                               2017-2018 Regular Sessions
                    IN SENATE
                                     January 9, 2017
        Introduced  by  Sen. LAVALLE -- read twice and ordered printed, and when
          printed to be committed to the Committee on Commerce, Economic  Devel-
          opment  and  Small  Business -- reported favorably from said committee
          and committed to the Committee on  Finance  --  committee  discharged,
          bill  amended,  ordered  reprinted  as amended and recommitted to said
        AN ACT to establish the higher education task force on the viability  of
          SUNY Polytechnic
          The  People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:
     1    Section 1. Higher education task force on the state university of  New
     2  York  polytechnic  institute  (SUNY  Polytechnic)  and its viability. 1.
     3  There is hereby established a task force  to  be  known  as  the  higher
     4  education task force on the viability of SUNY Polytechnic.
     5    2.  This task force is hereby created to recommend to the legislature,
     6  governor, and the state university of New York  trustees  strategies  on
     7  remaining  cutting  edge  within  the  industry, funding and creation of
     8  public-private partnerships, economic  development,  organizational  and
     9  leadership needs, as well as the fusion between academia and industry.
    10    3. The task force shall consist of nine members, of which:
    11    a. Five members shall be appointed by the governor, of which one shall
    12  be  the  chief  executive  officer  of  SUNY  Polytechnic,  one shall be
    13  appointed by the  temporary  president  of  the  senate,  one  shall  be
    14  appointed  by the speaker of the assembly, one shall be appointed by the
    15  minority leader of the senate and one shall be appointed by the minority
    16  leader of the assembly.
    17    b. Of the nine members appointed, at least  four  members  shall  have
    18  significant  experience  and have demonstrated leadership in the private
    19  sector, including, but not limited to,  experience  in  high  technology
    20  and/or nanotechnology and venture capital.
         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        S. 1381--A                          2
     1    c.  At least two members shall have significant experience in academia
     2  and research,  including  teaching  and  researching  in  the  following
     3  fields:  nanoscience, nanobioscience, nanoengineering or nanoeconomics.
     4    d.  At  least one member shall have significant experience and leader-
     5  ship in government, particularly in the area of economic development.
     6    e. The remaining two members shall  have  experience  in  the  private
     7  sector,  academia,  or  government, provided that both members shall not
     8  have experience in the same sector.
     9    f. The chair of the board shall be  appointed  by  the  governor  from
    10  among  the  private  sector  members, upon the advice and consent of the
    11  senate.
    12    g. All other officers of the task force shall be  elected  from  among
    13  its members by a majority vote of the task force's voting members.
    14    4.  A  majority  of  the  members of the task force shall constitute a
    15  quorum, and all recommendations, including those  in  the  final  report
    16  issued  by  the  task force, shall require approval of two-thirds of the
    17  total members of the task force.
    18    5. The task force shall meet no less than two times a month either  in
    19  person  or  through electronic means. The task force must meet in person
    20  once every three months.
    21    6. The task force shall make recommendations on, but  not  be  limited
    22  to:
    23    a. SUNY Polytechnic's fulfillment of its public purposes to furthering
    24  job  creation and economic growth and advances in the field of nanotech-
    25  nology;
    26    b. facilitating the commercialization of nanoscientific innovations in
    27  the state; and
    28    c. developing a strategic plan  for  the  implementation  of  programs
    29  aimed at:
    30    (i)  working  with  SUNY Polytechnic to further encourage cutting edge
    31  academic research in the field of nanotechnology;
    32    (ii) facilitating job growth and business expansion in  the  field  of
    33  nanotechnology; and
    34    (iii)  managing  and  supporting the development of partnerships among
    35  academia, government and industry to further advance the field of  nano-
    36  technology in the state and its various regions.
    37    7.  The  task  force shall issue a report to the governor, legislature
    38  and state university of New York trustees no later than eighteen  months
    39  after  the final appointment is made to the task force. The report shall
    40  consist of findings and recommendations required pursuant to subdivision
    41  6 of this section.
    42    8. Members of the task force shall receive no compensation  for  their
    43  services,  but  shall  be  allowed  the  actual  and  necessary expenses
    44  incurred in the performance of their functions hereunder. All members of
    45  the task force shall serve at the pleasure of the governor and vacancies
    46  shall be filled in the same manner as original appointments.
    47    9. Every agency, department, office, division and public authority  of
    48  this state shall cooperate with the task force and furnish such informa-
    49  tion and assistance as the task force determines is reasonably necessary
    50  to accomplish its purpose.
    51    § 2. This act shall take effect immediately.