Assembly Resolution No. 505

BY: M. of A. Buttenschon

        MEMORIALIZING  Governor  Kathy  Hochul to proclaim
        January 2022, as Firefighter Cancer Prevention Month
        in the State of New York

  WHEREAS, It is the custom of  this  Legislative  Body  to  recognize
official  months  that  are  set  aside to increase awareness of serious
health issues that affect  the  lives  of  our  noble  firemen  and  all
citizens of New York State; and

  WHEREAS,  Attendant  to  such  concern,  and in full accord with its
long-standing traditions,  this  Legislative  Body  hereby  memorializes
Governor  Kathy  Hochul  to proclaim January 2022, as Firefighter Cancer
Prevention Month in the State of  New  York,  in  conjunction  with  the
observance of National Firefighter Cancer Prevention Month; and

  WHEREAS,  January  is  designated  as  Firefighter Cancer Prevention
Month to provide  firefighters  the  necessary  tools  and  guidance  to
develop life-saving protocols for cancer prevention and to support those
with a cancer diagnosis within their departments; and

  WHEREAS,  Bringing increased public awareness to occupational cancer
in the fire service will help generate greater legislative  support  for
states  and  to  establish  presumptive  disabilities  for  all  cancers
affecting firefighters; and

  WHEREAS, According to the National Institute of Occupational  Safety
and  Health,  firefighters  have  a nine percent greater chance of being
diagnosed with cancer than the U.S. General Population, and a 14 percent
greater chance of dying from cancer than the general population; and

  WHEREAS,  Additionally,  firefighter  occupational  cancer  is   the
leading cause of line-of-duty deaths in the fire service; and

  WHEREAS,  Firefighting  settings  are  complex  and  contain various
hazardous substances, exposing these brave men and women to hundreds  of
different chemicals in the form of gases, vapors, and particulates; some
of these chemical substances are known or suspected to cause cancer, and
many  are  byproducts  of  combustion  or  burning,  such as benzene and
formaldehyde; others come from the materials  burning  or  in  the  fire
debris, such as asbestos from older structures; and

  WHEREAS,  Firefighters  can  come  into  contact  with  chemicals by
breathing them in, getting them on their skin or in their  eyes,  or  by
ingesting  them;  if  protective clothing, known as turnout gear, is not
adequately cleaned or stored after a fire response  or  training  event,
chemicals on the gear or equipment can contaminate vehicles and the fire
station; and

  WHEREAS,  Furthermore,  reusing  dirty  turnout  gear or respiratory
protection can also result in exposures to hazardous  substances;  these
exposures   can   occur  by  skin  contact  with  contaminated  personal
protective equipment (PPE) or by breathing  in  or  ingesting  particles
from contaminated PPE; and

  WHEREAS, It is important for the Fire Service to educate its members
about  safe work practices; effective training promotes a safety culture
that cultivates sound work practices; sound work practices are  designed
to  reduce  exposures  to  hazardous  agents,  which  is key to reducing
occupational illnesses, including cancer; and

  WHEREAS, Training  that  increases  cancer  awareness  and  physical
well-being may encourage firefighters to adopt work practices that lower
their  exposures  to cancer-causing substances; it can also help promote
healthier lifestyles  which  may  also  reduce  their  cancer  risk  and
increase the use of cancer screening tools; and

  WHEREAS, Finally, an important component in the prevention of cancer
in  the  Fire  Service  is  learning  more  about  it; subsequently, the
National Firefighter Registry  (NFR)  was  established  as  a  voluntary
registry   of   active   and   former  firefighters  with  the  goal  of
understanding and reducing cancer in the United States Fire Service; and

  WHEREAS, It is imperative that there be  greater  awareness  of  the
dangers  of  occupational  cancer,  and  more  must  be done to increase
activity at the local, State and national levels; now, therefore, be it

  RESOLVED, That this Legislative Body pause in its  deliberations  to
memorialize   Governor   Kathy  Hochul  to  proclaim  January  2022,  as
Firefighter Cancer Prevention Month in the State of New York; and be  it

  RESOLVED,  That  a  copy  of this Resolution, suitably engrossed, be
transmitted to The Honorable Kathy Hochul, Governor of the State of  New