Senate Resolution No. 2618

BY: Senator RYAN

        HONORING  Jillian  Hanesworth  and Augustus Clarke
        upon the occasion of winning the  2024  Sports  Emmy

  WHEREAS,  Individuals  who give of their time and energies and serve
the best interests of their communities are an asset beyond remuneration
and cannot be sufficiently extolled; and

  WHEREAS, Jillian Hanesworth and Augustus Clarke have given not  only
of  their  time and energies but also of their competence, intelligence,
and leadership and consequently have been designated  for  this  special
honor; and

  WHEREAS,  This  Legislative  Body  is  justly proud to honor Jillian
Hanesworth and Augustus Clarke upon the occasion  of  winning  the  2024
Sports  Emmy  Award  at  the  45th Annual Sports Emmy Awards Ceremony at
Lincoln Center's Frederick P. Rose Hall in New York City, New  York,  on
Tuesday, May 21, 2024; and

  WHEREAS,  In  the  Short  Film  category,  Jillian  Hanesworth, Poet
Laureate and activist, and Augustus  Clarke,  co-producer  and  two-time
Sports  Emmy  Award  winner,  both natives of Buffalo, obtained the Dick
Schaap Outstanding Writing Award; and

  WHEREAS,  Jillian  Hanesworth  and  Augustus  Clarke  attained  this
achievement  for  their  short  film about the resilience of the City of
Buffalo, New York, titled "Still Here,"  written  for  "NFL  360"  which
chronicles stories, people, and places that define the National Football
League; the film was poetically narrated by Jillian Hanesworth; and

  WHEREAS,  "Still  Here"  reveals the tragedies that had befallen the
City of Buffalo, including the racially motivated shooting that  claimed
the lives of 10 Black people on May 14, 2022, and the Christmas blizzard
that same year; and

  WHEREAS,  The  National Football League (NFL) describes "Still Here"
as a passionate statement about a heartbroken community leaning  on  its
beloved  football  team,  the  Buffalo  Bills,  to  heal  from a year of
off-field tragedies; and

  WHEREAS, Jillian Hanesworth and  Augustus  Clarke  have  contributed
their  time and talents in their commendable endeavors and have given of
themselves unstintingly; and

  WHEREAS,  Rare  indeed  is  the  impressive  dedication   shown   by
individuals  for  the  benefit  of  others  which Jillian Hanesworth and
Augustus Clarke have displayed; now, therefore, be it

  RESOLVED, That this Legislative Body pause in its  deliberations  to
honor  Jillian  Hanesworth  and  Augustus  Clarke  upon  the occasion of
winning the 2024 Sports Emmy Award; and be it further

  RESOLVED, That copies of this  Resolution,  suitably  engrossed,  be
transmitted to Jillian Hanesworth and Augustus Clarke.