

                               2023-2024 Regular Sessions

                    IN SENATE


                                     January 4, 2023

        Introduced by Sen. GOUNARDES -- read twice and ordered printed, and when
          printed to be committed to the Committee on Investigations and Govern-
          ment Operations

        AN ACT to amend the tax law, in relation to employer-provided child care

          The  People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:

     1    Section 1. Section 44 of the tax law, as amended by section 1 of  part
     2  L  of  chapter  59 of the laws of 2019 and subdivision (a) as amended by
     3  section 5 of part D of chapter 59 of the laws of  2021,  is  amended  to
     4  read as follows:
     5    §  44.  Employer-provided  child  care credit. (a) General. A taxpayer
     6  subject to tax under article nine-A, twenty-two, or thirty-three of this
     7  chapter shall be allowed a credit against such tax in an amount equal to
     8  [two hundred percent of the portion of the credit that is allowed to the
     9  taxpayer under section 45F of the internal  revenue  code]  the  sum  of
    10  fifty  percent  of  the  qualified  child  care  expenditures and twenty
    11  percent of the qualified child care resource and  referral  expenditures
    12  for  the  taxpayer  for  such  taxable year, that is attributable to (i)
    13  qualified child care expenditures paid or incurred  with  respect  to  a
    14  qualified  child  care facility with a situs in the state, [and to] (ii)
    15  qualified child care resource and referral expenditures paid or incurred
    16  with respect to the taxpayer's employees working  in  the  state,  (iii)
    17  qualified in-home care expenditures paid or incurred with respect to the
    18  taxpayer's  employees  working  in  the state, and (iv) qualified backup
    19  care expenditures paid  or  incurred  with  respect  to  the  taxpayer's
    20  employees working in the state. The credit allowable under this subdivi-
    21  sion  for  any  taxable  year  shall  not  exceed  five hundred thousand
    22  dollars. If the entity operating the qualified child care facility is  a
    23  partnership  or a New York S corporation, then such cap shall be applied

         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        S. 322                              2

     1  at the entity level, so the aggregate credit allowed to all the partners
     2  or shareholders of such entity in a taxable year does  not  exceed  five
     3  hundred thousand dollars.
     4    (b)  Credit  recapture.  (i)  If  there is a cessation of operation or
     5  change in ownership[, as defined by section 45F of the internal  revenue
     6  code]  relating  to  a qualified child care facility with a situs in the
     7  state, the taxpayer shall add back the applicable  recapture  percentage
     8  of  the credit allowed under this section, in accordance with the recap-
     9  ture provisions of [section 45F of the internal revenue  code,  but  the
    10  recapture  amount  shall  be  limited  to  the credit allowed under this
    11  section] this subdivision.
    12    (ii) If, as of the close of any taxable year,  there  is  a  recapture
    13  event with respect to any qualified child care facility of the taxpayer,
    14  then  the  tax  of the taxpayer under this chapter for such taxable year
    15  shall be increased by an amount equal to the product of:
    16    (A) the applicable recapture percentage; and
    17    (B) the aggregate decrease in the credits allowed under section 38  of
    18  the  internal  revenue code for all prior taxable years which would have
    19  resulted if the qualified child care expenditures of the  taxpayer  with
    20  respect to such facility had been zero.
    21    (iii)  (A) For the purposes of this subdivision, the applicable recap-
    22  ture percentage shall be determined from the following table:

    23       If the recapture    The applicable recapture
    24       event occurs in:    percentage is:

    25       Years one--three    one hundred
    26       Year four           eighty-five
    27       Year five           seventy
    28       Year six            fifty-five
    29       Year seven          forty
    30       Year eight          twenty-five
    31       Years nine--ten     ten
    32       Year eleven or      zero.
    33       thereafter

