Assembly Resolution No. 936

BY: M. of A. Brook-Krasny

        MOURNING  the  death  of Barry Berger, meritorious
        veteran, distinguished citizen, and  devoted  member
        of his community

  WHEREAS, There are certain outstanding members of our community who,
through  their  selfless  commitment,  patriotism  and  dedication, have
served to better the quality of life in the communities across our great
State and Nation, and who have had a measurable positive impact  on  the
lives of its residents; Barry Berger was one such individual; and

  WHEREAS,  It  is  with  profound  sorrow  and  deep regret that this
Legislative Body records the passing of  Barry  Berger  on  December  4,
2023,   noting   the   significance   of   his   purposeful   life   and
accomplishments; and

  WHEREAS, Born in Cherkasy, Ukraine on March 11, 1941,  Barry  Berger
and his family returned to Wroclaw, Poland in 1946; in December of 1958,
he  escaped to West Germany with his father and immigrated to the United
States on June 1, 1959; and

  WHEREAS, Shortly after arriving in the United States,  Barry  Berger
raised  his  hand  to defend our nations interests, proudly enlisting in
the United States Army in 1961; he completed basic training in Fort Dix,
New Jersey, and Advanced Infantry Training at Fort Chaffee, Arkansas, as
well as Airborne Training at Fort Benning, Georgia; and

  WHEREAS, This brave soldier served in Germany from 1962-1964 in  the
3rd  Infantry  Division, 7th Infantry Regiment, Company "E" and HHQ, and
in 1964 he was stationed at Fort Dix, New Jersey, where he worked  as  a
Drill  Sergeant  and  as  an  Automatic  Weapons Instructor on the rifle
range; and

  WHEREAS, In March of 1966, Barry Berger was deployed  to  Korea  and
served  on  the  DMZ  in  2nd Infantry Division, 38th Infantry Regiment,
Company "C" and returned to the United States in September of that  same
year;  he  was  then  stationed  at  Fort  Benning, Georgia as a Weapons
Instructor on the rifle range; and

  WHEREAS, In December of 1967, Barry Berger was once  again  deployed
to  Germany  with the 3rd Armor Division, 36th Infantry Regiment, and in
December of 1968, he returned to the United  States  to  attend  special
weapons school and South Vietnamese language school at Fort Bragg, North
Carolina and Fort Bliss, Texas; and

  WHEREAS,  Two  years  later,  in  1969, Barry Berger was deployed to
Vietnam where  he  courageously  served  as  an  advisor  to  the  South
Vietnamese  Army  in  the  delta  region  before returning state side in
December; he was then assigned to Fort Hamilton, Brooklyn, New York, and
then to Fort Lee, Virginia, Headquarters Quartermaster Company; and

  WHEREAS, Due to problems with his back, Barry Berger  was  honorably
discharged  on  March 11, 1970, after more than eight years of dedicated
service; and

  WHEREAS,  After  having  back surgery in 1974, Barry Berger became a
lifetime member of the Disabled American Veterans Chapter 154  where  he
held  the  positions of President, Adjutant and Treasurer; he was also a
lifetime member of Chapter 72 of the Vietnam Veterans  of  America,  and
held the position as 1st Vice Commander; and

  WHEREAS,  Professionally,  Barry Berger spent his illustrious career
as a Senior Communication Specialist for Loews Corporation  and  retired
in 2005; and

  WHEREAS,  With  a  steadfast and unwavering commitment to his fellow
veterans  and  the  community-at-large,  Barry  Berger  volunteered   as
financial  advisor  on  the  executive  board  for  the  United Military
Veterans of Kings County Memorial Day Parade committee where he assisted
with the planning for Brooklyn's Memorial Day parade; he was awarded the
Patriotism Award for his volunteerism by the United Military Veterans of
Kings County in 2012; and

  WHEREAS, Barry Berger was married to his beloved wife, Irene, for 51
years, and they have one daughter, Dyan; and

  WHEREAS, Barry Berger's infinite selflessness and  benevolence  will
shine  on through his family's vivid and happy memories; his insight and
strength will forever serve as a beacon of love, light and hope  to  the
countless lives he touched; and

  WHEREAS,  Armed  with a humanistic spirit and imbued with a sense of
compassion, Barry Berger leaves behind a legacy which will  long  endure
the  passage  of  time and will remain as a comforting memory to all who
were privileged to have known and loved such an amazing man; he will  be
deeply  missed and truly merits the grateful tribute of this Legislative
Body; now, therefore, be it

  RESOLVED, That this Legislative Body pause in its  deliberations  to
mourn  the death of Barry Berger, and to express its deepest condolences
to his family; and be it further

  RESOLVED, That a copy of this  Resolution,  suitably  engrossed,  be
transmitted to the family of Barry Berger.