Assembly Resolution No. 608

BY: M. of A. Reilly

        CELEBRATING   the   life  and  accomplishments  of
        Nicholas W.  D'Amora,  inspiration  for  the  autism
        community and distinguished citizen

  WHEREAS,  It is the sense of this Legislative Body to pay tribute to
those individuals whose extraordinary spirit and  determination  are  an
inspiration to others; and

  WHEREAS,  Nicholas W. D'Amora of Annadale, New York, died on Monday,
May 15, 2023, at the age of 25; and

  WHEREAS, Nicholas William D'Amora, known to all as Nick, was born to
Barbara and Billy D'Amora on January 29, 1998, in Staten Island where he
attended PS 58 in New Springville, PS 373 at the Staten Island School of
Civic Leadership in Graniteville  and  South  Richmond  High  School  in
Prince's  Bay;  knowing  he wanted to make a difference, he attended Day
Habilitation programs  at  On  Your  Mark  (The  Treehouse),  The  GRACE
Foundation, and most recently, CrimsonRise (The Studio); and

  WHEREAS, In addition to his love for all people, Nicholas W. D'Amora
liked  good  food  and  worked  at various restaurants on Staten Island,
including Dock's Seafood Restaurant, Project Brunch,  and  the  Annadale
Terrace; and

  WHEREAS,  Nicholas  W.  D'Amora's  best  friend  and partner was his
mother Barbara, who was inspired  by  her  son  to  co-found  The  GRACE
Foundation  of  New  York  in  2000;  since  its  inception,  this vital
organization has stayed true to its mission of supporting, educating and
enhancing the quality of life for  children/adults  and  their  families
impacted by Autism Spectrum Disorder; and

  WHEREAS,  Nicholas  W.  D'Amora  and  his mother hosted seminars for
years across the borough  to  promote  awareness  of  a  new  method  of
communication that changed his life, Rapid Prompting Method (RPM); and

  WHEREAS,  Most recently, Nicholas W. D'Amora co-founded CrimsonRise,
the first  ever  non-profit  founded  by  four  non-speaking  autistics;
Nicholas  and  his  partners Tejas, Cris and Will established this vital
organization to serve autistic individuals with  sensory,  movement  and
communication   differences   by   presuming  competence  and  providing
communication access and regulation  using  a  spin-off  method  of  RPM
called "Spelling to Communicate"; and

  WHEREAS, In addition to working with various organizations, Nicholas
W.      D'Amora   wrote  a  chapter  of  the  book  Leaders  Around  Me:
Autobiographies of Autistics who Type, Point and Spell to Communicate by
Dr. Edlyn Pena, and was a public speaker and presenter  who  shared  his
experiences  and insights at numerous universities, including St. John's
University, the College of Staten  Island,  Wagner  College,  and  Touro
College; and

  WHEREAS,  For his steadfast and unremitting commitment to the autism
community, Nicholas W. D'Amora was the recipient of numerous awards  and

accolades  including  the Shining Star Award by The GRACE Foundation; in
2015, he was voted the most Inspirational  Staten  Islander  by  the  SI
Advance,  and  in  2019, he was honored at the On Your Mark Gala for his
devoted work as an autism advocate; and

  WHEREAS,  Nicholas  W.  D'Amora  truly loved life and spent each and
every day living it to the fullest; he could often be found on the beach
and liked to swim, dance, exercise, art and  traveling;  above  all,  he
enjoyed spending time with his cherished family; and

  WHEREAS,  Predeceased  by  his  grandmothers  Patricia  Pandolfi and
Connie D'Amora, Nicholas W. D'Amora is  survived  by  his  parents,  one
brother,  Christian;  one  sister,  Natalie;  his  grandfathers,  Robert
Pandolfi and Joseph  D'Amora;  two  aunts,  Marie  (Tim)  Conheeney  and
Christine  D'Amora;  three  uncles,  Robert (Laura) Pandolfi Jr., Andrew
(Christy) D'Amora, and Jimmy D'Amora; seven cousins, Anthony,  Patricia,
Rob,  Gianna,  Toni,  Alexandria  and  Christopher,  as well as numerous
teachers, paras, direct support staff and friends who will long  cherish
his memory; and

  WHEREAS,  Nicholas W. D'Amora dedicated his life to lifting barriers
and expanding choices for all persons  with  disabilities;  through  his
intelligence  and  kindness, he instilled hope and inspired those within
the autism community to be the very best they could be; and

  WHEREAS, Armed with a humanistic spirit and imbued with a  sense  of
compassion,  Nicholas  W. D'Amora leaves behind a legacy which will long
endure the passage of time and will remain as a comforting memory to all
he served and befriended; now, therefore, be it

  RESOLVED, That this Legislative Body pause in its  deliberations  to
celebrate   the   life  and  accomplishments  of  Nicholas  W.  D'Amora,
inspiration for the autism community and distinguished citizen;  and  be
it further

  RESOLVED,  That  a  copy  of this Resolution, suitably engrossed, be
transmitted to the family of Nicholas W. D'Amora.