Assembly Resolution No. 776

BY: M. of A. Blankenbush

        HONORING Firefighter Robert Ross upon the occasion
        of  his designation for special recognition after 60
        years of dedicated service to the Lowville Volunteer
        Fire Department

  WHEREAS, Citizens across our State and Nation are  inspired  by  and
indebted  to  our  noble  volunteer firefighters who exhibit courage and
bravery every day in the course of their duties; and

  WHEREAS,  Volunteer  Firefighters  exemplify  the  power  of   human
compassion  and  the  strength of the American spirit through actions of
the  most  heroic  magnitude;  their  sacrifices  and   their   selfless
dedication  merit  tribute and recognition by all citizens of this great
country; and

  WHEREAS, This Legislative Body is justly proud to honor  Firefighter
Robert Ross upon the occasion of his designation for special recognition
after  60  years  of  dedicated  service  to the Lowville Volunteer Fire
Department to be celebrated at its Annual Banquet on Saturday, April 18,
2020; and

  WHEREAS, Robert Ross joined the Lowville Volunteer  Fire  Department
in  1960,  the  second  generation  from the Ross family to serve in the
department; and

  WHEREAS, When Robert Ross first joined the Lowville  Volunteer  Fire
Department,  he  also became a member of the Hose Company where he raced
firematics with the Drill Team in the early 1960s; and

  WHEREAS, Robert Ross has always been an active member fighting fires
and volunteering with fundraisers; to this day, he  has  served  as  the
Nominating and By-law Committee Chairman for the Lowville Volunteer Fire
Department; and

  WHEREAS,   Furthermore,   from  1987-1989,  Robert  Ross  served  as
President of the Lowville Volunteer Fire Department; he  also  held  the
position  of  Recording  Secretary  for  several  years, and a Committee
member for the Northern New York Volunteer Fire Association as well as a
judge for the association's parades; and

  WHEREAS, This Legislative Body cannot express  sufficient  gratitude
to those devoted individuals who recognize that the preservation of life
and property is a sacred responsibility and who make that responsibility
their own by serving as firefighters; and

  WHEREAS,  It  takes  a  special  dedication, a strong desire to help
others and a tireless sense of community to forsake precious  time  with
family  and friends to respond to the signal that a neighbor is in need;
Robert Ross is one such firefighter;  throughout  60  years  of  devoted
service,  this volunteer heroically performed, above and beyond the call
of  duty,  those  responsibilities  which  define  the  task   of   fire
protection; now, therefore, be it

  RESOLVED,  That  this Legislative Body pause in its deliberations to
honor Firefighter Robert Ross upon the occasion of his  designation  for
special  recognition after 60 years of dedicated service to the Lowville
Volunteer Fire Department; and be it further

  RESOLVED,  That  a  copy  of this Resolution, suitably engrossed, be
transmitted to Firefighter Robert Ross.