

                               2023-2024 Regular Sessions

                    IN SENATE

                                    January 11, 2023

        Introduced by Sens. COMRIE, SEPULVEDA -- read twice and ordered printed,
          and when printed to be committed to the Committee on Judiciary

        AN  ACT  to  amend  the  real  property  actions and proceedings law, in
          relation to access to  adjoining  property  to  make  improvements  or

          The  People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:

     1    Section 1. Section 881 of the real property  actions  and  proceedings
     2  law,  as added by chapter 220 of the laws of 1968, is amended to read as
     3  follows:
     4    § 881. Access to adjoining property to make improvements  or  repairs.
     5  1.  As  used  in this section: (a) the term "document" shall include but
     6  not be limited to copies of any plans,  specifications,  surveys,  engi-
     7  neering reports or evidence of insurance for the work to be performed on
     8  adjoining property;
     9    (b)  the term "licensee" shall refer to the owner or lessee, as appli-
    10  cable, who seeks entry onto an adjoining property;
    11    (c) the term "adjoining owner" shall refer to the owner or its  lessee
    12  of the property adjoining that of the licensee; and
    13    (d)  the  term  "refuse",  "refusal",  or "refused" shall be deemed to
    14  include instances where a request has been made in writing and there  is
    15  a  subsequent  absence of any affirmative response within a commercially
    16  reasonable time.
    17    2. When [an owner or lessee] a licensee seeks to make improvements  or
    18  repairs  to  real property so situated that such improvements or repairs
    19  cannot be made by the [owner  or  lessee]  licensee  in  a  commercially
    20  reasonable  manner  without  entering the premises of an adjoining owner
    21  [or his lessee], and permission so to enter has been refused, the [owner
    22  or lessee seeking to make such improvements  or  repairs]  licensee  may
    23  commence  a  special  proceeding  for  a license so to enter pursuant to
    24  article four of the civil practice law and rules. The petition and affi-

         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        S. 1305                             2

     1  davits, if any, shall state the facts [making such entry  necessary  and
     2  the date or dates on which entry is sought] supporting the entry and the
     3  date  or dates upon which entry is sought.  Any adjoining owner named as
     4  a  party  in  such  proceeding  shall,  at  the request of the licensee,
     5  provide such licensee with such information as shall allow the  licensee
     6  to  identify  the  lessees  of  the adjoining owner and join them in the
     7  proceeding. Such license shall be granted by the court in an appropriate
     8  case and upon such other terms as justice requires. The  licensee  shall
     9  be  liable  to  the  adjoining  owner [or his lessee] for actual damages
    10  occurring as a result of the entry.
    11    3. The purposes for which a licensee may seek permission to  enter  an
    12  adjoining property pursuant to this section shall include, without limi-
    13  tation:
    14    (a)  Preconstruction survey to document the existing conditions of the
    15  adjoining property;
    16    (b) The installation,  maintenance,  inspection,  repair,  replacement
    17  and/or removal of: (i) vibration, crack or optical monitoring devices on
    18  or  within  any  existing  improvements  on the adjoining property; (ii)
    19  sheds, bridges, netting or other  protective  covering  over  the  roof,
    20  facades,  windows,  skylights,  mechanical  equipment, chimneys or other
    21  exterior portions of buildings or yards, walkways,  driveways  or  other
    22  open  areas  on the adjoining property; (iii) scaffolding on or over the
    23  adjoining property; (iv) sheeting, shoring, bracing or  other  retaining
    24  structures  needed for demolition, support or excavation; (v) foundation
    25  or building supports, including, without  limitation,  wall  ties,  tie-
    26  backs,  anchors,  straps  and  underpinning,  for any demolition, new or
    27  existing improvements on the  premises  of  the  licensee  or  adjoining
    28  owner,  including,  without  limitation,  party walls; or (vi) flashing,
    29  sealing or other materials or equipment needed to establish  the  weath-
    30  er-proof  integrity of any wall, foundation or other exterior portion of
    31  a building on the adjoining property;
    32    (c) Temporary projections or  intrusions  into  the  airspace  of  the
    33  adjoining property as necessary to complete the proposed improvements or
    34  repairs;
    35    (d)  Temporary or permanent relocation, extension or offsetting of any
    36  chimneys, vents, flues, exhausts  or  other  rooftop  equipment  on  the
    37  adjoining property, as required by applicable law;
    38    (e) Construction staging necessary to complete any work on the adjoin-
    39  ing property; or
    40    (f)  The  undertaking  of  such  other  measures as may be required by
    41  applicable law or good construction practice.
    42    4. The grant of any permission  pursuant  to  this  section  shall  be
    43  subject to the following conditions:
    44    (a) The exercise of any right of entry to the adjoining property shall
    45  be  upon  reasonable  prior notice to the adjoining owner, as applicable
    46  and as the court may establish, except in cases of an  emergency  posing
    47  an immediate threat to the safety of persons or property;
    48    (b)  The  licensee shall provide to the adjoining owner, as applicable
    49  and as reasonably practicable but no later than the delivery date of the
    50  applicable notice required pursuant to paragraph (a)  of  this  subdivi-
    51  sion, a good faith projection of the dates and estimated duration of any
    52  entry  to  the  adjoining  property.  The licensee shall thereafter make
    53  commercially reasonable efforts to adhere to such dates and durations or
    54  provide timely notification of changes thereto;
    55    (c) Where permission includes a right to install,  maintain,  inspect,
    56  repair,  replace  or remove any devices, structures, materials or equip-

