

                               2021-2022 Regular Sessions

                    IN SENATE


                                     January 6, 2021

        Introduced  by Sen. HARCKHAM -- read twice and ordered printed, and when
          printed to be committed  to  the  Committee  on  Health  --  committee
          discharged, bill amended, ordered reprinted as amended and recommitted
          to said committee

        AN  ACT  to  amend the social services law and the public health law, in
          relation to medication for the treatment of substance use disorders

          The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and  Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:

     1    Section  1.  Subdivision 2 of section 365-a of the social services law
     2  is amended by adding a new paragraph (gg) to read as follows:
     3    (gg) all buprenorphine products, methadone or long  acting  injectable
     4  naltrexone  for  detoxification  or maintenance treatment of a substance
     5  use disorder prescribed according to generally accepted national profes-
     6  sional guidelines for the treatment of a substance use disorder.    Such
     7  medication assisted treatment shall not be subject to any prior authori-
     8  zation mandate.
     9    §  2. Subdivision 26-b of section 364-j of the social services law, as
    10  added by section 4 of part B of chapter 69  of  the  laws  of  2016,  is
    11  amended to read as follows:
    12    26-b. Managed care providers shall not require prior authorization for
    13  [an  initial  or  renewal  prescription  for buprenorphine or injectable
    14  naltrexone  for  detoxification  or  maintenance  treatment  of   opioid
    15  addiction  unless  the prescription is for a non-preferred or non-formu-
    16  lary form of the drug or as otherwise required by section 1927(k)(6)  of
    17  the  Social  Security Act] any buprenorphine products, methadone or long
    18  acting injectable naltrexone for detoxification or maintenance treatment
    19  of a substance use disorder prescribed according to  generally  accepted
    20  national  professional  guidelines  for the treatment of a substance use
    21  disorder.

         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        S. 649--A                           2

     1    § 3. Subdivision 10 of section  273  of  the  public  health  law,  as
     2  amended  by  section  7 of part GG of chapter 56 of the laws of 2020, is
     3  amended to read as follows:
     4    10.  Prior  authorization  shall  not  be  required for [an initial or
     5  renewal prescription for  buprenorphine  or  injectable  naltrexone  for
     6  detoxification  or  maintenance treatment of opioid addiction unless the
     7  prescription is for a non-preferred or non-formulary form of  such  drug
     8  as  otherwise required by section 1927(k)(6) of the Social Security Act.
     9  Further, prior authorization shall not be required  for]  any  buprenor-
    10  phine products, methadone, [when used for opioid use disorder and admin-
    11  istered  or  dispensed  in  an  opioid treatment program] or long acting
    12  injectable naltrexone for detoxification or maintenance treatment  of  a
    13  substance  use  disorder  prescribed  according  to  generally  accepted
    14  national professional guidelines for the treatment of  a  substance  use
    15  disorder.
    16    §  4.  This  act shall take effect on the ninetieth day after it shall
    17  have become a law; provided, however, that the amendments to subdivision
    18  26-b of section 364-j of the social services law made by section two  of
    19  this  act  shall  not  affect  the  repeal of such section, and shall be
    20  deemed repealed therewith.