

                               2021-2022 Regular Sessions

                    IN SENATE


                                     January 6, 2021

        Introduced  by Sen. KAMINSKY -- read twice and ordered printed, and when
          printed to be committed to the Committee on Local Government

        AN ACT to amend the real property tax law, in relation to the assessment
          of certain real property damaged by the severe storm that occurred  on
          October  twenty-ninth  and thirtieth, two thousand twelve in a special
          assessing unit that is not a city

          The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and  Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:

     1    Section  1.  Paragraph  (b)  of subdivision 2 of section 1805-b of the
     2  real property tax law, as added by chapter 411 of the laws of  2015,  is
     3  amended to read as follows:
     4    (b)  "Aggregate physical increase" means the sum of physical increases
     5  for assessment rolls completed from two thousand  fourteen  through  two
     6  thousand [twenty] twenty-three.
     7    §  2.  Paragraph  (b)  of  subdivision 3 of section 1805-b of the real
     8  property tax law, as added by chapter  411  of  the  laws  of  2015,  is
     9  amended to read as follows:
    10    (b) the assessor increased the assessed value attributable to improve-
    11  ments  on the property by means of a physical increase for an assessment
    12  roll completed from two thousand fourteen through two thousand  [twenty]
    13  twenty-three.
    14    §  3. Subdivision 4 of section 1805-b of the real property tax law, as
    15  added by chapter 411 of the laws of 2015, is amended to read as follows:
    16    4. Limitation on increases of assessed value. Notwithstanding subdivi-
    17  sion five of section eighteen hundred five of this article and any other
    18  provision to the contrary, increases in the assessed value  of  affected
    19  real  property shall be limited in the manner specified in this subdivi-
    20  sion.
    21    (a) Except as provided in  paragraph  (c)  of  this  subdivision,  for
    22  affected  real  property for which the assessed values on the assessment
    23  rolls completed in two thousand fourteen and two thousand fifteen do not
    24  reflect a physical  increase,  the  amount  of  the  aggregate  physical
    25  increase  shall not exceed the amount of the physical decrease reflected

         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        S. 625                              2

     1  in the assessed value on the assessment roll completed in  two  thousand
     2  thirteen.  Any  increase  in  assessed  value from the preceding year in
     3  excess of the physical increase reflected in the current assessed value,
     4  such  physical  increase  limited as provided in the preceding sentence,
     5  shall be subject to the limitations on increases  provided  in  subdivi-
     6  sions  one, two and three of section eighteen hundred five of this arti-
     7  cle. In no event shall the assessed value of the affected real  property
     8  appearing  on  an  assessment roll completed for any given year from two
     9  thousand fifteen to two thousand [twenty] twenty-three exceed  what  the
    10  assessed  value would have been that year but for any physical decreases
    11  or physical increases reflected in the assessed values on the assessment
    12  rolls completed from two thousand  thirteen  to  two  thousand  [twenty]
    13  twenty-three.
    14    (b)  For  affected  real  property for which the assessed value on the
    15  assessment roll completed in  two  thousand  fourteen  or  two  thousand
    16  fifteen  reflects a physical increase, the assessed value as it appeared
    17  on the assessment roll completed in two thousand fifteen shall be recal-
    18  culated as if the limitation in paragraph (a) of  this  subdivision  had
    19  been  in effect for the assessment rolls completed in two thousand four-
    20  teen and two thousand fifteen. The recalculation of the  assessed  value
    21  that  appeared  on the assessment roll completed in two thousand fifteen
    22  shall not affect the amount of taxes that were due and payable  for  the
    23  fiscal  year  beginning on the first of July, two thousand fourteen. The
    24  assessed value on the assessment rolls completed for each of  the  years
    25  from two thousand sixteen to two thousand [twenty] twenty-three shall be
    26  subject to the limitation on increases provided in paragraph (a) of this
    27  subdivision. Notwithstanding any provision to the contrary, the assessor
    28  is  authorized  to  correct  as  provided in this paragraph the assessed
    29  value of  affected  real  property  appearing  on  the  assessment  roll
    30  completed  in  two  thousand  fifteen.  Such correction shall be made no
    31  later than ninety days after the effective date of a local  law  adopted
    32  in accordance with this section.
    33    (c) Notwithstanding paragraphs (a) and (b) of this subdivision, in the
    34  event  that the total square footage of the improvements on the affected
    35  real property appearing on any assessment roll completed from two  thou-
    36  sand  fourteen  to  two thousand [twenty] twenty-three exceeds the total
    37  square footage of the improvements on  the  property  appearing  on  the
    38  assessment  roll  completed  in  two  thousand twelve, the amount of the
    39  aggregate physical increase shall not  exceed  the  amount  computed  by
    40  multiplying  the  sum of the physical increases as calculated subject to
    41  this subdivision by a fraction, the numerator of which is equal  to  the
    42  amount  of  the total square footage of the improvements on the property
    43  for the current assessment roll, and the denominator of which  is  equal
    44  to  the  amount  of  the total square footage of the improvements on the
    45  property for the assessment roll completed in two thousand  twelve.  For
    46  purposes  of  this  paragraph,  if  improvements on the property located
    47  below grade were not  included  in  the  total  square  footage  of  the
    48  improvements  on  the  property for the assessment roll completed in two
    49  thousand twelve, such improvements shall not be included  in  the  total
    50  square  footage for subsequent assessment rolls if the improvements were
    51  moved above grade or other building elevations were constructed  on  the
    52  property  to  prevent  or mitigate flooding as part of reconstruction or
    53  repair in connection with the damage caused by  the  severe  storm  that
    54  occurred  on  the  twenty-ninth  and  thirtieth of October, two thousand
    55  twelve.
    56    § 4. This act shall take effect immediately.