-
    11  tive April 1, 2025), if he or she has completed less than  13  years  of
    12  such  service  as  of  such  date,  (2)  6,900 dollars, if he or she has
    13  completed at least 13 years of such service as of  such  date.  Notwith-
    14  standing the foregoing, where a nonjudicial officer or employee is enti-
    15  tled to receive an annual longevity payment pursuant to subparagraph (1)
    16  of  this  paragraph on April 1, 2023, the amount of any annual longevity
    17  payment to which he or she shall be entitled on April 1, 2024 and  April
    18  1,  2025  shall be determined as if he or she had fewer than 13 years of
    19  service as of such date regardless of the  number  of  actual  years  of
    20  service he or she may have.
    21    § 13. Subdivision (i) of section 3 of chapter 400 of the laws of 2014,
    22  relating  to  terms  and conditions of employment of certain nonjudicial
    23  officers and employees of the unified court system, is REPEALED.
    24    § 14. This act shall take effect immediately and shall  be  deemed  to
    25  have  been  in  full force and effect on and after April 1, 2021; except
    26  that section thirteen of this act shall take effect March 31, 2026.