Assembly Resolution No. 92

BY: M. of A. Tannousis

        CONGRATULATING Anthony Aquaro upon the occasion of
        celebrating his 102nd Birthday

  WHEREAS,  It  is  the custom of this Legislative Body to commemorate
and recognize certain milestones celebrated by citizens  of  this  great
Empire State; and

  WHEREAS,  Senior citizens bring a wealth of experience and knowledge
to the increasingly active roles that  they  play  in  today's  society;
their  past  contributions  and future participation are vital parts of,
and valuable assets to, the fabric of community life and activity; and

  WHEREAS, Attendant to such concern  and  in  full  accord  with  its
long-standing  traditions,  this  Legislative  Body  is  justly proud to
congratulate Anthony Aquaro upon the occasion of celebrating  his  102nd
Birthday; and

  WHEREAS,  Anthony  Aquaro  was born to Joseph and Caroline Aquaro in
Borough Park, Brooklyn, New York on February  27,  1921,  and  graduated
from Textile High School; and

  WHEREAS,  A World War II veteran, Anthony Aquaro valiantly served in
the United States Navy from 1942 to 1945; and

  WHEREAS, For 26 years, Anthony Aquaro worked for the New  York  City
Fire   Department,  Engine  269  in  Park  Slope,  Brooklyn,  New  York,
protecting his community from danger; and

  WHEREAS,  During  this  time,  Anthony   Aquaro   and   his   fellow
firefighters made children's toys for a local hospital to spread hope to
those less fortunate; and

  WHEREAS,  Having  spent  his life passionately supporting charitable
causes, Anthony Aquaro has made a tremendous effort to contribute to St.
Jude Children's Research Hospital and Wounded Warriors;  he  is  also  a
proud member of the Columbian Association and Disabled Veterans; and

  WHEREAS, A resident of Staten Island for 58 years, Anthony Aquaro is
an avid New York Yankees fan and a championship bowler; and

  WHEREAS,  Anthony Aquaro and his wife, Gloria, just celebrated their
79th wedding anniversary; they have two  children,  Anthony  and  Kathy;
four  grandchildren,  Stephanie,  Jennifer, Josh, and Anthony; and eight
great grandchildren, Siena, Kelsey,  Morgan,  Samantha,  Dominic,  Jase,
Ayla, and Adam; and

  WHEREAS,  Being surrounded by family, as believed by Anthony Aquaro,
is the secret to a good life; his presence makes the lives of his family
that much fuller; and

  WHEREAS, This exceptional centenarian has experienced the incredible
joys and sorrows characteristic of  and  reserved  for  those  with  the
stamina and courage to savor a great life; and

  WHEREAS,  Anthony  Aquaro  has  enriched the lives of those who have
been privileged to know him through his service to  his  community,  and
through  the  profound charm and wisdom which comes only from a fullness
of years; and

  WHEREAS, It is the intent  of  this  Legislative  Body  to  publicly
recognize  those  who  have  reached  such a remarkable age and who have
witnessed and celebrated  the  innovations,  cultural  developments  and
awesome  achievements  of  this  country  during the last century, while
themselves contributing to the  growth  and  excellence  of  this  great
Empire State; now, therefore, be it

  RESOLVED,  That  this Legislative Body pause in its deliberations to
congratulate Anthony Aquaro upon the occasion of celebrating  his  102nd
Birthday; and be it further

  RESOLVED,  That  a  copy  of this Resolution, suitably engrossed, be
transmitted to Anthony Aquaro.