

                               2023-2024 Regular Sessions

                    IN SENATE

                                     January 9, 2023

        Introduced  by  Sens.  COONEY,  FERNANDEZ,  GOUNARDES  -- read twice and
          ordered printed, and when printed to be committed to the Committee  on
          Labor  --  committee  discharged,  bill  amended, ordered reprinted as
          amended and recommitted to said committee

        AN ACT to amend the workers' compensation law, in relation to the weekly
          benefit of a disabled employee

          The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and  Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:

     1    Section  1.  Short title.  This act shall be known and may be cited as
     2  the "equity in leave act".
     3    § 2. Paragraph (b) of subdivision 2 of section  204  of  the  workers'
     4  compensation  law,  as  amended by section 5 of part SS of chapter 54 of
     5  the laws of 2016, is amended to read as follows:
     6    (b) The weekly benefit which the  disabled  employee  is  entitled  to
     7  receive  for  disability  commencing: (i) on or after January first, two
     8  thousand twenty-six shall be fifty percent  of  the  employee's  average
     9  weekly  wage  but  shall  not  exceed fifty percent of the state average
    10  weekly wage; (ii) on or after January first, two  thousand  twenty-seven
    11  shall  be  fifty-five  percent of the employee's average weekly wage but
    12  shall not exceed fifty-five percent of the state  average  weekly  wage;
    13  (iii)  on  or  after  January  first, two thousand twenty-eight shall be
    14  sixty percent of the employee's weekly average wage but shall not exceed
    15  sixty percent of the state average weekly wage; and  (iv)  on  or  after
    16  January  first  of each succeeding year, shall be sixty-seven percent of
    17  the employee's average weekly wage  but  shall  not  exceed  sixty-seven
    18  percent  of  the state average weekly wage. The weekly benefit which the
    19  disabled employee is entitled to receive for disability commencing on or
    20  after May first, nineteen  hundred  eighty-nine  and  prior  to  January
    21  first, two thousand twenty-six shall be one-half of the employee's week-
    22  ly  wage,  but  in no case shall such benefit exceed one hundred seventy
    23  dollars; except that if the employee's average weekly wage is less  than

         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        S. 921--A                           2

     1  twenty dollars, the benefit shall be such average weekly wage. The week-
     2  ly  benefit which the disabled employee is entitled to receive for disa-
     3  bility commencing on or after July first, nineteen  hundred  eighty-four
     4  shall  be  one-half  of the employee's weekly wage, but in no case shall
     5  such benefit exceed one hundred forty-five dollars; except that  if  the
     6  employee's  average weekly wage is less than twenty dollars, the benefit
     7  shall be such average weekly wage. The weekly benefit which the disabled
     8  employee is entitled to receive for disability commencing  on  or  after
     9  July first, nineteen hundred eighty-three and prior to July first, nine-
    10  teen  hundred  eighty-four  shall  be one-half of the employee's average
    11  weekly wage, but in no case shall such benefit exceed one hundred  thir-
    12  ty-five  dollars  nor  be  less  than twenty dollars; except that if the
    13  employee's average weekly wage is less than twenty dollars  the  benefit
    14  shall be such average weekly wage. The weekly benefit which the disabled
    15  employee  is  entitled  to receive for disability commencing on or after
    16  July first, nineteen hundred seventy-four,  and  prior  to  July  first,
    17  nineteen hundred eighty-three, shall be one-half of the employee's aver-
    18  age  weekly  wage,  but in no case shall such benefit exceed ninety-five
    19  dollars nor be less than twenty dollars; except that if  the  employee's
    20  average  weekly  wage  is less than twenty dollars, the benefit shall be
    21  such average weekly wage. The weekly benefit which the disabled employee
    22  is entitled to receive for disability commencing on or after July first,
    23  nineteen hundred seventy and  prior  to  July  first,  nineteen  hundred
    24  seventy-four  shall  be  one-half of the employee's average weekly wage,
    25  but in no case shall such benefit exceed  seventy-five  dollars  nor  be
    26  less  than  twenty dollars; except that if the employee's average weekly
    27  wage is less than twenty dollars the benefit shall be such average week-
    28  ly wage. For any period of disability less than a full week,  the  bene-
    29  fits  payable  shall be calculated by dividing the weekly benefit by the
    30  number of the employee's normal work days per week and  multiplying  the
    31  quotient by the number of normal work days in such period of disability.
    32  The  weekly benefit for a disabled employee who is concurrently eligible
    33  for benefits in the employment of more than one covered employer  shall,
    34  within the maximum and minimum herein provided, be one-half of the total
    35  of  the  employee's  average weekly wages received from all such covered
    36  employers, and shall be allocated in the proportion of their  respective
    37  average weekly wage payments.
    38    §  3.  Paragraph  (a)  of subdivision 3 of section 209 of the workers'
    39  compensation law, as amended by section 10 of part SS of chapter  54  of
    40  the laws of 2016, is amended to read as follows:
    41    (a) Disability benefits. The contribution of each such employee to the
    42  cost  of  disability benefits provided by this article shall be one-half
    43  of one per centum of the employee's wages paid to  him  or  her  on  and
    44  after July first, nineteen hundred fifty and prior to January first, two
    45  thousand  twenty-six,  but  not  in excess of sixty cents per week.  The
    46  contribution of each such employee to the cost  of  employee  disability
    47  benefits provided by this article shall be one-half of one per centum of
    48  the  employee's wages paid to him or her on and after January first, two
    49  thousand twenty-six, but not in excess of two dollars and  twenty  cents
    50  per week.
    51    §  4.    Section  203-a  of the workers' compensation law, as added by
    52  section 4 of part SS of chapter 54 of the laws of 2016,  is  amended  to
    53  read as follows:
    54    §  203-a. [Retaliatory] Interference and retaliatory action prohibited
    55  for disability and family  leave.  1.  The  provisions  of  section  one

