Senate Resolution No. 2439

BY: Senator GRIFFO

        HONORING  Nancy  Nicholl  upon the occasion of her
        designation for special recognition by the New  York
        State Office for the Aging on May 14, 2024

  WHEREAS,  Senior citizens bring a wealth of experience and knowledge
to the increasingly active roles they play  in  today's  society;  their
past  contributions  and  future  participation are a vital part of, and
valuable asset to, the fabric of community life and activity; and

  WHEREAS, This Legislative  Body  is  justly  proud  to  honor  Nancy
Nicholl  upon the occasion of her designation for special recognition by
the New York State Office for the Aging at its Annual Older New Yorker's
Day Celebration on Tuesday, May 14, 2024, at the Hart Theatre Lounge  in
The Egg, Albany, New York; and

  WHEREAS, Each May, the New York State Office for the Aging pauses to
acknowledge  the outstanding contributions made by older citizens during
National Older Americans Month; and

  WHEREAS, Members of older generations have helped  build  and  shape
our  Nation  to  be  the  greatest  in the world; they have defended our
freedoms and values to ensure that those who come after  them  may  have
better  lives; nowhere in the Nation is the legacy of their efforts more
visible and more a part of the lives of all citizens than  here  in  the
State of New York; and

  WHEREAS,  For  31  years,  Nancy Nicholl served as a deputy sheriff,
playing an instrumental role in spreading the D.A.R.E program throughout
Oneida County schools; and

  WHEREAS, Following her service in  law  enforcement,  Nancy  Nicholl
transitioned  seamlessly  into  a role as caregiver, ensuring her father
and others receive the support they  deserve  by  participating  in  the
county's  adult  day program, where she has provided many activities for
the group to enjoy; and

  WHEREAS,  Nancy  Nicholl's   dedication   shines   through   vibrant
celebrations   and   engaging   activities,   enriching   the  lives  of
participants  at  Copper  City  Community  Connection,  a  center  which
provides  local  community  events,  physical health education, exercise
classes, aging mastery programs and more; and

  WHEREAS, A lifelong advocate for community  safety  and  well-being,
Nancy  Nicholl's journey from law enforcement to caregiving is guided by
service to others; her belief in the power  of  volunteerism  to  combat
isolation  and  foster connections echoes through her actions and words;

  WHEREAS, Rare indeed  is  the  impressive  dedication  shown  by  an
individual  for  the benefit of others which Nancy Nicholl has displayed
throughout her life; and

  WHEREAS, Nancy Nicholl, a very active  and  industrious  woman,  has
inspired  and  enriched  the  lives  of  those  she  serves  through her
volunteerism,  generously  sharing  the  wisdom  gained  over  years  of
experiencing life to its fullest; now, therefore, be it

  RESOLVED,  That  this Legislative Body pause in its deliberations to
honor Nancy Nicholl upon the occasion of  her  designation  for  special
recognition  by the New York State Office for the Aging on May 14, 2024;
and be it further

  RESOLVED, That a copy of this  Resolution,  suitably  engrossed,  be
transmitted to Nancy Nicholl.