Assembly Resolution No. 691

BY: M. of A. Buttenschon

        COMMENDING  The  Reverend  Walter  Madej  upon the
        occasion  of  his  retirement  after  52  years   of
        distinguished service to the priesthood

  WHEREAS,  The character and richness of religious and community life
in this noble Empire  State  is  nourished  and  fulfilled  through  the
faithful  concern  and selfless devotion of those who would commit their
energies and purpose to the ministry of others; and

  WHEREAS, It is the sense of this  Legislative  Body  to  bring  full
recognition  and  just  tribute  to  those  individuals  who distinguish
themselves and the ministry through  their  unremitting  commitment  and
preeminence of service; and

  WHEREAS,  This  Legislative  Body  is  justly  proud  to commend The
Reverend Walter Madej upon the occasion of his retirement after 52 years
of distinguished service to the priesthood; and

  WHEREAS, A dedicated priest for over 50 years, Reverend Walter Madej
spent his last 22 years at the Sacred Heart of Jesus, in New York Mills,
New York; and

  WHEREAS, Born in Izbiska, Poland, Reverend  Walter  Madej  graduated
from  the Catholic Seminary of Philosophy and Theology at Gdansk, Poland
in 1968; that same year he was ordained to the priesthood; and

  WHEREAS, From 1971 to 1975,  Reverend  Walter  Madej  continued  his
studies  on  the  sociology  of  religion  at the Catholic University of
Lublin; a shortage of Polish priests for the  Polish  National  Catholic
Church  led him to America in 1976; he went on to serve God at a variety
of church communities before finding his home in New York Mills; and

  WHEREAS, Reverend Walter Madej completed his educational studies  at
the College of Pastoral Supervision and Psychotherapy in 1991; and

  WHEREAS,  In  addition  to  his love for the church, Reverend Walter
Madej has a strong passion for art; using his  artwork  as  a  means  of
meditation  and  inspiration, he went on to study the nature and history
of ecclesiastical art throughout his studies in Poland and America; and

  WHEREAS, Today, he has created over 30 pieces of  religious  artwork
for numerous churches and institutions; and

  WHEREAS,  Reverend  Walter  Madej  has  brought  to  his ministry an
overwhelming spirit of charity and compassion, acting  from  vision  and
enlightenment  in  conducting  his  administrative and spiritual duties,
while  always  displaying  the  highest  standards   of   personal   and
professional integrity and dedication; and

  WHEREAS,   This   distinguished   man   of   God  has  always  given
enlightenment, guidance and wisdom to the many entrusted to his care and
has administered  abundantly  and  unstintingly  to  the  spiritual  and
corporal needs of all; and

  WHEREAS,  It  is  the  custom  of  this Legislative Body that when a
person of  such  noble  aims  and  accomplishments  is  brought  to  our
attention  it  is  appropriate  to  publicly and jubilantly proclaim and
commend that individual for the edification of others;  now,  therefore,
be it

  RESOLVED,  That  this Legislative Body pause in its deliberations to
commend The Reverend Walter Madej upon the occasion  of  his  retirement
after  52  years  of distinguished service to the priesthood, noting his
unremitting and compassionate faith and his exemplary  service  to  God,
man,  and  his community, and extending to him the heartfelt best wishes
of this  Legislative  Body  for  a  future  of  purposeful  success  and
well-being; and be it further

  RESOLVED,  That  a  copy  of this Resolution, suitably engrossed, be
transmitted to The Reverend Walter Madej.