                               2019-2020 Regular Sessions
                    IN SENATE
                                     January 9, 2019
        Introduced  by  Sen. TEDISCO -- read twice and ordered printed, and when
          printed to be committed to the Committee on Finance
        AN ACT to amend the state finance  law,  in  relation  to  enacting  the
          "truth in spending act"
          The  People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:
     1    Section 1. This act shall be known and may be cited as the  "truth  in
     2  spending act".
     3    §  2. The state finance law is amended by adding a new section 53-e to
     4  read as follows:
     5    § 53-e. Appropriations; full disclosure. 1. Prior to the  disbursement
     6  of any budgetary allocation made pursuant to this article, section nine-
     7  ty-nine-d of this chapter, or subdivision five of section twenty-four of
     8  this  chapter  at  the request of the governor or member of the legisla-
     9  ture, the governor and the legislature shall:
    10    (a) ensure that funds shall include a brief description of the project
    11  to be funded;
    12    (b) require the governor or member of the legislature requesting  such
    13  appropriation  to sign a conflict of interest form, as prescribed by the
    14  attorney general, which shall be submitted to the  attorney  general  to
    15  ensure  that  no  conflict  of  interest exists. Such form shall require
    16  disclosure of all political donations  received  within  the  past  five
    17  years by such official from the intended recipient of appropriated fund-
    18  ing  if  the  cumulative  amount of such donations meets or exceeds four
    19  thousand dollars and were made within the past five years.    Such  form
    20  shall  be  signed  by  the  governor  or member of the legislature under
    21  penalty of perjury and shall be filed, in the case of a  member  of  the
    22  assembly,  the  clerk of the assembly and in the case of a member of the
    23  senate, the sergeant at arms of the senate.   Such  requested  appropri-
    24  ation shall not be provided if a conflict of interest exists between the
         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        S. 190                              2
     1  governor  or  a  member of the legislature designating the appropriation
     2  and the potential recipient. Such appropriations shall not  be  provided
     3  to  organizations  that  employ  or otherwise compensate the governor or
     4  member of the legislature, governor's family or legislator's family, any
     5  person  sharing  the  primary residence of the governor or member of the
     6  legislature or the governor's or a member of the legislature's staff for
     7  services or labor rendered. Furthermore such appropriations shall not be
     8  designated if the governor or member of the legislature, a member of the
     9  governor's or member of the legislator's family, any person sharing  the
    10  primary  residence  of  the  governor  or member of the legislature or a
    11  member of the  governor's  or  member  of  the  legislature's  staff  is
    12  involved  with  the  operations  of the organization which would receive
    13  such appropriation in a  decision-making  capacity  including,  but  not
    14  limited  to, working on an unpaid, volunteer basis or as a member of the
    15  directing board of an organization; and
    16    (c) ensure that funds be used for a public purpose.
    17    2. At least seventy-two hours prior to approval by the legislature  of
    18  the  state  budget, or a legislative bill containing an appropriation as
    19  described in subdivision five of section twenty-four of this chapter the
    20  legislature must make public with respect to each allocation, the member
    21  of the senate, the member of the assembly or the governor sponsoring the
    22  allocation, the dollar amount to be appropriated, the senate and  assem-
    23  bly  district  in which the entity receiving such funding is principally
    24  located, the name of the local project,  organization  or  other  entity
    25  receiving  such allocation and a description of the project to be funded
    26  or purpose for making such allocation.   Such publication  shall,  at  a
    27  minimum,  be  made  on  the website of each house of the legislature and
    28  shall be accessible via a link on the home page of such website.    Such
    29  webpage  shall  be  in  a  machine readable format and shall include all
    30  memoranda of understanding, plans, resolutions, contracts, and any other
    31  agreements related to the distribution of funds to  recipients.    Addi-
    32  tionally,  the comptroller shall establish and maintain such information
    33  on a separate website.
    34    3. All allocation recipients shall provide certification of proper use
    35  of funds received. For allocations totaling  less  than  fifty  thousand
    36  dollars,  a duly authorized representative of the allocation recipient's
    37  organization shall attest under penalty of perjury  that  the  recipient
    38  organization  actually  spent  such  funds  in  the  manner  and for the
    39  purposes designated in any application  for  an  allocation.  For  allo-
    40  cations  totaling  more  than  fifty thousand dollars, a duly authorized
    41  representative of the recipient organization shall attest under  penalty
    42  of  perjury  that the recipient organization actually spent the money in
    43  the manner and for the purposes designated in its application  for  such
    44  allocation  and  shall  file  a  final report, under penalty of perjury,
    45  detailing the expenditures. Such report shall be submitted by May  thir-
    46  ty-first  of  the calendar year following the calendar year in which the
    47  allocation was made and shall follow the requirements established by the
    48  attorney general. No future allocation shall be approved for  an  organ-
    49  ization which has previously received an allocation until such documents
    50  have been signed and received by the office of the New York state attor-
    51  ney general.
