Senate Resolution No. 2571

BY: Senator COMRIE

        HONORING  Ian  Staley  upon  the  occasion  of his
        designation as recipient of the  Chairman  Award  by
        the  Alpha  Phi  Alpha  Senior  Citizens  Center  on
        February 8, 2020

  WHEREAS, It is the sense of this Legislative  Body  that  those  who
enhance the quality of life in their community and have shown a long and
sustained  commitment  to  the  maintenance  of  high standards in their
profession, certainly have earned the recognition and  applause  of  all
the citizens of this great Empire State; and

  WHEREAS,  Attendant  to  such  concern  and  in full accord with its
long-standing traditions, this Legislative Body is justly proud to honor
Ian Staley upon the occasion of his  designation  as  recipient  of  the
Chairman  Award  by  the  Alpha  Phi  Alpha Senior Citizens Center to be
celebrated at its 10th Anniversary Valentine's  Day  Gala  on  Saturday,
February 8, 2020, at Antun's, Queens Village, New York; and

  WHEREAS,  Established  in  1975, the Alpha Phi Alpha Senior Citizens
Center provides a multi-purpose facility and services for seniors in the
local community that will enhance their  quality  of  life  through  its
nutrition, education and health programs; and

  WHEREAS,  Ian  Staley  is a renowned Culinary Development Specialist
who has worked in the greater New York area for more than 20 years; and

  WHEREAS, Born and raised in St. Albans, Queens, Ian Staley graduated
from Andrew Jackson High School in  Cambria  Heights,  before  attending
Atlanta Area Tech College in Atlanta, Georgia; and

  WHEREAS,  Ian  Staley  learned how to cook while proudly serving his
country as a member of the United States Navy in 1997; since that  time,
it has truly become his life's passion; and

  WHEREAS,  After  holding  various culinary and restaurant management
positions in several fine  dining  establishments,  Ian  Staley  felt  a
greater  sense  of  purpose in working for organizations which promote a
more conscious and balanced dietary program; he has worked with  several
impactful  programs,  including  Head  Start,  The  Economic Opportunity
Commission of Nassau County and Atria Senior Living Group; and

  WHEREAS, In 2018, Ian Staley became the Head Chef at Alpha Phi Alpha
Senior Citizens Center, where he  is  truly  dedicated  to  providing  a
healthy  eating environment for its seniors, teaching them how important
good nutritional habits are for their lives; and

  WHEREAS, Furthermore, he strives to bring creativity to the meals he
provides for their enjoyment, producing a menu with ingredients that are
wholesome, nourishing and delicious; and

  WHEREAS, A true asset to his community, Ian Staley works  tirelessly
to promote the great things available to the senior residents of Cambria
Heights, St. Albans, Hollis and Jamaica; and

  WHEREAS,  With him throughout have been his four loving sons, all of
whom feel privileged to be a part of his life and rejoice  in  his  many
achievements; and

  WHEREAS,  Rare  indeed  is  the  impressive  dedication  shown by an
individual for the benefit of others  which  Ian  Staley  has  displayed
throughout his life; and

  WHEREAS,  It  has always been the objective of this Legislative Body
to  honor  and  support  those  individuals  who  have  displayed  their
commitment  to the betterment of their communities, and it is the intent
of this Legislative Body to inscribe upon its records, this  tribute  to
Ian  Staley,  that  future  generations  may  know  and  appreciate  his
admirable character, his many benevolent  deeds,  and  the  respect  and
esteem in which he is held by his peers; now, therefore, be it

  RESOLVED,  That  this Legislative Body pause in its deliberations to
honor Ian Staley upon the occasion of his designation  as  recipient  of
the Chairman Award by the Alpha Phi Alpha Senior Citizens Center; and be
it further

  RESOLVED,  That  a  copy  of this Resolution, suitably engrossed, be
transmitted to Ian Staley.