Assembly Resolution No. 630

BY: M. of A. Thiele

        CONGRATULATING the Firefighters Association of the
        State  of  New  York  (FASNY)  upon  the occasion of
        celebrating its 150th Anniversary

  WHEREAS,  This  Legislative  Body  is  proud  to  congratulate   the
Firefighters  Association  of  the  State  of  New York (FASNY) upon the
occasion of celebrating its 150th Anniversary, and to honor its past and
present work for 150 years of helping to facilitate fire  protection  to
the citizens of this great Empire State; and

  WHEREAS, To celebrate this auspicious milestone, several events will
be   held   throughout   the   year   including  the  Historical  Marker
Re-Dedication Ceremony on Saturday, May 7, 2022, in  Auburn,  New  York,
the  home  of  this respected organization, as well as a Dress Parade on
Saturday, August 13, 2022, in Tarrytown, New York; and

  WHEREAS,  Fire  departments  are  an  integral  part  of   community
protection  services in every locality of our State; during the past 150
years, the courageous and devoted  firefighters  FASNY  represents  have
valiantly  responded  to  all  types of fire and medical emergencies and
have won the praise and admiration of  the  communities  in  which  they
serve; and

  WHEREAS,  Remaining  true to its mission, FASNY educates, serves and
supports volunteer firefighters in New York State; founded in 1872, this
vital  organization  has  grown  into  one  of  the  largest   volunteer
firefighting organizations in the country with more than 40,000 members;

  WHEREAS,  Volunteer  firefighters  and  fire  departments  not  only
provide the critical service of fire protection but also engage in other
activities of great benefit  and  importance  to  the  communities  they
serve; and

  WHEREAS, FASNY, with its main headquarters in Albany, New York, also
maintains  the  FASNY Firemen's Home, a certified residential healthcare
facility in Hudson, New York, and preserves the  history  and  maintains
the  legacy  of  fire  service  in  New  York  State  at  the  Museum of
Firefighting in Hudson, New York; and

  WHEREAS, FASNY provides information, education and training for  the
volunteer  fire  services  throughout  New  York State; the organization
strives to recognize  the  true  champions  of  these  services  through
numerous awards programs; and

  WHEREAS,  Furthermore,  FASNY recognizes educators for their work in
fire prevention education, and provides legislative representation  that
monitors and takes action on topics of importance to the services; and

  WHEREAS,   FASNY  hosts  Annual  Conventions  and  conferences  with
nationally known expert speakers, and  offers  training  at  departments
across  the  State  that  not  only  fulfill  requirements, but keep the
professional volunteer firefighter performing at the highest level; and

  WHEREAS,  Through  FASNY's  Fire  in  You campaign and The RecruitNY
initiative, more than 20,000 individuals  have  joined  local  volunteer
departments across this great Empire State; and

  WHEREAS,  FASNY  keeps  its members informed on critical information
and  promotes  friendship  through  various  publications  such  as  The
Volunteer  Firefighter,  a  monthly  e-newsletter,  and works to build a
"Healthier, Stronger and Safer Volunteer Fire Service" with its wellness
initiative; and

  WHEREAS, The success  of  FASNY  relates  to  the  efforts  of  past
presidents,  and the current President, John P. Farrell, Jr., as well as
fellow leaders, and members, whose involvement is, and always has  been,
characterized  by an impressive commitment, an unbridled enthusiasm, and
an uncompromising standard of excellence in all endeavors on  behalf  of
the organization and the community it serves; and

  WHEREAS,  It  takes  a  special  dedication, a strong desire to help
others and a tireless sense of community to forsake precious  time  with
family  and friends to respond to the signal that a neighbor is in need;
throughout 150 years of devoted  service,  these  volunteers  heroically
performed,  above  and  beyond  the call of duty, those responsibilities
which define the task of fire protection; and

  WHEREAS, In the faithful performance of their duties  and  volunteer
efforts,  the  FASNY members' ongoing endeavors and notable achievements
have significantly contributed to bettering the quality of life in their
communities; now, therefore, be it

  RESOLVED, That this Legislative Body pause in its  deliberations  to
congratulate  the  Firefighters  Association  of  the  State of New York
(FASNY) upon the occasion of celebrating its 150th Anniversary;  and  be
it further

  RESOLVED,  That  a  copy  of this Resolution, suitably engrossed, be
transmitted to John P. Farrell, Jr., President, Firefighters Association
of the State of New York (FASNY).