Assembly Resolution No. 52

BY: M. of A. Tague

        MEMORIALIZING Governor Andrew M. Cuomo to proclaim
        February  2021,  as  Career  and Technical Education
        Month in the State of New York

  WHEREAS, New York State's commitment to education  is  unparalleled;

  WHEREAS,  It is the custom of this Legislative Body to recognize and
pay tribute to those organizations which are committed to enhancing  the
quality  of  education  in  the  State of New York, and which enable our
schools to offer excellent educational programs in  the  most  efficient
manner; and

  WHEREAS,  Attendant  to  such  concern,  and in full accord with its
long-standing traditions, this  Legislative  Body  is  justly  proud  to
memorialize  Governor  Andrew  M.  Cuomo  to  proclaim February 2021, as
Career and Technical Education Month in the State of New York; and

  WHEREAS, Career and Technical Education (CTE)  Month,  is  a  public
awareness campaign that takes place each February to celebrate the value
of  CTE  and the achievements and accomplishments of CTE programs across
the country; and

  WHEREAS, CTE  is  highly-specific,  highly-versatile  and  is  truly
unique  from  traditional  educational  curriculum;  practice,  hands-on
experience, and application tests make up the  bulk  of  CTE,  which  is
important  since CTE careers require workers to have experience in their
field before starting a career; and

  WHEREAS, CTE is the practice of teaching specific career  skills  to
students in middle school, high school, and post-secondary institutions;
CTE   is  split  into  16  career  clusters  which  apply  to  different
high-demand  careers:  health   science;   business;   sales;   finance;
information  technology;  science,  technology,  engineering,  and math;
manufacturing; logistics;  hospitality;  government;  law;  agriculture;
human   services;   construction;   training;   and  arts,  audio/visual
technology, and communications; and

  WHEREAS, Board  of  Cooperative  Educational  Services  (BOCES)  are
public organizations that were created by the New York State Legislature
in  1948,  to provide shared educational programs and services to school
districts; and

  WHEREAS, Today, BOCES offers its students hundreds of  programs  and
services designed to support the entire educational process; once a path
for  those who were only seeking vocational skills, career and technical
education is now a pathway for students looking to build career  skills,
get  a  start  on  their  college education or simply learn a life skill
which will allow them to pay for college; and

  WHEREAS, More than 70 percent of high  school  students  who  attend
BOCES'  Career  and  Technical  School programs pursue higher education,

while many others directly enter the workforce with a  highly  technical
skill set; and

  WHEREAS,   Our  Nation's  economy  is  booming,  and  Americans  are
thriving; to ensure our country's workforce  remains  the  best  in  the
world,  it  is  imperative we equip students and workers with the skills
necessary to fill the jobs our economy is creating at an incredible pace
and to enable them to reap the benefits of successful careers; and

  WHEREAS, CTE Month is a great time to recognize  and  celebrate  CTE
achievements  and  accomplishments  nationwide, and to draw attention to
the importance of career and technical education in building a  stronger
American workforce; now, therefore, be it

  RESOLVED,  That  this Legislative Body pause in its deliberations to
memorialize Governor Andrew M.  Cuomo  to  proclaim  February  2021,  as
Career and Technical Education Month in the State of New York; and be it

  RESOLVED,  That  a  copy  of this Resolution, suitably engrossed, be
transmitted to The Honorable Andrew M. Cuomo, Governor of the  State  of
New York.