

                               2023-2024 Regular Sessions

                    IN SENATE

                                     January 5, 2023

        Introduced  by  Sen. SALAZAR -- read twice and ordered printed, and when
          printed to be committed to the Committee on Children and Families

        AN ACT to amend the executive law, in relation to the powers and  duties
          of the correctional association to inspect residential juvenile facil-

          The  People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:

     1    Section 1. Section 503 of the executive law is amended by adding a new
     2  subdivision 6-a to read as follows:
     3    6-a. The office of children and family services shall ensure that  all
     4  youth  placed  in secure, limited secure and non-secure facilities oper-
     5  ated, maintained or certified by  the  office  of  children  and  family
     6  services  have access to a confidential toll-free hotline established by
     7  prisoners' legal services of New York pursuant to subdivision  three  of
     8  section  five hundred four-d of this title for the purposes of reporting
     9  maltreatment or abuse and complaints regarding conditions  of  placement
    10  or  confinement.  The office of children and family services shall allow
    11  prisoners' legal services of New York quarterly access to  such  facili-
    12  ties  to advise the youth of their procedural and substantive rights and
    13  inform such youth of the hotline.
    14    § 2. The executive law is amended by adding a  new  section  504-c  to
    15  read as follows:
    16    §  504-c.  Powers  and  duties  of the correctional association of New
    17  York. 1. Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the
    18  correctional association of New York, by such committees as  they  shall
    19  from  time  to time appoint, shall have the power, authority and duty to
    20  regularly visit, inspect, and examine all  secure,  limited  secure  and
    21  non-secure facilities operated, maintained or certified by the office of
    22  children   and  family  services,  including  all  property,  documents,
    23  records, policies, procedures, staff and all  such  other  things  main-
    24  tained or controlled by such facilities.

         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        S. 600                              2

     1    2.  The  correctional  association shall have the authority to conduct
     2  unannounced visits at all secure, limited secure and non-secure  facili-
     3  ties  operated,  maintained  or  certified by the office of children and
     4  family services to ensure the welfare of the  youth  is  protected.  The
     5  correctional  association shall have the authority to receive and review
     6  copies of all incident reports involving youth residing in such  facili-
     7  ties.  If  the  correctional  association  learns  that a youth has been
     8  maltreated or abused, or that a youth has made allegations of  maltreat-
     9  ment  or  abuse, they shall make an immediate report to the commissioner
    10  of the office of children and family services, the  justice  center  for
    11  the  protection  of  people  with special needs, and to prisoners' legal
    12  services of New York.
    13    3. The correctional association  shall  have  the  authority  to  have
    14  confidential  contact  in  person  and in writing with the residents and
    15  staff of secure, limited  secure  and  non-secure  facilities  operated,
    16  maintained  or  certified by the office of children and family services.
    17  All confidential information the correctional association obtains  while
    18  fulfilling  its  duties under this section shall remain confidential and
    19  any limitations on the release thereof imposed by  law  upon  the  party
    20  furnishing  the information shall apply to the correctional association,
    21  provided that the correctional association may report  such  information
    22  related to the maltreatment or abuse of youth as required by subdivision
    23  two of this section.
    24    4. The correctional association shall annually report to the governor,
    25  the  temporary president of the senate, the speaker of the assembly, the
    26  chairs of the children and families committee in the senate  and  assem-
    27  bly,  the office of children and family services, labor representatives,
    28  and the media regarding the state and condition of the  secure,  limited
    29  secure  and  non-secure facilities operated, maintained and certified by
    30  the office of children and  family  services,  including  any  suggested
    31  remedial  actions. The initial report required by this subdivision shall
    32  be presented by the first of November next succeeding the effective date
    33  of this section. The correctional association  shall  make  all  reports
    34  available  on  the  internet. The office of children and family services
    35  shall meet with the correctional association and respond in  writing  to
    36  the  findings  and  recommendations  issued  in  the annual reports. The
    37  office of children and family services shall make its response available
    38  on the internet.
    39    5. The provisions of this section shall not apply to any child who  is
    40  placed  in  foster care pursuant to section three hundred fifty-eight-a,
    41  three hundred eighty-four or three hundred eighty-four-a of  the  social
    42  services  law  or pursuant to section one thousand twenty-one, one thou-
    43  sand twenty-two, one thousand twenty-four, one thousand twenty-seven, or
    44  one thousand fifty-two of the family court act; or directly placed  with
    45  a  relative  pursuant  to section one thousand seventeen or one thousand
    46  fifty-five of the family court act.
    47    § 3. The executive law is amended by adding a  new  section  504-d  to
    48  read as follows:
    49    § 504-d. Powers of prisoners' legal services of New York. 1.  Notwith-
    50  standing  any  other  provision of law to the contrary, prisoners' legal
    51  services, by  and  through  their  employees,  upon  notification  of  a
    52  complaint  of maltreatment or abuse or a complaint regarding a condition
    53  of placement or confinement by the correctional association of New  York
    54  pursuant  to  subdivision  two  of  section  five hundred four-c of this
    55  title, via the hotline established pursuant to subdivision three of this
    56  section, or by a parent, guardian or  any  other  concerned  individual,