        S. 1305                             3

     1  ment on the adjoining property, the grantee licensee  shall  provide  to
     2  the  adjoining  owner,  as  applicable, copies of any relevant documents
     3  prior to commencement of such work;
     4    (d)  The  licensee  and/or any contractor, consultant or agent thereof
     5  that accesses the adjoining  property  pursuant  to  the  license  shall
     6  procure  and  maintain commercial general liability insurance for damage
     7  to persons or property, naming the adjoining owner and/or its lessee(s),
     8  as applicable and made known to licensee,  as  additional  insureds,  in
     9  such amounts as are commercially reasonable for the entry to the adjoin-
    10  ing  property.  The  licensee  shall provide the adjoining owner and its
    11  lessees, as applicable, with relevant documents; and
    12    (e) The licensee  shall  be  required  to  reasonably  compensate  the
    13  adjoining owner for the use and occupancy of the adjoining premises.
    14    5.  The court, in granting a license or otherwise resolving a proceed-
    15  ing brought pursuant to this section, shall be authorized to:
    16    (a) consider evidence that either party  failed  to  comply  with  the
    17  terms of any existing or previously existing license respecting the same
    18  property, or failed to respond to a written request within a commercial-
    19  ly reasonable time;
    20    (b) obligate the licensee to reimburse the adjoining owner for reason-
    21  able  architect's and/or engineer's fees incurred in connection with the
    22  review  of  relevant  documents  for  the   installation,   maintenance,
    23  inspection, repair, replacement or removal of devices, structures, mate-
    24  rials or equipment on the adjoining property;
    25    (c) approve, and obligate the adjoining owner to accept such documents
    26  for  the  installation,  maintenance, inspection, repair, replacement or
    27  removal of devices, structures, materials or equipment on the  adjoining
    28  property as the licensee may present during the proceeding;
    29    (d)  approve,  and obligate the licensee to accept reasonable comments
    30  on documents propounded by the adjoining owner;
    31    (e) insure for damage to property and  persons  if  there  is  unique,
    32  physical  occurrence  causing  physical  damage  to  property or persons
    33  caused by the access; and
    34    (f) award reasonable attorneys' fees to either party  upon  a  finding
    35  that the other party acted in bad faith or engaged in willful misconduct
    36  in seeking, denying, or conditioning its approval of the rights of entry
    37  that are the subject of the proceeding.
    38    §  2.  The  real  property  actions  and proceedings law is amended by
    39  adding a new section 882 to read as follows:
    40    § 882. Severability. If any provision of this article or the  applica-
    41  tion thereof to any person or circumstances is held invalid, the remain-
    42  der  of  the  article  and  the  application  of such provision to other
    43  persons or circumstances shall not be affected thereby.
    44    § 3. This act shall take effect immediately.