Assembly Resolution No. 2073

BY: M. of A. Brabenec

        CONGRATULATING  Lime  Kiln  Elementary School upon
        the  occasion  of  winning   the   First   in   Math
        Competition and attaining first place in the Nation

  WHEREAS, It is the sense of this Legislative Body to commend and pay
tribute  to  those  who,  by  achieving  outstanding  success  in  their
educational and mathematical endeavors, have inspired and brought  pride
to our majestic Empire State; and

  WHEREAS,  It is also the sense of this Legislative Body to recognize
the dedication and  commitment  of  our  young  people  who  distinguish
themselves through excellence in mathematical competition; and

  WHEREAS,  Attendant  to  such  concern,  and in full accord with its
long-standing traditions, this  Legislative  Body  is  justly  proud  to
congratulate  Lime  Kiln  Elementary School upon the occasion of winning
the First in Math Competition and attaining first place in the Nation to
be celebrated on Friday, May 3, 2024; and

  WHEREAS, The  Expanded  Mathematics  Access  Program  (EMAP)  is  an
initiative by the New York State Education Department (NYSED), improving
education  through  the  First  in  Math  (FIM)  online program which is
available to all K-5 students statewide; with no  financial  burden  for
schools  or  families  for an initial five-year period, this opportunity
for distinction in mathematics is a landmark advance toward  educational
equity; and

  WHEREAS,  First  in  Math  is  a  proven practice tool that utilizes
students' love of digital gaming to build math skills and create  higher
levels  of  engagement;  FIM's  Deep  Practice approach strengthens fact
fluency, automaticity, computational thinking, and  other  vital  skills
for  mathematics  and  STEM  success,  including  self-monitoring,  goal
setting, adaptability, and persistence; and

  WHEREAS, The program provides more than 250 K-8 math games in  which
students  have  an  interest; stickers, representing points, are awarded
for successfully solving mathematical problems and completing modules; a
nationwide leaderboard is constructed with rankings which are  based  on
the  number  of  points  that  individual  students, classes, and entire
schools have earned; and

  WHEREAS, Additionally, critical thinking and problem-solving  skills
are  bolstered,  preparing  the  program's  participants  for success in
numerous career paths; through First in Math, students have the  benefit
of individualized, self-paced, and adaptive learning; and

  WHEREAS,  The  integral  involvement of parents and teachers renders
any  educational  program  successful;  First  in  Math   enables   this
participation,  combined  with support and resources; NYSED's dedication
to improving mathematical proficiency sets a precedent for other states,
demonstrating a commitment  to  prepare  students  for  the  perpetually
changing educational innovations; and

  WHEREAS,  More  than  5,000 schools across New York State compete on
the First in Math platform; rankings are based on the average number  of
mathematical problems solved by the top 100 students in each school; the
First   in  Math  participants  of  Lime  Kiln  Elementary  School  have
accomplished an impressive feat; and

  WHEREAS,  The  First  in  Math Competition, an eight-month marathon,
requires immense determination, dedication, and mental  fortitude;  Lime
Kiln  Elementary  School  has  participated  for  three  years,  showing
significant growth in focus and dedication; the five-year  grant,  which
NYSED has issued, absorbs the cost of licenses for more than one million
students across New York State; and

  WHEREAS,  Celebrating  the  highest  national  achievement  not only
brings well-deserved recognition to the diligent students of  Lime  Kiln
Elementary School but also serves as motivation and inspiration to other
pupils across the State of New York; and

  WHEREAS,   It  is  appropriate  to  celebrate  the  educational  and
mathematical accomplishments of remarkable schools, such  as  Lime  Kiln
Elementary   School,   and   the  participants  in  the  First  in  Math
Competition; now, therefore, be it

  RESOLVED, That this Legislative Body pause in its  deliberations  to
congratulate  Lime  Kiln  Elementary School upon the occasion of winning
the First in Math Competition and attaining first place in  the  Nation;
and be it further

  RESOLVED,  That  a  copy  of this Resolution, suitably engrossed, be
transmitted to Lime Kiln Elementary School.