Assembly Resolution No. 957

BY: M. of A. Crouch

        MOURNING   the   death   of   Robert   D.  Briggs,
        distinguished citizen  and  devoted  member  of  his

  WHEREAS, There are certain outstanding members of our community who,
through  their selfless commitment and dedication, have served to better
the quality of life in our community and have had a measurable  positive
impact  on  the  lives  of  its residents; Robert D. Briggs was one such
individual; and

  WHEREAS,  It  is  with  great  sorrow  and  deep  regret  that  this
Legislative  Body  records  the  passing of Robert D. Briggs, noting the
significance of his purposeful life and accomplishments; and

  WHEREAS, Robert D. Briggs of Afton, New York, died on  Sunday,  July
5, 2020, at the age of 89; and

  WHEREAS,  Born  on October 13, 1930 in Sherman, Pennsylvania, Robert
D. Briggs was the son of Milton and Ida (Conklin) Briggs; and

  WHEREAS,  Robert  D.  Briggs  began  his  education  in  a  two-room
schoolhouse  in  Sherman  before  moving  to Deposit, New York, with his
family at the age of nine; upon graduating from Deposit  Central  School
in 1947, he attended SUNY Delhi; and

  WHEREAS,  After  moving  to  Afton in 1961, Robert D. Briggs and his
wife started Bobany Farms,  which  they  successfully  operated  for  47
years; and

  WHEREAS,  For more than two decades, under the luminous direction of
this extraordinary couple, Bobany Farms was bestowed with the  Dairy  of
Distinction  Award,  a prestigious honor recognizing family farms in New
York State which are maintained to specific standards of performance and
appearance; and

  WHEREAS, From 1971 through 1985, Robert D. Briggs was  a  member  of
the  board  for  Afton  Central  School,  serving  for many years as its
president; he went on to become the Town  of  Afton  Supervisor  for  24
years,  and  also  served  as  the  head of the Chenango County Board of
Supervisors; and

  WHEREAS, Furthermore, in recognition of his unwavering dedication to
his community, the Afton Town Hall bears his name; and

  WHEREAS, An active member of the Afton Sertoma Club,  Coventry  Milk
Producers Co-op and St. Agnes Catholic Church in Afton, Robert D. Briggs
also  gave tirelessly of his time and energies volunteering for both the
Afton Historical Society and the Afton InterChurch food pantry; and

  WHEREAS, Robert D. Briggs  was  the  proud  recipient  of  the  2005
Service  to Mankind Award by the Sertoma Club, and was recognized as the
Afton Chamber of Commerce Citizen of the Year in 2018; and

  WHEREAS, A  steadfast  champion  for  education,  he  and  his  wife
established  the  Robert and Anne Briggs Family Scholarship for students
graduating from Afton High School; and

  WHEREAS,  Robert  D.  Briggs was a man of true integrity and honesty
who lived an immensely beautiful life built on compassion, kindness, and
respect for others; and

  WHEREAS, Predeceased by his parents; his sister,  Phyllis  Buck;  an
infant  son,  James;  and  a daughter-in-law, Margaret Briggs, Robert D.
Briggs is survived by his wife of nearly 68 years, Anne  Feehan  Briggs;
six  children,  Elizabeth  (Kelly),  Michael (Sharlene), Richard, Laurie
(Jessica), William (Candy)  and  Brian  (Tammy);  18  grandchildren;  20
great-grandchildren and 1 great-great-grandchild; as well as many family
members, friends and neighbors; and

  WHEREAS,  Robert  D.  Briggs'  legacy  of  infinite selflessness and
benevolence will shine on through his family's vivid and happy memories;
his insight and strength will forever serve as a beacon of love and hope
for all who were privileged to have known  and  loved  such  an  amazing
person; now, therefore, be it

  RESOLVED,  That  this Legislative Body pause in its deliberations to
mourn the death of Robert D. Briggs, distinguished citizen  and  devoted
member of his community; and be it further

  RESOLVED,  That  a  copy  of this Resolution, suitably engrossed, be
transmitted to the family of Robert D. Briggs.