Assembly Resolution No. 472

BY: M. of A. Angelino

        CONGRATULATING   the  Whitney  Point  High  School
        Varsity Field Hockey  Team  and  Head  Coach  Nicole
        Huston upon the occasion of capturing the 2021 Class
        C NYSPHSAA Championship

  WHEREAS,  Individual  and team championships are highly sought after
in high school sports; this  Legislative  Body  commends  rare  athletic
achievements  and  pays  special  recognition  to  those who pursue such
excellence and become examples for the youth of this great Empire State;

  WHEREAS, Athletic competition helps to enhance both  the  moral  and
physical development of young athletes, preparing them for the future by
instilling in them the importance of teamwork, encouraging a standard of
healthy living, and developing a sense of fair play and competition; and

  WHEREAS,  This  Legislative Body is justly proud to congratulate the
Whitney Point High School Varsity  Field  Hockey  Team  and  Head  Coach
Nicole  Huston  upon the occasion of capturing the 2021 Class C NYSPHSAA
Championship; to the praise and applause  of  their  excited  fans,  the
Golden  Eagles  defeated Hoosick Falls in a 6-1 victory to take home the
NYSPHSAA  Class  C  Championship  on  Sunday,  November  14,  2021,   at
Centereach High School on Long Island; and

  WHEREAS,  Whitney  Point  High  School Varsity Field Hockey Team has
strung an impressive five New York State titles from 2014-2018; and

  WHEREAS,  The  Golden  Eagles   dispatched   each   of   their   two
State-tournament opponents by 11-0; in the five games preceding the 2021
State  championship game, they defeated their rivals by a combined 44-0;

  WHEREAS, Proudly donning the school's colors  of  maroon  and  gold,
family, friends, and the community at large loyally and enthusiastically
supported the Golden Eagles throughout their journey as they ended their
season with an impressive 18-0 overall record; and

  WHEREAS,  In  a  sport  such as field hockey, which demands athletic
prowess, speed and agility, Head Coach Nicole Huston worked hard to hone
the  skills  of  this  championship  team,  teaching  these  outstanding
athletes  lessons which will prove invaluable both on and off the field;

  WHEREAS, Coach Nicole Huston and the 24 outstanding athletes on  the
Whitney  Point  High  School  Varsity  Field  Hockey  Team  have clearly
utilized dedication, determination and teamwork in providing  a  lasting
contribution  to  the spirit of excellence which is a tradition of their
school; now, therefore, be it

  RESOLVED, That this Legislative Body pause in its  deliberations  to
congratulate  the members of the Whitney Point High School Varsity Field
Hockey  Team:  Brenna  Bough,  Reese  Abrahamson,  Taryn  Hitt,   Maggie
Burlison, Taylor Petrie, Lindsay Davis, Kaylie Lynch, Victoria Peterson,

Genevieve  Huston,  Jenna  Bidwell,  Grace Russell, Jazlyn Leet, Shaylee
Vanvorce, Delana James, Magdelana Jordan, Cassidy Pado, Dominique Boyce,
Alana Roe, Laci Gates, Reanna Quail, Madison Hoeppner, Emma Morgan, Leah
Bailey  and  Ashley  Berge;  and  Head  Coach  Nicole  Huston  on  their
outstanding season and overall team record; and be it further

  RESOLVED, That copies of this  Resolution,  suitably  engrossed,  be
transmitted  to  the  members  of  the Whitney Point High School Varsity
Field Hockey Team, and Head Coach Nicole Huston.