    52    4.  Prior  to submitting an application for an allocation, each organ-
    53  ization seeking an allocation shall meet pre-certification standards  as
    54  established  by  the office of the New York state attorney general. At a
    55  minimum, those standards shall require  that  the  organization  seeking
    56  pre-certification  is  a  certified  tax-exempt  non-profit organization

        S. 190                              3
     1  under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code in New York  state,
     2  a state agency, a municipality or their affiliated department, universi-
     3  ty,  college,  or school district capable of accepting potential funding
     4  and  that such entity is not in bankruptcy or arrears on any state obli-
     5  gations. If an organization has received an allocation in the past,  the
     6  organization  shall  also  comply  with  the requirements of subdivision
     7  three of this section. No application from  any  organization  shall  be
     8  considered by a legislator until the office of the New York state attor-
     9  ney  general has certified such organization based upon the criteria set
    10  forth in this subdivision and upon any additional  regulatory  standards
    11  established by the attorney general.
    12    5.  Any  allocation  by  the legislature and the governor shall be set
    13  forth separately and apart from every  other  allocation  in  the  state
    14  budget and identify each legislator's or the governor's request.
    15    6.  Any  violation of the provisions of this section shall be referred
    16  to  the  legislative  ethics  commission  or   its   successor   entity.
    17  Complaints regarding the failure to use an allocation to comply with the
    18  provisions  of  this  chapter  shall be submitted to (a) the legislative
    19  ethics commission with regard to an allocation made at the discretion of
    20  a legislator, or (b) the joint commission on public ethics  with  regard
    21  to  an allocation made at the discretion of the governor. Each complaint
    22  shall be investigated in accordance with the rules and procedures of the
    23  commission receiving the complaint.
    24    § 3. Subdivisions 4 and 5 of section 24 of the state finance  law,  as
    25  added by chapter 1 of the laws of 2007, are amended to read as follows:
    26    4.  Any  appropriation added to such budget bills, pursuant to section
    27  four of article seven of the constitution, shall only  contain  itemized
    28  appropriations  which  shall  not  be  in the form of lump sum appropri-
    29  ations[,] and shall designate for each appropriation a grantee  of  such
    30  appropriation,  and  the  legislator  requesting  such appropriation and
    31  [provided further that] for all non-federal state  operations  appropri-
    32  ations,  such  bill  or bills shall only contain itemized appropriations
    33  and shall be made, where practicable, by agency, and within each  agency
    34  by  program and within each program at the following level of detail and
    35  in the following order:
    36    (a) by fund type, which at  a  minimum  shall  include  general  fund,
    37  special  revenue-other  funds,  capital  projects funds and debt service
    38  funds;
    39    (b) for personal service appropriations, separate appropriations shall
    40  be made for regular personal service, temporary  personal  service,  and
    41  holiday and overtime pay;
    42    (c)  for  nonpersonal  service appropriations, separate appropriations
    43  shall be made for supplies and materials, travel, contractual  services,
    44  equipment and fringe benefits, as appropriate.
    45    5.  Any  appropriation added pursuant to section four of article seven
    46  of the constitution without designating a  grantee  shall  be  allocated
    47  only  pursuant to a plan setting forth an itemized list of grantees with
    48  the amount to be received by each, or  the  methodology  for  allocating
    49  such  appropriation.  Such  plan shall be subject to the approval of the
    50  chair of the senate finance committee, the chair of  the  assembly  ways
    51  and  means  committee,  and  the  director of the budget, and thereafter
    52  shall be included in a [concurrent resolution] legislative bill  calling
    53  for the expenditure of such monies, which resolution must be approved by
    54  a  majority  vote  of all members elected to each house upon a roll call
    55  vote.  The provisions of this section shall not preclude members of  the
    56  legislature from collaborating with each other in the selection of allo-

        S. 190                              4
     1  cations  and  packaging their individual allocations together with other
     2  members' allocations for specified regional or joint projects.
     3    §  4. Section 40 of the state finance law is amended by adding two new
     4  subdivisions 5 and 6 to read as follows:
     5    5. Notwithstanding any other law, rule or regulation to the  contrary,
     6  the  provisions of subdivision three of this section shall not be super-
     7  seded except upon approval by a two-thirds vote of the senate and assem-
     8  bly.
     9    6. A resolution providing for the disbursement of  funds  pursuant  to
    10  any  provision  of law shall not be approved less than seventy-two hours
    11  subsequent to the introduction of such resolution.
    12    § 5. Subdivision 2 of section 24 of the state finance law  is  amended
    13  by adding a new paragraph (c) to read as follows:
    14    (c)  On  or  after January first, two thousand twenty, any budget bill
    15  submitted by the governor shall only contain itemized appropriations.
    16    § 6. This act does not preclude either house of the legislature or the
    17  governor from adopting more stringent standards through its  own  guide-
    18  lines or through the application process.
    19    §  7. Allocations made pursuant to article 4 or section 99-d, known as
    20  the community projects fund, of the state finance law shall continue  to
    21  be  subject  to  review by the respective assembly and senate fiscal and
    22  counsel staffs, division of the budget, the administering state  agency,
    23  the  office  of  the  state  comptroller, and the office of the attorney
    24  general. Nothing in this act shall limit  the  authority  of  the  state
    25  comptroller  and the attorney general to review allocation recipients or
    26  discretionary grants.
    27    § 8. This act shall take effect immediately.