Senate Resolution No. 2193


        COMMENDING   Reverend   Philip  Grigsby  upon  the
        occasion of his  designation  as  recipient  of  the
        James  and Pearl Campbell Peace and Justice Award by
        the Capital Area Council of  Churches  on  September
        18, 2019

  WHEREAS,  The character and richness of religious and community life
in our great  Empire  State  is  nourished  and  fulfilled  through  the
faithful  concern  and selfless devotion of those who would commit their
energies and purpose to the ministry of others; and

  WHEREAS, This Legislative Body commends Reverend Philip Grigsby upon
the occasion of his designation as recipient  of  the  James  and  Pearl
Campbell Peace and Justice Award by the Capital Area Council of Churches
to be celebrated on Wednesday, September 18, 2019; and

  WHEREAS,  This  auspicious award is bestowed upon an individual who,
like James and Pearl Campbell, is actively involved  in  demonstrations,
education  activities  and has a strong commitment to peace and justice;

  WHEREAS, Reverend Philip Grigsby has long been a  faithful  advocate
for  peace  and  justice; this devotion began early in his life while he
was assisting with the Industrial Areas Foundation; and

  WHEREAS, His experiences at both Oberlin College and Yale University
influenced the direction he would take in life which became a  focus  on
ministry and mission work; and

  WHEREAS,  Reverend  Philip  Grigsby  graciously  served in the Peace
Corps, as well as held the esteemed position of  Executive  Director  of
Christian Community Action; and

  WHEREAS,  Furthermore,  Reverend  Philip  Grigsby  worked for Church
World Service where he and his team of selfless volunteers developed the
Charlotte CROP Walk, which has become the largest in the nation; and

  WHEREAS,  For  the  last  three  decades  he  has  worked  for   the
Schenectady  Inner  City  Ministry,  currently  serving as its Executive
Director; in this capacity, he leads the group in addressing  a  variety
of community needs; and

  WHEREAS,   This   distinguished   man   of   God  has  always  given
enlightenment, guidance and wisdom to the many entrusted to his care and
has administered  abundantly  and  unstintingly  to  the  spiritual  and
corporal needs of all; and

  WHEREAS,  It  is  the  sense  of  this  Legislative  Body  that when
presented with a person who carries such outstanding  moral  and  social
values,  it  is  appropriate  to  publicly  and  exultantly proclaim and
commend that individual for the guidance and mentorship of others;  now,
therefore, be it

  RESOLVED,  That  this Legislative Body pause in its deliberations to
commend Reverend Philip Grigsby upon the occasion of his designation  as
recipient of the James and Pearl Campbell Peace and Justice Award by the
Capital  Area Council of Churches, noting the commitment he has shown to
furthering  the peace and justice of his community and this great Empire
State; and be it further

  RESOLVED, That a copy of this  Resolution,  suitably  engrossed,  be
transmitted to Reverend Philip Grigsby.