        S. 600                              3

     1  shall  have  the  power and authority to provide legal representation to
     2  youth residing in secure, limited secure and non-secure facilities oper-
     3  ated, maintained or certified by  the  office  of  children  and  family
     4  services, including the power and authority to have confidential contact
     5  visits   with  such  youth,  review  their  records,  investigate  their
     6  complaints, and advocate for their rights, safety and  well-being.  Upon
     7  commencing  representation  of a youth pursuant to this section, prison-
     8  ers' legal services shall provide notice to the attorney for  the  child
     9  or  retained  counsel  or  appointed counsel, if any, who represent such
    10  youth at the time the complaint is received. Upon  commencing  represen-
    11  tation  of  a  youth pursuant to this section, prisoners' legal services
    12  shall provide notice to the parent, guardian, or custodian of the youth.
    13  Upon commencing representation of a  youth  pursuant  to  this  section,
    14  prisoners'  legal  services shall provide notice to the local department
    15  of social services and/or entity which is the temporary custodian of the
    16  youth or which facilitates the youth's placement or confinement  at  the
    17  time the complaint is received.
    18    2.  Prisoners'  legal  services  shall  have the authority to inspect,
    19  request, receive and review all documents associated with representation
    20  of a youth pursuant to subdivision one of this  section,  including  but
    21  not  limited  to,  use  of  force  documents,  unusual incident reports,
    22  medical and mental health records, disciplinary records and  programming
    23  institutional  records, presentence reports and court records, including
    24  sealed records, without obtaining an unseal order.  The entity providing
    25  documents shall have the authority to remove and/or redact the confiden-
    26  tial information of any youth contained in the  documents  provided  who
    27  are not represented by prisoners' legal services.
    28    3. Prisoners' legal services shall be authorized to establish a confi-
    29  dential  toll-free  hotline  for  the  purpose  of  receiving reports of
    30  maltreatment or abuse from youth residing at secure, limited secure  and
    31  non-secure facilities operated, maintained or certified by the office of
    32  children and family services.
    33    4.  All confidential information obtained by prisoners' legal services
    34  pursuant to its functions under this section shall  remain  confidential
    35  and any limitations on the release thereof imposed by law upon the party
    36  furnishing  the  information  shall  apply to prisoners' legal services.
    37  Confidential information obtained by prisoners' legal services  pursuant
    38  to  its  functions under this section may be appended to legal documents
    39  and pleadings as a sealed exhibit.
    40    5. The provisions of this section shall not apply to any child who  is
    41  placed  in  foster care pursuant to section three hundred fifty-eight-a,
    42  three hundred eighty-four or three hundred eighty-four-a of  the  social
    43  services  law  or pursuant to section one thousand twenty-one, one thou-
    44  sand twenty-two, one thousand twenty-four, one thousand twenty-seven, or
    45  one thousand fifty-two of the family court act; or directly placed  with
    46  a  relative  pursuant  to section one thousand seventeen or one thousand
    47  fifty-five of the family court act.
    48    § 4. This act shall take effect on the sixtieth  day  after  it  shall
    49  have become a law.