Senate Resolution No. 2584

BY: Senator PARKER

        HONORING  Tina  Watkins  upon  the occasion of her
        designation as recipient of the Alexander  T.  Wells
        Award  by Stuy Park Lions Club, Inc. on February 14,

  WHEREAS, It is the sense of this Legislative Body to  recognize  and
honor  those  distinguished  citizens who would devote their life's work
and purpose to community service, contributing to  the  welfare  of  the
citizens of their communities and this great Empire State; and

  WHEREAS,  Attendant  to  such  concern,  and in full accord with its
long-standing traditions, this Legislative Body is justly proud to honor
Tina Watkins upon the occasion of her designation as  recipient  of  the
Alexander  T. Wells Award by Stuy Park Lions Club, Inc. to be celebrated
at its Red and White Sweetheart Gala on Friday, February  14,  2020,  at
Antun's, Queens Village, New York; and

  WHEREAS,   The   Stuy   Park  Lions  Club  is  part  of  Lions  Club
International, one of the largest service organizations  in  the  world,
and is deeply committed to meeting the challenges of public service; and

  WHEREAS,  Born  in  Brooklyn,  New York, Tina Watkins graduated from
Sheepshead Bay High School before earning a Bachelor of  Science  degree
from Brooklyn College; and

  WHEREAS,  Upon  the completion of her studies, Tina Watkins accepted
the position of  Internal  Revenue  Agent  for  the  Department  of  the
Treasury,  the  esteemed  position  she  has held for the past 33 years;
throughout  her  illustrious   tenure,   she   has   received   numerous
commendations  for  providing  excellent  customer  service,  as well as
awards for employee satisfaction as she does not hesitate  to  help  her
colleagues; and

  WHEREAS,   With   a  steadfast  and  unwavering  commitment  to  her
community, Tina Watkins has been a member of the Stuy  Park  Lions  Club
since  October  of  2012;  she  is  also a member of the Antioch Baptist
Church in Brooklyn, New York, where she serves on the Board of  Trustees
as  Financial  Secretary  and as a member of the Praise and Worship Team
and the Antioch Choir; and

  WHEREAS, The success of the  Stuy  Park  Lions  Club  is  in  direct
correlation  to  the  efforts of dedicated members such as Tina Watkins,
whose  involvement  is,  and  always  has  been,  characterized  by   an
impressive  commitment,  an  unbridled enthusiasm, and an uncompromising
standard of excellence in all endeavors on behalf  of  the  organization
and the community it serves; and

  WHEREAS,  Rare  indeed  is  the  impressive  dedication  shown by an
individual for the benefit of others which Tina  Watkins  has  displayed
throughout her life; and

  WHEREAS,  It  has always been the objective of this Legislative Body
to  honor  and  support  those  individuals  who  have  displayed  their

commitment  to the betterment of their communities, and it is the intent
of this Legislative Body to inscribe upon its records, this  tribute  to
Tina  Watkins,  that  future  generations  may  know  and appreciate her
admirable  character,  her  many  benevolent  deeds, and the respect and
esteem in which she is held by her peers; now, therefore, be it

  RESOLVED, That this Legislative Body pause in its  deliberations  to
honor  Tina Watkins upon the occasion of her designation as recipient of
the Alexander T. Wells Award by Stuy Park Lions Club, Inc.;  and  be  it

  RESOLVED,  That  a  copy  of this Resolution, suitably engrossed, be
transmitted to Tina Watkins.