    34    (B) For the purposes of subparagraph (A) of this paragraph,  year  one
    35  shall  begin on the first day of the taxable year in which the qualified
    36  child care facility is placed in service by the taxpayer.
    37    (iv) (A) The tax for the taxable year shall be increased  under  para-
    38  graph  (ii)  of this subdivision only with respect to credits allowed by
    39  reason of this section which were used to reduce tax liability.
    40    (B) Any increase in tax under this subdivision shall not be treated as
    41  a tax imposed by this chapter for purposes of determining the amount  of
    42  any credit under this chapter.
    43    (C)  The  increase  in tax under this subdivision shall not apply to a
    44  cessation of operation of the facility as a qualified child care facili-
    45  ty by reason of a casualty loss to the extent such loss is  restored  by
    46  reconstruction  or replacement within a reasonable period established by
    47  the commissioner.
    48    (c) Special rules. For the purposes of this section:
    49    (i)  All  persons  which  are  treated  as  a  single  employer  under
    50  subsections (a) and (b) of section 52 of the internal revenue code shall
    51  be treated as a single taxpayer.

        S. 322                              3

     1    (ii)  Under  regulations prescribed by the commissioner, rules similar
     2  to the rules of subsection (d) of section 52  of  the  internal  revenue
     3  code shall apply.
     4    (iii) In the case of partnerships, the credit shall be allocated among
     5  partners under regulations prescribed by the commissioner.
     6    (d) No double benefit. (i) For purposes of this chapter:
     7    (A)  If  a credit is determined under this section with respect to any
     8  property by reason of qualified child care expenditures,  the  basis  of
     9  such  property  shall  be  reduced by the amount of the credit so deter-
    10  mined.
    11    (B) If, during any taxable year, there is a  recapture  amount  deter-
    12  mined  with respect to any property the basis of which was reduced under
    13  subparagraph (A) of this paragraph, the basis of  such  property  (imme-
    14  diately before the event resulting in such recapture) shall be increased
    15  by  an  amount  equal  to  such  recapture  amount. For purposes of this
    16  subparagraph, the term "recapture amount" shall mean any increase in tax
    17  determined under subdivision (b) of this section.
    18    (ii) No deduction or credit shall be allowed under any other provision
    19  of this chapter with respect to the  amount  of  the  credit  determined
    20  under this section.
    21    (e) Reporting requirements. A taxpayer that has claimed a credit under
    22  this  section  shall  notify the commissioner of any cessation of opera-
    23  tion, change in ownership, or agreement to  assume  recapture  liability
    24  [as such terms are defined by section 45F of the internal revenue code],
    25  in the form and manner prescribed by the commissioner.
    26    [(d)] (f) Definitions. [The terms "qualified child care expenditures",
    27  "qualified  child  care  facility",  "qualified  child care resource and
    28  referral expenditure", "cessation of operation", "change of  ownership",
    29  and "applicable recapture percentage" shall have the same meanings as in
    30  section  45F  of  the  internal  revenue code.] For the purposes of this
    31  section, the following terms shall have the following meanings:
    32    (i) (A) "Qualified child care expenditure" means any  amount  paid  or
    33  incurred:
    34    (1) to acquire, construct, rehabilitate, or expand property:
    35    (I)  which is to be used as part of a qualified child care facility of
    36  the taxpayer;
    37    (II) with respect to which a deduction for  depreciation  (or  amorti-
    38  zation in lieu of depreciation) is allowable; and
    39    (III)  which is not part of the principal residence of the taxpayer or
    40  any employee of the taxpayer;
    41    (2) for the operating costs of a qualified child care facility of  the
    42  taxpayer, including costs related to the training of employees, to scho-
    43  larship  programs,  and  to  the  providing of increased compensation to
    44  employees with higher levels of child care training; or
    45    (3) under a contract with a qualified child care facility  to  provide
    46  child care services to employees of the taxpayer.
    47    (B)  The  term  "qualified  child care expenditures" shall not include
    48  expenses in excess of the fair market value of such care.
    49    (ii) (A) "Qualified child care facility" means a facility:
    50    (1) the principal use of which is to provide  child  care  assistance;
    51  and
    52    (2)  which  meets  the  requirements  of all applicable laws and regu-
    53  lations of the state or local government in which it is located, includ-
    54  ing the licensing of the facility as a child care facility.  Clause  one
    55  of  this subparagraph shall not apply to a facility which is the princi-
    56  pal residence of the operator of the facility.

