Senate Resolution No. 2427

BY: Senator MAYER

        COMMEMORATING    the    100th    Anniversary    of
        Congregation Kol Ami of White Plains,  New  York  on
        May 16, 2024

  WHEREAS,  The  quality  and  character  of life in New York State is
greatly enriched by its religious  institutions  and  the  faithful  and
generous  service of those who devote themselves to endeavors of family,
faith, and community; and

  WHEREAS, It is the sense of this Legislative Body to  recognize  and
commend  institutions  of  such  magnanimous  conduct  and bearing which
demonstrate a deep and continuing concern for others, and in  so  doing,
inspire others to do the same; and

  WHEREAS,  Attendant  to  such  concern  and  in full accord with its
long-standing traditions, this  Legislative  Body  is  justly  proud  to
commemorate  the  100th  Anniversary  of  Congregation  Kol Ami of White
Plains, New York, to be celebrated on Thursday, May 16, 2024; and

  WHEREAS, Congregation Kol Ami, originally named the Jewish Community
Center, was founded in  1923  with  approximately  50  families  holding
religious  services  and  Sunday  school  in a variety of locations; the
families chose the name "Jewish Community Center" because they  felt  it
bound them to the community they served; and

  WHEREAS,  Within just three years, the Jewish Community Center built
a Synagogue and religious school on Sterling Avenue in White Plains, New
York, where they continued to thrive for the next 20 years until  moving
to their current location on Soundview Avenue in 1946; and

  WHEREAS,  In  1994,  the Jewish Community Center changed its name to
Congregation Kol Ami, "the Voice of My People," to reflect every  aspect
of  Temple  life,  from  worship to social action; in addition, the name
connotates warmth, welcome, friendship, fellowship and family; and

  WHEREAS, Over the years, as the congregation has grown,  renovations
were completed within the social hall, auditorium, lobby, and sanctuary;
the beautiful new sanctuary creates a uniquely spiritual environment for
worship and provides easy access for all members; and

  WHEREAS,  Remaining  true  to  its  purpose,  Congregation  Kol  Ami
continues to nurture the divine spark within, and connects each  of  its
members to a meaningful Jewish journey; and

  WHEREAS,  Under  the  able leadership of Senior Rabbi Jason Fenster,
Congregation Kol Ami now stands on the threshold of  tomorrow,  prepared
to  meet  the  challenges  of  the  coming decades, while retaining that
spiritual resolve which has so characterized its glorious past; and

  WHEREAS, It is the custom of this Legislative Body to take  note  of
enduring  religious  institutions  and to bring such institutions to the
attention of the people of this Empire State; now, therefore, be it

  RESOLVED, That this Legislative Body pause in its  deliberations  to
commemorate  the  100th  Anniversary  of Congregation Kol Ami, confident
that this commemoration  reflects  the  belief  in  those  values  which
enhance the dignity and purpose of life; and be it further

  RESOLVED,  That  a  copy  of this Resolution, suitably engrossed, be
transmitted to Congregation Kol Ami of White Plains, New York.