

                               2021-2022 Regular Sessions

                    IN SENATE


                                     January 6, 2021

        Introduced  by  Sen.  KAPLAN -- read twice and ordered printed, and when
          printed to be committed to the Committee on Transportation

        AN ACT to amend the vehicle and traffic law, in relation to  prohibiting
          certain entities from engaging in the business of securing motor vehi-
          cle registrations or giving instructions as to procuring motor vehicle

          The  People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:

     1    Section 1. Section 395 of the vehicle and traffic law, as  amended  by
     2  chapter 124 of the laws of 1974, is amended to read as follows:
     3    § 395. Certain  private  service  bureaus  to be licensed.   Except as
     4  otherwise provided herein, no person, firm, association  or  corporation
     5  shall, engage in the business of assisting for hire in securing licenses
     6  to  drive  motor  vehicles or registrations or titles of motor vehicles,
     7  nor shall any person, firm, association or corporation for  compensation
     8  give  instructions  as  to procuring licenses to drive motor vehicles or
     9  registrations or titles of motor vehicles, without being the holder of a
    10  license for such purpose issued by the commissioner of  motor  vehicles.
    11  An  applicant  for  a  license  shall furnish the commissioner with such
    12  information and such references as to moral character as he may  reason-
    13  ably  require.  Every application shall be accompanied by a fee of twen-
    14  ty-five dollars, which shall be regarded as an application fee and shall
    15  in no event be refunded. If an application be approved  by  the  commis-
    16  sioner,  the  applicant upon the payment of an additional fee of twenty-
    17  five dollars shall be granted a license which shall expire on the  thir-
    18  tieth  day  of June following the date of its issuance. The commissioner
    19  shall issue a license certificate to  each  licensee  which  certificate
    20  shall  be conspicuously displayed in the place of business of the licen-
    21  see, or, if the licensee has no place  of  business,  such  certificates
    22  shall  be  exhibited  at the request of any person. In case of the loss,

         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        S. 178                              2

     1  mutilation or destruction of a certificate, the commissioner shall issue
     2  a duplicate upon proof of the facts and the payment  of  a  fee  of  one
     3  dollar.  The  refusal to issue a license may be reviewed by a proceeding
     4  under  article  seventy-eight  of the civil practice law and rules. Such
     5  license shall be renewed annually upon the payment of a fee  of  twenty-
     6  five  dollars,  such  renewal to take effect on the first day of July in
     7  each year.  Upon renewal, the commissioner may, in his discretion, issue
     8  a license which shall be valid for a two year period. The  fee  for  any
     9  such two year renewal shall be fifty dollars.
    10    No license shall be issued under this section nor shall any renewal of
    11  a license issued under this section be made for conducting business in a
    12  city  having  a  population  of fifty thousand or more, according to the
    13  latest federal census if the place  of  business  of  the  licensee,  or
    14  branch  thereof,  is within fifteen hundred feet of a building, owned or
    15  leased by the state, a county or a city, in which motor  vehicle  regis-
    16  trations  or  licenses to drive motor vehicles are issued to the public.
    17  The said distance of fifteen hundred feet shall be  measured  along  the
    18  public  streets  by  the  nearest  route from such place of business, or
    19  branch thereof, to such building. The provisions of this paragraph shall
    20  not apply to a holder of a certificate of registration  issued  pursuant
    21  to section four hundred fifteen of this chapter.
    22    No license shall be issued under this section nor shall any renewal of
    23  a  license issued under this section be made for a person, firm, associ-
    24  ation or corporation who engages in the business of assisting  for  hire
    25  in  securing  motor vehicle registrations or who, for compensation, give
    26  instructions as to procuring motor vehicle registrations. The provisions
    27  of this paragraph shall not apply to a holder of a license issued pursu-
    28  ant to section three hundred ninety-four of this article or  the  holder
    29  of a certificate of registration issued pursuant to section four hundred
    30  fifteen of this chapter.
    31    A  licensee shall be subject to such reasonable regulations concerning
    32  the business  conducted  under  his  license  as  the  commissioner  may
    33  prescribe  and he shall permit the commissioner, or his representatives,
    34  to inspect his place of business on any business day and  shall  furnish
    35  to  the commissioner, or his representative, such information concerning
    36  the conduct of the business as may be reasonably required.
    37    The provisions of subdivisions five and six of section  three  hundred
    38  ninety-four  of  this [chapter] article shall be applicable with respect
    39  to this section.
    40    The holder of a license issued pursuant to section three hundred nine-
    41  ty-four of this [chapter] article or the  holder  of  a  certificate  of
    42  registration  issued  pursuant  to  section four hundred fifteen of this
    43  chapter shall not be required to secure a license under this section  in
    44  order  to  conduct  a  business  for which a license is required by this
    45  section but any such licensee, or registrant,  who  shall  conduct  such
    46  business,  shall be subject to the same visitation and regulation by the
    47  commissioner with reference to such business as provided in this section
    48  with respect to a licensee under this section.
    49    As used in this section the phrase "licenses to drive motor  vehicles"
    50  includes the term "learners' permits".
    51    A  violation of any of the provisions of this section shall constitute
    52  a misdemeanor.
    53    § 2. This act shall take effect immediately.