Assembly Resolution No. 255

BY: M. of A. Raynor

        COMMEMORATING  the  28th  Anniversary  of  Calvary
        Tabernacle  of  Hempstead,  New  York,  and   paying
        tribute to Bishop Barrington Goldson for 28 years of
        faithful service

  WHEREAS,  Religious institutions, and the many spiritual, social and
educational benefits they confer, play a vital role in  the  development
of the moral fabric of a responsible citizenry; and

  WHEREAS,  It  is  the tradition of this State and this Nation to pay
tribute to those institutions and individuals who  have  contributed  to
the ethical and spiritual values of their communities; and

  WHEREAS,  This  Legislative  Body is justly proud to commemorate the
28th Anniversary of Calvary Tabernacle of Hempstead, New  York,  and  to
pay tribute to Bishop Goldson for 28 years of faithful service; and

  WHEREAS,  On  October  19,  1991, Calvary Tabernacle, a community of
Christian believers, had their first service in the Golden Room  at  the
Coliseum Motor Inn in East Meadow, New York; and

  WHEREAS,  Within  a  year,  with only 13 members, Calvary Tabernacle
purchased their first building at 78 North Franklin  Street,  Hempstead,
New York; and

  WHEREAS,  Today,  Calvary  Tabernacle properties now include a Youth
Center, A Kids Center, and a Worship Center; and

  WHEREAS, Calvary Tabernacle, the center  of  Apostolic  activity  in
Nassau  County, has impacted the Hempstead community in several tangible
and profound ways, such as providing counseling services, pioneering the
establishment of the Academy Charter  School,  and  hosting  the  Annual
Convoy of Hope; and

  WHEREAS,   Through   the   Annual  Tri-State  Music  event,  Calvary
Tabernacle has also provided financial educational scholarships to young
aspiring musicians and singers, paving a path to perform with nationally
recognized artistes  and  showcasing  their  skills  and  talents  at  a
national level; and

  WHEREAS,  Remaining true to its mission, Calvary Tabernacle preaches
the gospel to the whole world beginning in Nassau County, compelling all
to "Come to Calvary the Way to God"; and

  WHEREAS, The character and richness of religious and community  life
in  this  noble  Empire  State  are  nourished and fulfilled through the
faithful concern  and  selfless  devotion  of  those  who  commit  their
energies and purpose to the ministry of others; and

  WHEREAS,  Bishop  Barrington  Goldson,  a resident of Hempstead, has
committed  his  life  to  serving  and  helping  people,  regardless  of
background and economic status, to achieve their fullest potential; and

  WHEREAS,  Starting  Calvary  Tabernacle  with  his wife, Sis. Jo-Ann
Goldson, Bishop Barrington  Goldson  sent  a  message  of  hope  to  the
surrounding communities throughout the Hempstead area; and

  WHEREAS,  A  life-long Evangelist, Sis. Jo-Ann Goldson has a passion
and energy for life that is contagious; she began in  her  grandfather's
ministry  and  now  continues  as  a  supportive  wife and mother of two
children; and

  WHEREAS, Sis. Jo-Ann Goldson is an inspiration and mentor  to  women
everywhere,  committed  to helping women, children and families discover
their purpose and reach their highest potential in Christ; and

  WHEREAS, Under the leadership of these two eminent Pastors,  Calvary
Tabernacle  has  expanded  in  every  area  and  has become the largest,
fastest growing and most diverse congregation in  Hempstead  today  with
over 500 parishioners attending weekly services; and

  WHEREAS,  Bishop  Barrington and Sis. Jo-Ann Goldson, along with the
entire Calvary Tabernacle family,  are  focused  like  never  before  on
meeting  the  needs  of the Hempstead community and providing ministries
and services that impact every area of life; and

  WHEREAS,  Throughout  his  illustrious  tenure,  Bishop   Barrington
Goldson  has  enhanced  the  church's  membership  both  spiritually and
numerically; Calvary Tabernacle grew to include people of  23  different
nationalities and diverse educational backgrounds; and

  WHEREAS,  Calvary  Tabernacle  stands  on the threshold of tomorrow,
prepared to meet the challenges of the coming  decades  while  retaining
that spiritual resolve which characterizes its past; and

  WHEREAS,  It  is the custom of this Legislative Body to take note of
enduring religious institutions and to bring such  institutions  to  the
attention of the people of this Empire State; now, therefore, be it

  RESOLVED,  That  this Legislative Body pause in its deliberations to
commemorate the 28th Anniversary of Calvary Tabernacle of Hempstead, New
York, and to pay tribute to Bishop Barrington Goldson for  28  years  of
faithful service; and be it further

  RESOLVED,  That  a  copy  of this Resolution, suitably engrossed, be
transmitted to  Bishop  Barrington  and  Sis.  Jo-Ann  Goldson,  Calvary
Tabernacle, Hempstead, New York.