Senate Resolution No. 2106

BY: Senator GRIFFO

        COMMEMORATING   the   75th   Anniversary   of  the
        Cazenovia Rotary Club

  WHEREAS, It is the sense of this Legislative Body to  recognize  and
pay   tribute   to  those  organizations  of  high  purpose  and  worthy
accomplishment whose endeavors have faithfully served the welfare of the
citizens of the State of New York; and

  WHEREAS, Attendant to such concern  and  in  full  accord  with  its
long-standing  traditions,  this  Legislative  Body  is  justly proud to
commemorate the 75th Anniversary of the Rotary Club  of  Cazenovia,  New
York,   to  be  celebrated  with  a  cocktail  hour,  dinner  and  award
presentations on Friday, May 31, 2024, at the Lincklaen House; and

  WHEREAS,  Rotary  International  is  one  of  the  largest   service
organizations in the world, with a mission to provide service to others,
promote  integrity, and advance world understanding, goodwill, and peace
through the fellowship of business, professional, and community leaders;
the non-political and non-religious organization has 46,000-plus  member
clubs that work together to promote peace, fight illiteracy and poverty,
help people get access to clean water and sanitation, fight disease, and
protect Earth and its resources; and

  WHEREAS,  Since  1949,  the Cazenovia Rotary Club has adhered to the
motto, "Service Above  Self";  over  the  past  decades,  the  club  has
compiled  and  distributed  a  new phone book with information about the
community every two years; and

  WHEREAS, Due to the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic, the  Cazenovia
Rotary  Club has been unable to produce a phone book since their 2018-19
edition; now re-introducing their work, the club will release its  first
Cazenovia area phone book since then in early fall of 2024; and

  WHEREAS,  Continuously  kept up to date, the Cazenovia Rotary Club's
phone book covers the towns of  Cazenovia,  Nelson,  and  parts  of  the
hamlet  of  Perryville,  containing both white and yellow pages; with no
charge to be added to the white pages, the 2018-19 white pages had 3,706
phone numbers, including listings for clubs,  local  organizations,  and
churches; and

  WHEREAS, 96 ads were sold for the 2018-19 phone book and those vital
businesses  of the surrounding Cazenovia community have all been invited
to advertise again in the upcoming  edition;  new  businesses  can  also
purchase ad space and there are also some ads provided for free; and

  WHEREAS,  The  money  raised  through the phone books created by the
Cazenovia Rotary Club are donated to  support  local  organizations  and
initiatives,  as  well as used for the starting funds for the next phone
book publication; the club has  contributed  funds  to  support  Lamplit
Farm's  Winter  Fest  and  Fall  Fest wagon rides, Little Free Libraries
throughout the community, Feed our Vets, Madison County Children's Camp,
Cazenovia High School scholarships, Dolly Parton's  Imagination  Library
with  CPL,  CazCares,  polio  eradication through the Rotary Foundation,

repairs to the kiosk in front of Kinney Drugs, the purchase of a  manure
spreader  for  From  The  Ground  Up  Therapeutic  Horsemanship, and the
shipment of 72 cases of books collected from CPL and  Cazenovia  schools
to South Africa in shipping containers capable of being converted into a
school or medical office; and

  WHEREAS,  The  success  of  the  Cazenovia  Rotary Club is in direct
correlation to the efforts of its President  and  Committee  Chair,  Joe
Gugino;  Vice  President,  Fred  Palmer;  Treasurer  and  Immediate Past
President, Anna Marie  Neuland;  Secretary,  Sandi  Patrizio;  Committee
Chair, Sandi Patrizio; and dedicated members, whose involvement are, and
always   have  been,  characterized  by  an  impressive  commitment,  an
unbridled enthusiasm, and an uncompromising standard  of  excellence  in
all endeavors on behalf of the organization and the community it serves;

  WHEREAS,  It  is  the  custom  of  this  Legislative  Body that when
individuals and organizations of such noble aims and accomplishments are
brought to our attention, they should be celebrated  and  recognized  by
all the citizens of this great Empire State; now, therefore, be it

  RESOLVED,  That  this Legislative Body pause in its deliberations to
commemorate the 75th Anniversary of the Cazenovia Rotary Club; and be it

  RESOLVED, That a copy of this  Resolution,  suitably  engrossed,  be
transmitted to the Cazenovia Rotary Club.