Senate Resolution No. 1932

BY: Senator MAYER

        CONGRATULATING  Karen Blumenthal upon the occasion
        of  her  retirement  after  nearly   30   years   of
        distinguished service to Student Advocacy, Inc.

  WHEREAS,  It  is  the  custom  of this Legislative Body to honor and
recognize those dedicated  professionals,  who  strive  to  enhance  the
quality   of   education   for   our   students,  and  whose  character,
accomplishments and community contributions inspire all citizens of this
great Empire State; and

  WHEREAS, Attendant to such concern, and  in  full  accord  with  its
long-standing  traditions,  this  Legislative  Body  is  justly proud to
congratulate Karen Blumenthal upon the occasion of her retirement  after
nearly 30 years of distinguished service to Student Advocacy, Inc.; and

  WHEREAS,  Well-known  for addressing attendance problems and chronic
absenteeism in  relationship  to  student  success,  Karen  Blumenthal's
efforts  have  played  a  vital  role  in  bringing attention to strong,
effective attendance policies and practices which have  had  a  positive
impact on schools and districts throughout Westchester County, New York;

  WHEREAS,  Karen  Blumenthal  has  dedicated  her  life and career to
improving the educational opportunities for all children; and

  WHEREAS, In June of 1989, Karen  Blumenthal  began  her  illustrious
career  with  Student  Advocacy,  Inc.,  a  nonprofit organization which
provides an effective voice for children who face significant  obstacles
in   school,  so  they  receive  the  resources  they  need  to  succeed
educationally and rediscover their lives; and

  WHEREAS, Karen Blumenthal has co-authored three  Attendance  Papers;
the  2017 paper, Strengthening School Attendance Policies and Practices,
discusses how chronic absence is now an accountability indicator in  New
York's plan to implement the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA); and

  WHEREAS, In addition, this extraordinary woman has published a great
deal  of  work  on  various  topics  such  as adoption, foster care, and
children and female prisoners; she most recently authored, Solutions Not
Suspensions Intervention Guide: A Planning Guide to Promote Alternatives
to Suspensions; and

  WHEREAS, With a steadfast and unwavering  commitment  to  education,
Karen  Blumenthal  has also served as an instructor at the University of
Maryland School of Social Work and as an adjunct  lecturer  at  Columbia
University School of Social Work; and

  WHEREAS,  Prior  to  her  role at Student Advocacy, Karen Blumenthal
served the Children's Defense Fund as a consultant in  1974,  and  later
transitioned to Special Services for Children in New York City; and

  WHEREAS,  After several years, Karen Blumenthal turned her attention
to Westchester area children, working with various organizations such as

Children's Village, United Way of Westchester  and  Family  Services  of
Westchester; through her tireless work with these groups, she has made a
significant impact on the lives of countless children and families; and

  WHEREAS,  The  Westchester  County community is indeed fortunate and
blessed to have had such a dedicated and respected  educational  leader;
her  wisdom and contributions reached into every classroom, truly making
a difference in the lives of those lucky enough to have worked with her;

  WHEREAS, A significant contributor to education in New  York  State,
Karen  Blumenthal has continually demonstrated an impressive dedication,
an unparalleled devotion and an unremitting enthusiasm for  the  quality
of  the educational programs and opportunities offered in her community;

  WHEREAS, Rare indeed is  the  occurrence  of  such  a  compassionate
blending  of  strength,  leadership,  intellect,  and commitment as that
demonstrated by Karen  Blumenthal  over  a  lifetime  of  sacrifice  and
dedication to others; now, therefore, be it

  RESOLVED,  That  this Legislative Body pause in its deliberations to
honor Karen Blumenthal upon the occasion of her retirement, and to  wish
her continued success in all her future endeavors; and be it further

  RESOLVED,  That  a  copy  of this Resolution, suitably engrossed, be
transmitted to Karen Blumenthal.