Assembly Resolution No. 207

BY: M. of A. Raia

        COMMENDING  Aditya Sehgal upon the occasion of his
        designation as a Distinguished Finalist in the  24th
        Annual Prudential Spirit of Community Awards program

  WHEREAS,  It is the sense of this Legislative Body to act, in accord
with its long-standing traditions, honoring  the  youth  of  today,  and
leaders  of  tomorrow,  whose  character  and achievements exemplify the
ideals and values cherished by this great State and Nation; and

  WHEREAS, Attendant to such concern, and  in  full  accord  with  its
long-standing  traditions,  this  Legislative  Body  is  justly proud to
commend Aditya  Sehgal  upon  the  occasion  of  his  designation  as  a
Distinguished Finalist in the 24th Annual Prudential Spirit of Community
Awards program; and

  WHEREAS,  Aditya  Sehgal has distinguished himself as a young man of
superlative ability, establishing a high standard of community  service,
purposefulness  of  life, and sense of responsibility rarely achieved in
youthful years; and

  WHEREAS, The Prudential Spirit of Community Awards, created in  1995
by  Prudential Financial in partnership with the National Association of
Secondary School Principals  (NASSP),  are  designed  to  emphasize  the
importance  our Nation places on service to others, and to encourage all
young Americans to contribute to their communities; and

  WHEREAS, Aditya Sehgal, an esteemed resident of Deer Park, New York,
and a junior at  Half  Hollow  Hills  High  School  West,  has  achieved
national recognition for exemplary volunteer service by receiving a 2019
Prudential Spirit of Community Award; and

  WHEREAS,  This  prestigious  award  honors  young  volunteers across
America who have  demonstrated  an  extraordinary  commitment  to  their
communities; and

  WHEREAS,  Aditya Sehgal earned this award for his advocacy for equal
opportunities for education and organizes school supply donations as the
founder of the non-profit organization Genius In Need; he  oversees  all
aspects  of  the programs' operations ranging from setting up drop boxes
to coordinating with distributors and county officials; and

  WHEREAS, Under the luminous leadership of Aditya Sehgal,  Genius  In
Need  has  raised  thousands  of  dollars for school supplies which were
donated to low-income schools in the Long Island area; and

  WHEREAS, The success of the State of New York, the strength  of  our
communities,  and  the  vitality  of  American  society depend, in great
measure, upon the dedication of young people like Aditya Sehgal, who use
their considerable talents and resources to serve others; and

  WHEREAS, This Legislative Body is  moved  to  honor  Aditya  Sehgal,
commending  him  for  his  outstanding record of volunteer service, peer

leadership, and community service, recognizing the value of  his  labors
and the promise of his future; now, therefore, be it

  RESOLVED,  That  this  Legislative  Body pause in its deliberations,
with praise and pride, to commend Aditya Sehgal for his achievements and
to extend to him the best wishes of this Legislative Body for  a  future
of purposeful success and well-being; and be it further

  RESOLVED,  That  a  copy  of this Resolution, suitably engrossed, be
transmitted to Aditya Sehgal.