Senate Resolution No. 3217

BY: Senator GRIFFO

        CONGRATULATING  Julia  Harp  upon  the occasion of
        celebrating her 100th Birthday

  WHEREAS, Senior citizens bring a wealth of experience and  knowledge
to  the  increasingly  active  roles they play in today's society; their
past contributions and future participation are a  vital  part  of,  and
valuable asset to, the fabric of community life and activity; and

  WHEREAS,  It  is  the custom of this Legislative Body to commemorate
and recognize certain milestones celebrated by citizens  of  this  great
Empire State; and

  WHEREAS,  Attendant  to  such  concern,  and in full accord with its
long-standing traditions, this  Legislative  Body  is  justly  proud  to
congratulate Julia Harp upon the occasion of celebrating her 100th; and

  WHEREAS,  Julia  Harp  was born on February 4, 1920; when she was in
grade school, her favorite subjects were history and geography; although
she stayed out of trouble, she  spent  a  great  deal  of  time  in  the
principal's  office  due  to  Mrs.  Adams was very kind to her and would
always give her a few fun tasks to keep her  busy;  she  graduated  from
Rome Free Academy, Class of 1938; and

  WHEREAS,  Julia Harp was employed for several years at General Cable
in manufacturing during  World  War  II;  she  then  worked  for  Oneida
Limited; and

  WHEREAS,  Reflecting  on her past, Julia Harp praises her mother for
being a single Mom who raised her along with her two  brothers  and  one
sister; and

  WHEREAS,  Julia  Harp was married to her late husband, William Harp,
for 47 years before his passing in 1990; together, the  couple  had  two
children;   today,   Julia   is   the   proud   grandmother  of  several
grandchildren, some great-grandchildren, and one great-great-grandchild;

  WHEREAS, Music has always been an major part of Julia  Harp's  life;
in  her  younger  days,  she would go to Sylvan Beach and listen to live
music, including Harry James and Don Ho, two of her favorite  musicians;

  WHEREAS,  Today,  aside  from  listening to a variety of good music,
watching the television show The  Curse  of  Oak  Island,  indulging  in
quality  cheeses,  and  solving  circle-word  puzzles,  Julia Harp finds
enjoyment from her memory of mustached heartthrob, Tom Selleck; during a
special trip to Hawaii, she snapped a picture of him donning swim trunks
for safekeeping; and

  WHEREAS, Originally from just outside Rome,  New  York,  and  now  a
resident  at  Oneida  Extended  Care,  Julia  Harp is well-known for her
fun-loving spirit; always with a smile on her  face,  she  plays  Bingo,

listens  to  the  music  groups,  and even goes to Happy Hour every week
where she enjoys a mixed drink; and

  WHEREAS,  Julia  Harp,  with  her  zest  for  life, has inspired and
enhanced the lives of her family and friends; and

  WHEREAS, This exceptional centenarian has experienced the incredible
joys and sorrows characteristic of  and  reserved  for  those  with  the
stamina and courage to savor a full life; and

  WHEREAS,  Julia  Harp  has  enriched  the  lives of those around her
through her joyous and sincere love for others and through the quiescent
charm and wisdom which comes only from a fullness of years; and

  WHEREAS, It is the intent  of  this  Legislative  Body  to  publicly
recognize  those  who  have  reached  such a remarkable age and who have
witnessed and celebrated  the  innovations,  cultural  developments  and
awesome  achievements  of  this  country  during the last century, while
themselves contributing to the  growth  and  excellence  of  this  great
Empire State; now, therefore, be it

  RESOLVED,  That  this Legislative Body pause in its deliberations to
congratulate Julia Harp upon  the  occasion  of  celebrating  her  100th
Birthday; and be it further

  RESOLVED,  That  a  copy  of this Resolution, suitably engrossed, be
transmitted to Julia Harp.