Assembly Resolution No. 509

BY: M. of A. Byrnes

        MOURNING  the  death  of  Brian W. West, decorated
        Vietnam veteran, distinguished citizen  and  devoted
        member of his community

  WHEREAS, It is the custom of this Legislative Body to pay tribute to
citizens  of  the  State  of  New York whose lifework and civic endeavor
served to enhance the quality of life  in  their  communities  and  this
great Empire State; and

  WHEREAS,  Brian  William  West  of  Springwater,  New  York, died on
Tuesday, November 30, 2021, at the age of 74; and

  WHEREAS, Born on December 17, 1946, in Rochester, New York, Brian W.
West attended Livonia  Central  School,  and  in  January  of  1964,  he
enlisted in the United States Marine Corps.; and

  WHEREAS,  Brian  W. West served with his Brothers in Arms during two
tours in Vietnam; during this time, he was awarded two Purple Hearts,  a
Bronze  Star  with  Combat Valor and commendations too numerous to list;

  WHEREAS, One of Brian W. West's duties  for  the  Marine  Corps  was
training  narcotics  detection dogs; he once met President Richard Nixon
and gave him a demonstration of his dog training skills; and

  WHEREAS, Brian W. West was  honorably  discharged  from  the  Marine
Corps  in 1972; on August 14, 1971, he married the former Sandra Johnson
and together they raised three  beautiful  children  and  celebrated  50
years of marriage; and

  WHEREAS,  Brian  W. West distinguished himself in his profession and
by his sincere dedication and substantial contribution to the welfare of
his community; and

  WHEREAS, For many decades, Brian W. West was employed as a  Security
Guard at General Motors (Rochester Products); and

  WHEREAS, Brian W. West's commitment to excellence, and his spirit of
humanity,   carried  over  into  all  fields  of  enterprise,  including
charitable and civic endeavors; and

  WHEREAS, Brian W. West cared about his community  and  served  as  a
Town  Councilman  for  the  Town  of  Springwater  in  the 1980s; he was
well-known in the Webster Crossing  community  as  a  gracious  host  of
BBQ's,  card  parties and horseshoe parties; he was always ready to help
anyone in need and often did so without any fanfare or recognition; and

  WHEREAS, An avid  outdoorsman,  Brian  W.  West  loved  hunting  and
fishing,  and rooting for the Buffalo Bills and the New York Yankees; he
also loved to mow lawns and mowed for many  people  in  the  Springwater
community; and

  WHEREAS,  In his retirement, he passed on his love of fishing to his
grandsons, who, as children, went fishing  with  him  and  then  out  to
McDonalds  for  lunch; Brian took great joy in all his grandchildren and
they truly brought out the joy in him; and

  WHEREAS,  Predeceased  by  his mother, Betty (O'Brien) West, and his
brother, Michael Francis West, Brian W. West is survived by his wife  of
50  years,  Sandra  "Sandy" (Johnson) West; his three children, Brian C.
(Wendy) West, Phillip (Elizabeth) West, and Tara (John) Harnish; his six
grandchildren, Jackson, Cole, Juliette, David, John, and Mary  Elizabeth
West;  his  father,  Francis  West;  four siblings, Daniel (Karen) West,
Frank (Wendy) West, Barbara West Jones, and Colleen  (Earl)  Hay;  three
sisters-in-law,  Susan  West,  Melba  Johnson  and  Iva Johnson; and one
brother-in-law, David Johnson; as well as many  aunts,  uncles,  nieces,
nephews,  cousins,  and  dear friends including a very special uncle, AJ
Johnston; and

  WHEREAS, Armed with a humanistic spirit and imbued with a  sense  of
compassion,  Brian W. West leaves behind a legacy which will long endure
the passage of time and will remain as a comforting  memory  to  all  he
served  and  befriended;  he  will be deeply missed and truly merits the
grateful tribute of this Legislative Body now, therefore, be it

  RESOLVED, That this Legislative Body pause in its  deliberations  to
mourn the death of Brian W. West, and to express its deepest condolences
to his family; and be it further

  RESOLVED,  That  a  copy  of this Resolution, suitably engrossed, be
transmitted to the family of Brian W. West.