Assembly Resolution No. 66

BY: M. of A. Slater

        CONGRATULATING  the  Mahopac  High  School Varsity
        Cheerleading Team upon the occasion of capturing the
        Intermediate Coed  Varsity  Crowd  Performance-Small
        category   National  Cheerleaders  Association  High
        School Nationals Championship

  WHEREAS, Individual and team championships are highly  sought  after
in  high  school  sports;  this  Legislative Body commends rare athletic
achievements and pays special  recognition  to  those  who  pursue  such
excellence and become examples for the youth of this great Empire State;

  WHEREAS,  Athletic  competition  helps to enhance both the moral and
physical development of young athletes, preparing them for the future by
instilling in them the importance of teamwork, encouraging a standard of
healthy living, and developing a sense of fair play and competition; and

  WHEREAS, This Legislative Body is justly proud to  congratulate  the
Mahopac  High  School  Varsity  Cheerleading  Team  upon the occasion of
capturing the Intermediate Coed Varsity Crowd Performance Small category
National Cheerleaders Association High School Nationals Championship  on
Sunday, January 22, 2023, in Dallas, Texas; and

  WHEREAS, During the finals, the Mahopac Indians earned 96.375 points
to edge out the second-place team to rank first, winning the title; and

  WHEREAS,  To  celebrate  this  monumental  win,  parents  and school
officials gathered at Mahopac High School on Monday, January  23,  2023,
to welcome the champions back home; and

  WHEREAS,  All of the outstanding athletes on the Mahopac High School
Varsity   Cheerleading   Team   have   clearly   utilized    dedication,
determination  and  teamwork  in providing a lasting contribution to the
spirit of  excellence  which  is  a  tradition  of  their  school;  now,
therefore, be it

  RESOLVED,  That  this Legislative Body pause in its deliberations to
congratulate the Mahopac High School Varsity Cheerleading Team upon  the
occasion    of   capturing   the   Intermediate   Coed   Varsity   Crowd
Performance-Small category National Cheerleaders Association High School
Nationals Championship; and be it further

  RESOLVED, That copies of this  Resolution,  suitably  engrossed,  be
transmitted   to   the  members  of  the  Mahopac  High  School  Varsity
Cheerleading Team.