S T A T E   O F   N E W   Y O R K
                              2013-2014 Regular Sessions
                                   I N  S E N A T E
                                    January 9, 2013
       Introduced  by Sen. GIANARIS -- read twice and ordered printed, and when
         printed to be committed to the Committee on Cities
       AN ACT to authorize the city of New  York  to  discontinue  use  of  and
         convey certain park land
    1    Section 1. Subject to the provisions of this act, the city of New York
    2  is authorized to discontinue use as park land  and  to  convey,  in  fee
    3  simple,  the  land  described in section three of this act. Such land is
    4  authorized to be conveyed to the  Saint  Michael's  Cemetery  upon  such
    5  terms  and  conditions as the city council of the city of New York shall
    6  determine to be fair and reasonable.
    7    S 2. The authorization provided in section one of this  act  shall  be
    8  subject  to  the  requirement  that  the  city of New York shall use any
    9  proceeds and/or land received in exchange for the conveyance  authorized
   10  by  this  act  to acquire land, to be dedicated for park purposes, in an
   11  amount equal to or greater than the fair market value of the land  being
   12  conveyed  pursuant  to  this act and/or used for capital improvements to
   13  existing park and recreational facilities.
   14    S 3. The land authorized to be discontinued as park land and  conveyed
   15  is as follows:
   16    ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, lying and being in the
   17  Borough  and  County  of Queens, City and State of New York, bounded and
   18  described as follows:
   19    BEGINNING at the corner formed by the  intersection  of  the  westerly
   20  side  of  Brooklyn-Queens  Expressway East (Service Road), also known as
   21  Boody Street, with the northerly side of 30th Avenue, formerly known  as
   22  Grand Avenue (80 feet wide);
   23    RUNNING  THENCE  along  the  northerly  side  of 30th Avenue, South 53
   24  degrees 05 minutes 15 seconds West, 57.40 feet;
        EXPLANATION--Matter in ITALICS (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                             [ ] is old law to be omitted.
       S. 581                              2
    1    THENCE North 1 degree 15 minutes 59.9 seconds West, 1635.52 feet;
    2    THENCE South 88 degrees 20 minutes 01.5 second East, 142.31 feet;
    3    THENCE North 19 degrees 17 minutes 37 seconds East, 31.30 feet;
    4    THENCE North 4 degrees 20 minutes 15 seconds West, 206.73 feet;
    5    THENCE North 8 degrees 45 minutes 15 seconds West, 25.00 feet;
    6    THENCE North 11 degrees 45 minutes 55 seconds West, 363.31 feet;
    7    THENCE  North  11 degrees 05 minutes 28.4 seconds West, 301.87 feet to
    8  the southerly side of Grand Central Parkway (Service Road),  also  known
    9  as Astoria Boulevard;
   10    THENCE  along  the  southerly  side  of Grand Central Parkway (Service
   11  Road), also known as Astoria Boulevard, North 73 degrees 53 minutes 24.9
   12  seconds East, 15.99 feet to the extreme northwesterly end of the arc  of
   13  a  curve  which  connects  the  southerly  side of Grand Central Parkway
   14  (Service Road), also known as Astoria Boulevard with the  westerly  side
   15  of  Brooklyn-Queens  Expressway East (Service Road), also known as Boody
   16  Street;
   17    THENCE  southeasterly  along  the  westerly  side  of  Brooklyn-Queens
   18  Expressway East (Service Road), also known as Boody Street and along the
   19  last  mentioned  arc of a curve, bearing to the right having a radius of
   20  30.00 feet, a distance of 22.63 feet;
   21    THENCE continuing along the westerly side of Brooklyn-Queens  Express-
   22  way East (Service Road), also known as Boody Street, the following eight
   23  (8) courses and distances:
   24    1) South 14 degrees 41 minutes 57.9 seconds East, 556.50 feet;
   25    2)  southerly  along  the arc of a curve bearing to the right having a
   26  radius of 569.64 feet, a distance of 337.96 feet;
   27    3) South 19 degrees 17 minutes 37 seconds West, 93.40 feet;
   28    4) southerly along the arc of a curve bearing to  the  left  having  a
   29  radius of 816.10 feet, a distance of 275.78 feet;
   30    5) South 0 degrees 04 minutes 05.3 seconds East, 335.50 feet;
   31    6)  southerly  along  the arc of a curve bearing to the right having a
   32  radius of 630.99 feet, a distance of 105.76 feet;
   33    7) southerly along the arc of a curve bearing to  the  left  having  a
   34  radius of 500.00 feet, a distance of 94.51 feet;
   35    8)  South  1  degree  17 minutes 43.9 seconds East, 730.91 feet to the
   36  northerly side of 30th Avenue, at the point or place of BEGINNING.
   37    Consisting of 3.77 acres  .
   38    S 4. If the parkland that is the subject  of  this  act  has  received
   39  funding  pursuant  to  the federal land and water conservation fund, the
   40  discontinuance of parkland authorized by  the  provisions  of  this  act
   41  shall  not  occur  until  the municipality has complied with the federal
   42  requirements pertaining to the conversion of parklands, including satis-
   43  fying the secretary of the interior that the discontinuance will include
   44  all conditions which the secretary of the interior  deems  necessary  to
   45  assure  the  substitution  of  other  lands  shall be equivalent in fair
   46  market value and recreational usefulness to the lands  being  discontin-
   47  ued.
   48    S 5. This act shall take effect immediately.