Assembly Resolution No. 1089

BY: M. of A. Bendett

        CONGRATULATING  Ragan  Retell upon the occasion of
        capturing the 126-pound Section  II  NYSPHSAA  Girls
        Wrestling  Invitational  Championship on January 26,

  WHEREAS, Individual and team championships are highly  sought  after
in  high  school  sports;  this  Legislative Body commends rare athletic
achievements and pays special  recognition  to  those  who  pursue  such
excellence and become examples for the youth of this great Empire State;

  WHEREAS, High school wrestling builds and strengthens self-reliance,
mental  toughness, competitive spirit, self-discipline and develops diet
and nutrition goals through the process of  "making  weight",  preparing
student athletes for future life goals; and

  WHEREAS, This Legislative Body is justly proud to congratulate Ragan
Retell  upon the occasion of capturing the 126-pound Section II NYSPHSAA
Girls Wrestling Invitational Championship on Friday, January  26,  2024,
at SRC Arena, Onondaga Community College in Syracuse, New York; and

  WHEREAS,  In  front  of  a  capacity crowd and a fan base of family,
friends and teammates, Ragan Retell bested Bella  Satalino  of  Columbia
High  School in a decisive 9-5 victory to be crowned the state champion;

  WHEREAS, A standout wrestler  for  the  Tamarac  High  School  Girls
Wrestling  Team,  Ragan  Retell has reached a high-level of success; she
was named a two-time Fargo All-American and won 1st place at the Section
II Girls Ranking Tournament at Cambridge High School, 2nd place  at  the
Eastern  States Championship Tournament, "Most Outstanding Wrestler" and
126 lb.  Champion at the Shaker's Queen Bison Tournament, and lastly she
was the 126 lb. champion of the Columbia Dames  and  Devils  Tournament;

  WHEREAS,  As  a  testament to her remarkable athletic ability, Ragan
Retell collected her 100th career win on  January  28,  2024;  given  an
amazing  opportunity due to her hard work, she was invited to Team USA's
Olympic Trials Training Camp; and

  WHEREAS, Ragan Retell has committed to wrestle on the  Women's  Team
at  Elmira  College  in the Fall, where she will be pursuing a degree in
nursing; and

  WHEREAS, In a  sport  such  as  wrestling,  which  demands  athletic
prowess,  speed and agility, Head Coach Kevin Retell worked hard to hone
the skills of this champion, teaching this outstanding athlete  lessons,
which will prove invaluable both on and off the mat; and

  WHEREAS,    Ragan    Retell   has   clearly   utilized   dedication,
determination, and teamwork in providing a lasting contribution  to  the
spirit of excellence which is a tradition of her school; now, therefore,
be it

  RESOLVED,  That  this Legislative Body pause in its deliberations to
congratulate Ragan Retell upon the occasion of capturing  the  126-pound
Section II NYSPHSAA Girls Wrestling Invitational Championship on January
26, 2024; and be it further

  RESOLVED,  That  copies  of  this Resolution, suitably engrossed, be
transmitted to Ragan Retell and Head Coach Kevin Retell.