        S. 322                              4

     1    (B) A facility shall not be a "qualified  child  care  facility"  with
     2  respect to a taxpayer unless:
     3    (1)  enrollment  in  the facility is open to employees of the taxpayer
     4  during the taxable year;
     5    (2) if the facility is the principal trade or business of the  taxpay-
     6  er, at least thirty percent of the enrollees of such facility are depen-
     7  dents of employees of the taxpayer; and
     8    (3) the use of such facility (or the eligibility to use such facility)
     9  does  not  discriminate  in  favor  of employees of the taxpayer who are
    10  highly compensated employees, as defined by section 414 of the  internal
    11  revenue code.
    12    (iii)  "Qualified  child care resource and referral expenditure" means
    13  any amount paid or incurred under  a  contract  to  provide  child  care
    14  resource and referral services to an employee of the taxpayer.
    15    (iv)  "Applicable  recapture  percentage"  means the amount determined
    16  under subparagraph (A) of paragraph (iii) of  subdivision  (b)  of  this
    17  section.
    18    (v) "Recapture event" means:
    19    (A)  the  cessation  of operation of the facility as a qualified child
    20  care facility; or
    21    (B) a change in ownership of the facility.
    22    (vi) "Change in ownership"  means  the  disposition  of  a  taxpayer's
    23  interest  in  a  qualified child care facility with respect to which the
    24  credit described in subdivision (a) of this section was  allowable.  The
    25  term  "change in ownership" shall not apply if the person acquiring such
    26  interest in the facility agrees  in  writing  to  assume  the  recapture
    27  liability of the person disposing of such interest in effect immediately
    28  before  such disposition. In the event of such an assumption, the person
    29  acquiring the interest in the facility shall be treated as the  taxpayer
    30  for  purposes of assessing any recapture liability (computed as if there
    31  had been no change in ownership).
    32    (vii) "Backup care" means care provided to a dependent when an employ-
    33  ee's regular care cannot be utilized.   A taxpayer  may  provide  backup
    34  care in any of the following ways:
    35    (A)  By  contracting  with  a provider or a backup child care benefits
    36  provider and providing direct payments to the qualified care provider or
    37  making payments to a backup child care benefits provider for backup care
    38  services.
    39    (B) By directly paying or arranging for payment of backup  child  care
    40  annually  to  a  qualified care provider or a backup child care benefits
    41  provider upon receipt of an invoice detailing the number of backup  care
    42  hours used by an employee.
    43    (C) By reimbursing an employee directly or through a backup child care
    44  benefit provider for backup child care paid directly by the employee.
    45    (viii) "Backup child care benefit provider" means a third-party vendor
    46  that  offers services that provide employees options for locating and/or
    47  arranging for the provision of backup child care, either through various
    48  backup child care providers or through a reimbursement program for  care
    49  paid directly by the employee.
    50    (ix)  "In-home  care  expenditures"  means  expenses  for  child  care
    51  provided in the employee's home, or expenses for care arranged through a
    52  third-party vendor that offers services for  locating  and/or  arranging
    53  for  the  provision  of  child care in the employee's home, or through a
    54  reimbursement program for care paid directly by the employee.

        S. 322                              5

     1    (x) "Paid backup child care" or "paid backup child care benefit" means
     2  an employee benefit consisting of the  employer  paying  for  all  or  a
     3  portion of backup child care for an employee's dependent.
     4    [(e)] (g) Cross-references. For application of the credit provided for
     5  in this section, see the following provisions of this chapter:
     6    (1) article 9-A: section 210-B, subdivision 53;
     7    (2) article 22: section 606(i), subsections (i) and (jjj);
     8    (3) article 33: section 1511, subdivision (dd).
     9    § 2. This act shall take effect immediately and shall apply to taxable
    10  years beginning on or after January 1, 2024.