Assembly Resolution No. 176

BY: M. of A. Buttenschon

        CONGRATULATING  Colonel  Timothy  J. Lawrence upon
        the occasion of his retirement after many  years  of
        distinguished service to the United States Air Force

  WHEREAS,  Individuals  who  dedicate their lives to military service
merit the commendation and applause of all citizens for their commitment
to the preservation of American freedom; and

  WHEREAS, It is the sense of this Legislative Body to acknowledge the
significant  milestones  in  the  distinguished  careers   of   esteemed
residents of this noble Empire State; and

  WHEREAS,  Attendant  to  such  concern,  and in full accord with its
long-standing traditions, this  Legislative  Body  is  justly  proud  to
congratulate  Colonel  Timothy  J.  Lawrence  upon  the  occasion of his
retirement after many years  of  distinguished  service  to  the  United
States Air Force; and

  WHEREAS, Colonel Timothy J. Lawrence currently serves as Director of
Information  Directorate  and  Commander  of  Detachment  4,  Air  Force
Research Laboratory, Rome, New York; the Information Directorate (RI) is
the Air Force's leading  research  organization  for  command,  control,
communications, computers and intelligence, and cyber technologies; and

  WHEREAS,  Under  the able leadership of Colonel Timothy J. Lawrence,
RI has tirelessly carried out its  mission  to  explore,  prototype  and
demonstrate  high-impact,  game-changing  technologies  that  enable the
United States Air Force and nation to maintain  its  superior  technical
advantage; and

  WHEREAS,  A  native of Waterloo, Iowa, Timothy J. Lawrence graduated
with a Bachelor of Science degree  from  the  United  States  Air  Force
Academy  in  1988,  Master of Science degree from MIT in 1993, and a PhD
from the University of Surrey (UK) in 1998; and

  WHEREAS, Timothy J. Lawrence began his extraordinary service to  his
country  as  Second Lieutenant on June 1, 1988; just two years later, he
was promoted to First Lieutenant and quickly climbed the ranks to become
Captain on June 1, 1992, Major on October 1, 1999, Lieutenant Colonel on
September 1, 2004,  and  Colonel  on  February  1,  2010,  the  esteemed
position from which he will retire in May of 2021, after more than three
decades of valiant military service; and

  WHEREAS,  Colonel  Timothy  J.  Lawrence's  PhD  research led him to
receive the Thomas Hawksley Gold Medal from the Institute of  Mechanical
Engineering  in  1999;  that research, coupled with swimming the English
Channel, contributed to his designation as one of the Top 10 Outstanding
Young People of the World in 2001 by the World Jaycees; and

  WHEREAS, Throughout  his  illustrious  career,  Colonel  Timothy  J.
Lawrence  has served at the Air Force Research Laboratory's directorates
in Edwards AFB and London as an advanced space propulsion  engineer  and

space technology liaison officer; furthermore, he authored a textbook on
nuclear propulsion in 1995; and

  WHEREAS, At USAFA, he was Director of the Department of Astronautics
Space  Systems  Research Center where he worked on the design, assembly,
and flight programs of FalconSAT-2, FalconSAT-3, and  FalconSAT-5  small
satellites; and

  WHEREAS,  Colonel  Timothy J. Lawrence spent eight and a half months
in Kabul, Afghanistan, where he was a mentor to the Afghan Dean  of  the
National  Military  Academy  Afghanistan; before coming to AFOSR, he was
the Commandant and  Vice  Chancellor  of  the  Air  Force  Institute  of
Technology; and

  WHEREAS,  With  a steadfast and unwavering commitment to serving his
country, Colonel Timothy J. Lawrence  has  inspired  countless  military
personnel,  truly  earning  the  admiration, esteem and affection of his
colleagues; and

  WHEREAS, Colonel Timothy J. Lawrence has been the proud recipient of
numerous awards and accolades some of which include, the Defense Service
Medal, Meritorious Service Medal (6 OLC),and the Air Force  Commendation
Medal  (1  OLC),  as  well  as  designation  as  Tau Beta Pi-Co Zeta Top
Instructor (2003-2004), Outstanding  Academy  Educator  (May  2002)  and
World  Jaycees  Outstanding  Young  Person  of  the World for Technology
(2001); and

  WHEREAS, In addition, this extraordinary man was the first  American
to swim 19 miles from Jersey (UK) to France in 2006, setting a new world
record; and

  WHEREAS,  Having  exhibited  his patriotism both at home and abroad,
Colonel Timothy J. Lawrence has demonstrated his love  for  his  country
and merits forevermore, the highest respect of his State and Nation; and

  WHEREAS,  Our  Nation's veterans deserve to be recognized, commended
and thanked by the people of the State of New York for their service and
for their dedication to their communities, their State and their Nation;
now, therefore, be it

  RESOLVED, That this Legislative Body pause in its  deliberations  to
congratulate  Colonel  Timothy  J.  Lawrence  upon  the  occasion of his
retirement after many years  of  distinguished  service  to  the  United
States Air Force; and be it further

  RESOLVED,  That  a  copy  of this Resolution, suitably engrossed, be
transmitted to Colonel Timothy J. Lawrence.