Assembly Resolution No. 979

BY: M. of A. Paulin

        WELCOMING  and  paying  tribute to David Gill, the
        Consul General of Germany in New  York  State,  upon
        the  occasion  of  his  visit  to the New York State
        Capitol, Albany, New York, on March 19 and 20, 2024

  WHEREAS, The State of New York is greatly enriched by  its  cultural
diversity  and  proudly  shares a multitude of values and friendship, as
well as familial ties with the people and country of Germany; and

  WHEREAS, It is the sense  of  this  Legislative  Body  to  recognize
certain  individuals of high standard and professionalism whose singular
objective is given to serving the advancement of democracy in the world;

  WHEREAS, This Legislative Body, representing the people of the State
of New York, is pleased to welcome David Gill,  the  Consul  General  of
Germany  in  New  York  State, upon the occasion of his visit to the New
York State Capitol, Albany, New York, on March 19 and 20, 2024; and

  WHEREAS, Born in 1966 in Shonebeck/Elbe, David Gill was raised by  a
protestant  minister's  family  in  Herrnhut,  Saxony,  in  former  East
Germany; denied a higher education due to the communist regime's control
of his country, he trained and worked as  a  plumber  before  joining  a
preparatory protestant school and later, the theological seminary of the
Protestant Church in Berlin-Brandenburg; and

  WHEREAS,   In   1990,   David   Gill   served  as  the  chairman  of
Normannenstrasse Citizens' Committee, which oversaw the  dissolution  of
the Ministry of State Security at the Stasi headquarters and also served
as  the  secretary  of  the Special Committee for the dissolution of the
Stasi of the East German Parliament; in 1991, he  received  the  Theodor
Heuss  Medal,  the  highest  tribute  an individual can achieve from the
Federal Republic of Germany for services to the Nation; and

  WHEREAS,  Truly  a   knowledgeable   and   wise   man,   after   the
reunification,  David Gill became the spokesman and head of the research
division of the Federal Commissioner for the Stasi-Files; furthering his
education, he studied law in Berlin at Freie Universitat and  then  came
to  the  United  States  to  study  in Philadelphia at the University of
Pennsylvania; in addition, he experienced a remarkable  internship  with
the United States Congress in Washington D.C.; and

  WHEREAS,  Devoted  to  his  career of serving government, David Gill
held positions such as at the Federal  Ministry  of  the  Interior,  the
Commissioner  for  Data Protection and Freedom of Information in Berlin,
then later, served as the Deputy Representative of the  Council  of  the
Protestant  Church in Germany to the Federal Republic of Germany and the
European Union; and

  WHEREAS,  As  a  testament  to  his  leadership   capabilities   and
reliability, David Gill was chosen as State Secretary and Chief of Staff
for the German Federal President Joachim Gauck's term from 2012 to 2017;

  WHEREAS,  Since  2017,  David  Gill  has diligently served as Consul
General of Germany in New York State; and

  WHEREAS, This Legislative  Body  is  privileged  to  extend  a  warm
welcome  to  an  extraordinary  visitor  of  such  esteemed position and
purpose and wishes him continued success and happiness in all his future
endeavors; now, therefore, be it

  RESOLVED, That this Legislative Body pause in its  deliberations  to
welcome  David  Gill,  the  Consul General of Germany in New York State,
upon the occasion of his visit to the New York  State  Capitol,  Albany,
New York, on March 19 and 20, 2024; and be it further

  RESOLVED, That this Legislative Body pause further to proclaim David
Gill an Honorary Citizen of the State of New York; and be it further

  RESOLVED,  That  a  copy  of this Resolution, suitably engrossed, be
transmitted to David Gill, the Consul General of  Germany  in  New  York