Senate Resolution No. 2471

BY: Senator MAYER

        HONORING  Koji  Sato in recognition of his work to
        achieve recognition of  Fred  Korematsu's  life  and
        work,  and  for  his  work  to  promote knowledge of
        Japanese and Japanese-American history and  culture,
        and to foster a strong US-Japan relationship

  WHEREAS,  It is the custom of this Legislative Body to recognize the
profound impact of those exemplary organizations and individuals  within
the  great  State of New York which proactively work for the empowerment
of cultural communities, and the importance of such work which  benefits
all  citizens  of  this  State,  and indeed, all citizens of the Nation,
should be rightfully commended; and

  WHEREAS, Attendant to such concern  and  in  full  accord  with  its
long-standing traditions, this Legislative Body is justly proud to honor
Koji  Sato  in  recognition  of  his work to achieve recognition of Fred
Korematsu's life and work, and for his  work  to  promote  knowledge  of
Japanese  and  Japanese-American  history  and  culture, and to foster a
strong US-Japan relationship; and

  WHEREAS, Koji Sato is a leader in the Japanese American community in
New York, currently  serving  as  President  of  the  Japanese  American
Association of New York, Inc. (JAA) and Council Leader of the U.S.-Japan
Council; and

  WHEREAS,  JAA  was  founded  in  1907, and has a 117-year history of
serving the Japanese and Japanese American community  in  the  tri-state
area  through  its  bilingual  social services, educational programs and
community outreach; U.S.-Japan Council is a non-profit organization that
works  to  connect  global  leaders  to  create  a  stronger  U.S.-Japan
relationship; and

  WHEREAS,  In addition to these roles, Koji Sato is a Co-Chair of the
Asian American Advisory Board  of  Westchester  County,  New  York,  and
serves  on  the  Board  of  Governors  of the Japanese American National
Museum in Los Angeles; and

  WHEREAS, Professionally, Koji Sato  is  Senior  Vice  President  and
General Counsel of Orient Corporation of America, a subsidiary of Orient
Chemical Industries, Co., Ltd. based in Osaka, Japan; and

  WHEREAS,  Prior  to joining Orient, Koji Sato was an attorney at the
law firm of Kelley Drye & Warren LLP in New York City; he is admitted to
practice law in New York and Connecticut and holds a J.D. from New  York
Law School and a Bachelor of Arts degree from Colgate University; and

  WHEREAS,  Our society is greatly benefited by the purposeful efforts
of individuals who unite for the cause of improving the quality of  life
for others, and who proactively work toward the goal of dignity for all;
now, therefore, be it

  RESOLVED,  That  this Legislative Body pause in its deliberations to
honor Koji Sato in recognition of his work  to  achieve  recognition  of

Fred Korematsu's life and work, and for his work to promote knowledge of
Japanese  and  Japanese-American  history  and  culture, and to foster a
strong US-Japan relationship; and be it further

  RESOLVED,  That  a  copy  of this Resolution, suitably engrossed, be
transmitted to Koji Sato.