Senate Resolution No. 1895


        HONORING  Gary  Baxter  upon  the  occasion of his
        retirement after 15 years  of  distinguished  public
        service to Ontario County, New York

  WHEREAS,  It  is  the  sense of this Legislative Body to acknowledge
those individuals whose professional lives and civic endeavors serve  to
enhance the stature of the State of New York; and

  WHEREAS,  Attendant  to  such  concern,  and in full accord with its
long-standing traditions, this Legislative Body is justly proud to honor
Gary Baxter upon the occasion  of  his  retirement  after  15  years  of
distinguished public service as Ontario County Treasurer; and

  WHEREAS,  A  graduate  of Geneva High School, Gary Baxter went on to
earn his Associate in Applied Science in Criminal  Justice  degree  from
the Community College of the Finger Lakes; and

  WHEREAS,  Gary  Baxter's career in public service began in 1978 when
he was sworn in as a police officer for the City of Geneva; serving as a
D.A.R.E.  officer and detective for the City of Geneva Police Department
from 1989 to 1998, he established one of the first D.A.R.E. programs  in
New York State in the Geneva City School District; and

  WHEREAS,  Prior  to his appointment as County Treasurer, Gary Baxter
proudly served as Ontario County Deputy Sheriff from 2000 to 2005; and

  WHEREAS, First appointed to the position from which he  will  retire
by  Governor  George  Pataki,  Gary  Baxter  went on to secure his first
election win as  Ontario  Country  Treasurer  in  2006,  and  later  was
re-elected in 2007, 2011, 2015, 2019, and again in 2023; and

  WHEREAS,  During  his tenure as County Treasurer, Gary Baxter served
as president of the New  York  State  Treasurers  and  Finance  Officers
Association; and

  WHEREAS,  For  the  past  15  years,  Gary Baxter rendered faithful,
conscientious, and valuable service to the citizens of  Ontario  County;

  WHEREAS,  Gary  Baxter,  in  acts  of  true  compassion and care for
others, saved many families and residents under  his  jurisdiction  from
losing  their homes by making certain that he personally contacted every
landowner whose property was at stake of reaching the auction roll; and

  WHEREAS, In his capacity as Ontario County  Treasurer,  Gary  Baxter
served with loyalty, honor and distinction; and

  WHEREAS,  A  credit to his active involvement in his community, Gary
Baxter is a past member of the NYS D.A.R.E. Officer's Association,  past
charter  member  and  president of the Police Local Union 3471, and past
member and 9 County Regional Representative of the NYS  Police  Juvenile
Officer's Association; and

  WHEREAS,  In  addition  to  his  involvement  in his community, Gary
Baxter has  owned  and  operated  two  successful  businesses,  Baxter's
Catering  and  Mac's Driving School; he is also a lifelong member of the
Hydrant Hose Fire Department in Geneva, New  York,  where  he  held  the
roles  of  president,  financial secretary, Board of Directors chairman,
building committee chairman, and City of Geneva  fire  commissioner;  he
also  is  a  past  president  of  the Ontario County Volunteer Firemen's
Association; and

  WHEREAS, Gary Baxter has also previously served as a member  of  the
Geneva  Boys  and Girls Club Board of Directors, home school liaison for
the Geneva City School District,  member  of  the  A&FM  Ark  Lodge  33,
liaison  between the City of Geneva and Town of Geneva, and served as an
at large City of Geneva Counselor from 1999 to 2005; and

  WHEREAS, An active and fierce advocate for  our  nation's  veterans,
Gary Baxter is also a past charter treasurer, past commander, and member
of  the  Sons of the American Legion, through the Geneva Winnek Post No.
396; and

  WHEREAS, With unrelenting commitment to his community,  Gary  Baxter
became  active  in  the scouting community when his son, Gordy, became a
Tiger Scout in Pack 5; since then, he has served in  the  capacities  of
den  leader, assistant scoutmaster, and scoutmaster; he currently serves
on the Seneca Waterways Boy Scout Council Board of Directors; and

  WHEREAS, With him throughout have been his beloved wife of 42 years,
Donna; their cherished children,  Gordon  and  Thomas;  and  two  adored
grandchildren, Carson and Hugh, all of whom feel privileged to be a part
of his life and rejoice in his many achievements; and

  WHEREAS,  In  his  official acts, Gary Baxter was governed by a keen
sense of duty and always showed a unique grasp of human problems; and

  WHEREAS, During his  tenure  serving  Ontario  County,  Gary  Baxter
earned  the  admiration,  esteem,  and affection of his colleagues; now,
therefore, be it

  RESOLVED, That this Legislative Body pause in its  deliberations  to
honor  Gary Baxter upon the occasion of his retirement after 15 years of
distinguished service; and be it further

  RESOLVED, That a copy of this  Resolution,  suitably  engrossed,  be
transmitted to Gary Baxter.