

                               2023-2024 Regular Sessions

                    IN SENATE

                                     January 4, 2023

        Introduced  by  Sens. THOMAS, MAY -- read twice and ordered printed, and
          when printed to be committed to the Committee on Environmental Conser-

        AN ACT to amend the environmental conservation law and the  civil  prac-
          tice  law and rules, in relation to establishing a cause of action for
          medical monitoring

          The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and  Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:

     1    Section  1.  The environmental conservation law is amended by adding a
     2  new section 37-0116 to read as follows:
     3  § 37-0116. Cause of action for medical monitoring.
     4    1. For the purpose of this section, the following terms shall have the
     5  following meanings:
     6    (a) "exposure" shall have the same meaning set forth  in  section  two
     7  hundred fourteen-c of the civil practice law and rules.
     8    (b) "toxic substance" shall mean:
     9    (i)  any  chemical  or biological substance that poses a risk to human
    10  health as defined by the commissioner pursuant  to  section  37-0103  of
    11  this title;
    12    (ii)  any  substance  categorized  as toxic or hazardous by the United
    13  States environmental protection agency or the United States  agency  for
    14  toxic  substance  and  disease  registry  shall  be a hazardous or toxic
    15  substance; and
    16    (iii) any substance not so characterized may be proven to be toxic  by
    17  a preponderance of the evidence.
    18    (c)  "release"  shall mean any intentional or unintentional, permitted
    19  or unpermitted, act or omission that allows a toxic substance  to  enter
    20  the  air, land, surface water, groundwater, or any other place where the
    21  toxic substance may be located.

         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        S. 528                              2

     1    (d) "medical monitoring" shall mean a program of medical surveillance,
     2  including medical tests or procedures for the purpose of early detection
     3  of signs or symptoms of latent disease resulting from exposure.
     4    (e)  "latent disease" shall mean any condition that negatively affects
     5  human health by causing death or permanent or protracted loss of  mental
     6  or  physical  function which a person has a significantly increased risk
     7  of contracting.
     8    (f) "reasonably necessary" shall mean the standard whereby a physician
     9  would prescribe testing for the purpose of detecting or  monitoring  the
    10  latent disease.
    11    (g) "person" shall mean an individual, firm, corporation, association,
    12  partnership,  consortium,  joint  venture,  commercial  entity,  federal
    13  government, state, municipality, commission, political  subdivision,  or
    14  any interstate body.
    15    2.  A  person with or without a present injury or disease shall have a
    16  cause of action for medical monitoring  damages  against  a  person  who
    17  released a toxic substance if all of the following are demonstrated by a
    18  preponderance of the evidence:
    19    (a)  the  person  may  have  been  exposed to the toxic substance as a
    20  result of the unauthorized release by the person who released the  toxic
    21  substance;
    22    (b)  there  is a probable link between exposure to the toxic substance
    23  and a latent disease;
    24    (c) the person's exposure to the toxic substance increases the risk of
    25  developing the latent disease, provided that such person  shall  not  be
    26  required to prove that the latent disease is certain or likely to devel-
    27  op as a result of the exposure;
    28    (d) diagnostic testing is reasonably necessary; and
    29    (e) medical tests or procedures exist to detect the latent disease.
    30    3.  Nothing in this section shall be construed to preclude the pursuit
    31  of any other civil or  injunctive  remedy  available  under  statute  or
    32  common  law,  including  the  right of any person to recover for damages
    33  related to the manifestation of a latent disease.  The remedies in  this
    34  section  are  in  addition  to  those  provided by existing statutory or
    35  common law.
    36    4. This section does not preclude a  court  from  certifying  a  class
    37  action for medical monitoring damages.
    38    §  2.  The  civil  practice  law  and rules is amended by adding a new
    39  section 214-k to read as follows:
    40    § 214-k. Cause of action for medical monitoring.  Notwithstanding  any
    41  provision of law to the contrary, a cause of action for medical monitor-
    42  ing  pursuant  to section 37-0116 of the environmental conservation law,
    43  may be commenced by the plaintiff within the period allowed pursuant  to
    44  section two hundred fourteen-c of this article or within one year of the
    45  effective date of this section.
    46    § 3. This act shall take effect immediately.