Senate Resolution No. 2333


        COMMENDING   Trooper   Andrew  M.  Giga  upon  the
        occasion of his  designation  as  recipient  of  the
        Superintendent's Commendation Award on May 16, 2024

  WHEREAS,  Law  enforcement  officers  from the State of New York put
their lives on the line every day for the citizens of this great  Empire
State; and

  WHEREAS,  The  quality  and sanctity of community life are cherished
values, worthy of safeguarding, and this Legislative Body  is  moved  to
honor  those  individuals who serve to preserve and protect such values,
lauding particularly their unwavering  courage  and  dedication  in  the
daily performance of their duties; and

  WHEREAS,  Attendant  to  such  concern,  and in full accord with its
long-standing traditions, this  Legislative  Body  is  justly  proud  to
commend  Trooper  Andrew M. Giga upon the occasion of his designation as
recipient of the Superintendent's Commendation Award to be celebrated at
the New York State Police 48th Annual Superintendent's Commendation  and
Awards  Day Ceremony at the State Police Academy in Albany, New York, on
Thursday, May 16, 2024; and

  WHEREAS, It is the sense of this Legislative Body to  recognize  and
honor those distinguished officers who would devote themselves to public
service,  demonstrating great courage and diligence in providing for the
care and welfare of the citizens of their  communities  and  this  great
Empire State; it is appropriate to recognize and commend outstanding law
enforcement   officers,  such  as  Andrew  M.  Giga,  for  their  valued
contributions to the community; and

  WHEREAS, Andrew M. Giga, of Montgomery, New York, has been a  member
of  the New York State Police, Troop F, Community Stabilization Unit, in
Middletown, New York, since March 28, 2016; and

  WHEREAS, On July 9, 2023, the Middletown area was hit  by  a  sudden
torrential  downpour  of  rain;  a  storm  system  hovered over parts of
Orange,  Rockland,  and  Westchester   Counties,   delivering   historic
rainfall;  in  only  three  hours, approximately nine inches of rain had
fallen  on  the  ground  that  was  already  saturated   from   previous
precipitation; and

  WHEREAS,  Flash  flooding  occurred  in multiple areas, washing away
houses and stranding motorists; the 9-1-1 centers in Orange and Rockland
Counties were inundated with calls from  distressed  and  panic-stricken
victims  who  were  trapped in their vehicles after parts of the roadway
were washed away; some individuals  were  fortunate  enough  to  abandon
their vehicles before the water swept them into the nearby forest; and

  WHEREAS,  Troopers Andrew M. Giga and Jason R. Cole, both Troop F K9
members, responded to the dispatched calls;  fire  departments  and  EMS
teams  also  arrived  on  the  scene;  with a deluge still adding to the
floodwaters, the officers observed approximately  20  vehicles  and  the

victims,  ranging  from  children  to  the  elderly, in the water on the
roadway, now reaching a height of approximately three feet; and

  WHEREAS,  Fastening  multiple  long  dog  leashes and rope together,
Andrew M.  Giga constructed a rescue line which  was  approximately  100
feet  long;  tying  it to the back of Trooper Cole's police pickup truck
and walking through the water to fasten  it  to  the  guiderail  on  the
roadway, he provided a lifeline for the stranded victims; and

  WHEREAS,  Gathering  small  groups,  the  two officers reassured and
guided the 25 motorists to safety shortly before additional sections  of
the  road collapsed, allowing several vehicles to be swept into the tree
line; both troopers remained with the traumatized individuals while  EMS
personnel evaluated them and executed a plan of transport and care; and

  WHEREAS,  Despite the crisis and threat to human life, both troopers
remained calm while making several radio transmissions;  Trooper  Andrew
M.    Giga  had typed only three sentences on his incident report, never
seeking praise or acknowledgement for his actions that day; and

  WHEREAS, Supervisors of Troop F Zone 2 and the media learned of  the
courage  and  professionalism of these two outstanding officers, leading
to the dissemination of the story through  numerous  news  agencies  and
interviews;  upholding  the  finest  traditions and standards of the New
York  State  Police,  they  should  be  commended  for  their   bravery,
professionalism, and humility; and

  WHEREAS,  Within every community of the State of New York, there are
certain individuals who, by virtue of their commitment  and  dedication,
command  the  respect  and  admiration  of  their  community  for  their
exemplary contributions and service on behalf of others; Andrew M.  Giga
should  be embraced with admiration and respect by a grateful citizenry;

  WHEREAS, It is  the  sense  of  this  Legislative  Body  that  those
dedicated  public  servants  who  unselfishly  devote their lives to the
preservation of order and the protection of others are  worthy  and  due
full praise for their commitment and noble endeavors; now, therefore, be

  RESOLVED,  That  this Legislative Body pause in its deliberations to
commend Trooper Andrew M. Giga upon the occasion of his  designation  as
recipient of the Superintendent's Commendation Award; and be it further

  RESOLVED,  That  a  copy  of this Resolution, suitably engrossed, be
transmitted to Trooper Andrew M. Giga.