Assembly Resolution No. 968

BY: M. of A. Buttenschon

        COMMENDING   Officer  Jennifer  Fassett  upon  the
        occasion of her retirement after more than 20  years
        of service to the Utica Police Department

  WHEREAS,  It is the custom of this Legislative Body to recognize and
honor those distinguished officers who would devote themselves to public
service, demonstrating great courage and diligence in providing for  the
care  and  welfare  of  the citizens of their communities and this great
Empire State; and

  WHEREAS, Within every community of the State of New York  there  are
certain  individuals  who, by virtue of their commitment and dedication,
command  the  respect  and  admiration  of  their  community  for  their
exemplary contributions and service on behalf of others; and

  WHEREAS,  This  Legislative  Body is justly proud to commend Officer
Jennifer Fassett upon the occasion of her retirement after more than  20
years of service to the Utica Police Department; and

  WHEREAS, Officer Jennifer Fassett began her esteemed law enforcement
career,  spanning  over two decades, with the Utica Police Department on
October 18, 1999; she officially retired from the Department on  January
18, 2020; and

  WHEREAS,  For the last 10 years of service, Officer Jennifer Fassett
was the Department's Budget and Grants Officer; in  this  capacity,  she
found  and secured new grants for the agency to obtain new equipment and
trainings; and

  WHEREAS, Throughout  her  tenure,  Officer  Jennifer  Fassett  truly
served  the  residents  of the City of Utica with compassion, integrity,
and fairness, attributes which will forever serve as an example for  her
fellow officers; and

  WHEREAS,  It  is  the  sense  of  this  Legislative  Body that those
dedicated public servants who unselfishly  devote  their  lives  to  the
preservation  of  order  and the protection of others are worthy and due
full praise for their commitment and noble endeavors; now, therefore, be

  RESOLVED, That this Legislative Body pause in its  deliberations  to
commend  Officer  Jennifer  Fassett  upon the occasion of her retirement
after more than 20 years of service to the Utica Police Department,  and
to wish her well in all her future endeavors; and be it further

  RESOLVED,  That  a  copy  of this Resolution, suitably engrossed, be
transmitted to Officer Jennifer Fassett.