Senate Resolution No. 2603

BY: Senator COMRIE

        COMMEMORATING the 155th Anniversary of Chapin Home
        for the Aging on May 31, 2024

  WHEREAS,  Senior citizens bring a wealth of experience and knowledge
to the increasingly active roles they play  in  today's  society;  their
past  contributions  and  future  participation are a vital part of, and
valuable asset to, the fabric of community life and activity; and

  WHEREAS, It is the sense of this Legislative  Body  to  honor  those
illustrious  organizations  of  the  State  of New York whose purposeful
endeavors serve to enhance the quality of life for the cherished  senior
citizens in their communities; and

  WHEREAS,  Attendant  to  such  concern  and  in full accord with its
long-standing traditions, this  Legislative  Body  is  justly  proud  to
commemorate  the  155th  Anniversary of Chapin Home for the Aging on May
31, 2024; and

  WHEREAS, Chapin Home for the Aging was founded in Manhattan in  1869
by Hannah Chapin‚ wife of the celebrated orator and pastor of the church
of  the Divine Paternity, Dr. Edwin Chapin; twenty other dedicated women
joined in an enterprise based on Dr. Chapin's  philosophy  of  "What  is
your need, not your creed"; and

  WHEREAS,  When Chapin Home welcomed its first residents in 1869, Dr.
Edwin and Hannah Chapin had a  bold  vision  for  the  future  of  their
organization; along with their small but dedicated team, they strived to
build an establishment where all were welcome, regardless of background;

  WHEREAS,  Since  its  inception,  Chapin Home for the Aging has been
driven to provide each resident with the excellent, dignified care  they
deserve; and

  WHEREAS,  Over  150  years later, Chapin Home has grown to a 220-bed
skilled nursing facility boasting a 50-registrant adult day health  care
center  with cutting-edge rehabilitation equipment; its impressive range
of facilities and expert team members cater to a range of unique  needs,
empowering seniors with the tools they need to live well; and

  WHEREAS, Today, though Chapin Home sits in the tranquil new location
of Jamaica Hills, New York, the vision of its Manhattan founders remains
at  the  forefront  of its mission to provide aging men and women a true
home where they may find the serenity and security which has always been
envisioned as essential and appropriate to the latter part of life; and

  WHEREAS, With a philosophy and reputation for excellent care, Chapin
Home has been caring for the elderly of New York for 155 years, and  has
firmly established itself as one of the leaders in its field; and

  WHEREAS,  This  significant milestone is an excellent opportunity to
recognize the special contributions of Chapin  Home  and  the  dedicated

individuals who strive to better the quality of life for senior citizens
in the community; and

  WHEREAS,  It  is  the  custom  of  this  Legislative  Body that when
individuals and organizations of such noble aims and accomplishments are
brought to our attention, they should be celebrated  and  recognized  by
all the citizens of this great Empire State; now, therefore, be it

  RESOLVED,  That  this Legislative Body pause in its deliberations to
commemorate the 155th Anniversary of Chapin Home for the  Aging  on  May
31, 2024; and be it further

  RESOLVED,  That  a  copy  of this Resolution, suitably engrossed, be
transmitted to Chapin Home for the Aging, Jamaica Hills, New York.