        S. 921--A                           3

     1  hundred twenty of this chapter and section two hundred forty-one of this
     2  article shall be applicable to disability and family leave.
     3    2.  It shall be unlawful for any employer to interfere with, restrain,
     4  or deny the exercise of, or the attempt to exercise, any right  provided
     5  under  this  article, including: (a) failing to comply with the require-
     6  ments of section two hundred twenty-nine of this  article,  such  as  by
     7  failing  to  provide  an  employee with the notice of rights required by
     8  such section; (b) failing to provide an employee with complete and accu-
     9  rate information related to the submission of a claim for disability  or
    10  family leave benefits, such as by failing to inform the employee that it
    11  is  the  employee's  responsibility  to submit the completed application
    12  materials to the employer's insurance carrier or by failing or  refusing
    13  to provide the employee with the name of the employer's insurance carri-
    14  er  and/or the employer's policy number with said insurance carrier; (c)
    15  failing to accurately complete and return to the employee the disability
    16  or family leave application paperwork within the time  period  specified
    17  by  the chair; (d) providing the employer's insurance carrier with inac-
    18  curate information about an employee's employment as it relates  to  the
    19  employee's  eligibility  for  disability  or  family leave benefits; (e)
    20  refusing to allow an employee who has  requested  disability  or  family
    21  leave  under  this article to begin leave until the employer's insurance
    22  carrier has approved the employee's claim for disability or family leave
    23  benefits; (f) failing or refusing to carry disability  or  family  leave
    24  insurance as required by section two hundred eleven of this article; (g)
    25  threatening  termination, demotion, discipline, suspension, or reduction
    26  of hours or wages, reporting or  threatening  to  report  an  employee's
    27  suspected citizenship or immigration status or the suspected citizenship
    28  or  immigration  status of a family member of the employee to a federal,
    29  state, or local agency, or  threatening  any  other  action  against  an
    30  employee  seeking  to take disability or family leave that might reason-
    31  ably deter an employee from exercising a right provided under this arti-
    32  cle; or (h) threatening or taking any other action  that  may  have  the
    33  effect of preventing or discouraging an employee from exercising a right
    34  provided under this article.
    35    3.  Nothing  in  this  section shall be deemed to diminish the rights,
    36  privileges, or remedies of any employee under any collective  bargaining
    37  agreement or employment contract.
    38    §  5.    Section  203-b  of the workers' compensation law, as added by
    39  section 4 of part SS of chapter 54 of the laws of 2016,  is  amended  to
    40  read as follows:
    41    §  203-b.  Reinstatement  following  disability  or  family leave. Any
    42  eligible employee of a covered employer who takes leave, including leave
    43  for disability, under this article shall be  entitled,  on  return  from
    44  such leave, to be restored by the employer to the position of employment
    45  held  by  the  employee when the leave commenced, or to be restored to a
    46  comparable position with comparable employment benefits, pay  and  other
    47  terms  and conditions of employment. The taking of family leave or leave
    48  due to a disability shall not result in the loss of any employment bene-
    49  fit accrued prior to the date on which the leave commenced.  Nothing  in
    50  this  section shall be construed to entitle any restored employee to the
    51  accrual of any seniority or employment benefits  during  any  period  of
    52  leave,  or  any  right,  benefit or position to which the employee would
    53  have been entitled had the employee not taken the leave.
    54    § 6.  Section 203-c of the workers'  compensation  law,  as  added  by
    55  section  4  of  part SS of chapter 54 of the laws of 2016, is amended to
    56  read as follows:

        S. 921--A                           4

     1    § 203-c. Health  insurance  during  disability  or  family  leave.  In
     2  accordance  with  the  Family  and  Medical  Leave  Act  (29  U.S.C.  §§
     3  2601-2654), during any period of disability or family leave the employer
     4  shall maintain any existing health benefits of the employee in force for
     5  the duration of such leave as if the employee had continued to work from
     6  the  date  he or she commenced disability or family leave until the date
     7  he or she returns to employment.
     8    § 7. This act shall take effect immediately.