Senate Resolution No. 3262


        COMMENDING  Richard  McGrath  upon the occasion of
        his selection to represent the Capital Region in the
        national Jefferson Awards competition in  a  virtual
        event to be conducted in September of 2020

  WHEREAS, It is incumbent upon the people of the State of New York to
recognize  and  acknowledge outstanding individuals within our midst who
have made significant contributions to the quality of life therein; and

  WHEREAS, A great community is only as great  as  those  persons  and
organizations   that   provide   exemplary   service,   whether  through
participation in voluntary programs or simply through a lifetime of good
citizenship; and

  WHEREAS, This Legislative Body is justly proud  to  commend  Richard
McGrath  upon  the  occasion  of  his selection to represent the Capital
Region in the national Jefferson Awards competition in a  virtual  event
to be conducted in September of 2020; and

  WHEREAS, The Jefferson Awards are a prestigious national recognition
program  which honors community and public service throughout the United
States; and

  WHEREAS, In 1972, Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis, United States  Senator
Robert  Taft,  Jr.  and  Sam Beard, Chairman of the National Development
Council, founded the American Institute for Public Service to  establish
a  "Nobel  Prize"  for public and community service on both the national
and local level, the Jefferson Awards; and

  WHEREAS,  The  Jefferson  Awards,  whose  stated  mission   is   "to
recognize,  inspire  and  activate  volunteerism  and  public service in
communities, workplaces and schools across America," serve as a "Call to
Action for Volunteers"; and

  WHEREAS,  On  the  local  level,  Jefferson  Awards  recipients  are
ordinary  people  who  do  extraordinary  things  without expectation of
recognition or reward,  while  national  award  recipients  represent  a
"Who's Who" of outstanding Americans; and

  WHEREAS,  Richard  McGrath  of  Delmar,  New York, volunteers at the
Albany Field Office of the US Committee  for  Refugees  and  Immigrants,
where  he  aids  refugees  and immigrants by driving families to medical
appointments, tutoring those trying to learn English, and giving driving
lessons; and

  WHEREAS, Furthermore, this impressive man picks up donated furniture
and other household goods which he transports to families in need; and

  WHEREAS, A man of sincere dedication, Richard McGrath  is  known  to
take  out his banjo and entertain refugee families with their first-ever
banjo concert, an event which produces big smiles on the faces of  young
and old alike; and

  WHEREAS, It is the sense of this Legislative Body that when a person
of such noble aims and accomplishments is brought to our attention it is
appropriate  to  publicly  proclaim and commend them for the edification
and emulation of others; now, therefore, be it

  RESOLVED,  That  this Legislative Body pause in its deliberations to
commend Richard McGrath upon the occasion of his selection to  represent
the  Capital Region in the national Jefferson Awards competition, noting
his exemplary service to his community and extending  to  him  heartfelt
best wishes for a future of continued purposeful success and well-being;
and be it further

  RESOLVED,  That  a  copy  of this Resolution, suitably engrossed, be
transmitted to Richard McGrath.