Assembly Resolution No. 1012

BY: M. of A. Santabarbara

        CELEBRATING  the  life  and  legacy  of Jessica De
        Marco, a dedicated  Hope  House  Counselor,  at  the
        Empire  of  Hope Scholarship Kick Off event on March
        21, 2024

  WHEREAS, There are certain outstanding members of our community who,
through their selfless commitment and dedication, have served to  better
the  quality of life in our community and have had a measurable positive
impact on the lives of its residents; Jessica  De  Marco  was  one  such
individual; and

  WHEREAS,  It  is  with  profound  sorrow  and  deep regret that this
Legislative Body records the passing of Jessica  De  Marco,  noting  the
significance of her purposeful life and accomplishments; and

  WHEREAS, Born April 12, 1990, at Bellevue Hospital in Niskayuna, New
York,  Jessica De Marco died on Friday, December 30, 2022, at the age of
32; and

  WHEREAS, Known for her compassion for all people, Jessica  De  Marco
always  put  others  before herself, dedicating her life and career as a
Licensed Mental Health Counselor (LMHC) for over seven years; and

  WHEREAS, For five years, Jessica De Marco worked for Hope House,  an
organization  dedicated  to  providing services to those who suffer from
the disease of addiction; in that time, she touched countless lives  and
was  a  fierce  advocate  for clients, as well as a mentor and friend to
staff; and

  WHEREAS, Jessica De Marco was a knowledgeable and skilled  clinician
and genuine in her love for work and belief that recovery was attainable
for  everyone;  her  quick wit and frequently unfiltered thoughts were a
welcome reprieve during the workday  and  her  presence  made  an  often
tireless and thankless job fun and enjoyable for her coworkers; and

  WHEREAS,  Today,  in recognition of Jessica De Marco's steadfast and
unwavering dedication to Hope House, a scholarship was  created  in  her
name to help deserving individuals further their education; and

  WHEREAS,  This  extraordinary  young woman was also passionate about
preserving her Italian family's heritage and culture; she was always the
center of laughter, music, food, and family gatherings; and

  WHEREAS, A beloved daughter, sister,  sister-in-law,  aunt,  cousin,
niece  and  granddaughter,  Jessica  De  was dedicated to caring for her
parents, grandparents and other  relatives  that  needed  help  or  just
needed company, especially to share homemade Italian escarole and beans;
she  also  absolutely  loved  children; she adored her nieces, Sofia and
Madeline, as though they were her own children; and

  WHEREAS, Jessica De Marco is survived by  her  parents,  Joseph  and
Josefina  (Pina)  DeMarco; siblings, Dan (Gina) and Christopher; nieces,
Sofia and Madeline DeMarco;  and  grandmother,  Luisa  Caporas;  she  is

predeceased  by  her maternal grandfather, Felice Caporaso; and paternal
grandparents, John and Guiseppina DeMarco; and

  WHEREAS,  Jessica  De  Marco's infinite selflessness and benevolence
will shine on through her family's vivid and happy memories; her insight
and strength will forever serve as a beacon of love, light and  hope  to
the countless lives she touched; and

  WHEREAS,  Armed  with a humanistic spirit and imbued with a sense of
compassion, Jessica De Marco leaves behind  a  legacy  which  will  long
endure the passage of time and will remain as a comforting memory to all
who  were  privileged to have known and loved such an amazing woman; she
will be deeply missed and truly merits  the  grateful  tribute  of  this
Legislative Body; now, therefore, be it

  RESOLVED,  That  this Legislative Body pause in its deliberations to
celebrate the life and legacy of Jessica De Marco, and  to  express  its
deepest condolences to her family; and be it further

  RESOLVED,  That  a  copy  of this Resolution, suitably engrossed, be
transmitted to the family of Jessica De Marco.